这应该是一篇国际诈骗信吧?我想好事也不会落在我头上# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Dear, Sir/Madam
Your Assistance Is Needed
I know how surprise this letter will come to you, but I would advise that
you consider it as a request
from a family in dare need of assistance. I am Mrs. Grace Ngidi of Mutare
town in Zimbabwe. Your
contact information came to me during my search for a reliable and God
fearing person that can
assist me and my only son, and I quite believe on my own that you can be of
great help in this regard
even if I am not acquainted to you before.
The business involves the transfer of Eighteen Million, Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars only
($18,500,000.00) into your chosen bank account for safe keeping. This fund
is inherited from my late
husband who was assassinated by our dictator president (MR ROBERT MUGABE)
and his aides in
view of taking his lands and property during the crisis which lead to the
killing and banishing of
foreign (white) farmers.
After the death of my husband. I was approached by our family lawyer who
told me that my late
husband had filed a document with him which stipulates his "WILL”. In the "
WILL" he specifically
pointed and I quote darling, I wish to draw your attention to the sum of
eighteen Million, five
Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($18.5M) which I deposited with a
Security Company in
South Africa with all the documents filed by our lawyer. In case of my
absence on earth caused by
death only, you should solicit for a foreigner that can assist you to
transfer the money out of (SA) for
investment purposes.
I have saved this money to make the future of my only son "Dylan Ngidi"
bright and fruitful,
including a better tomorrow for you all. Please take good care of our son
and yourself, we shall meet
to part no more. From the above, you will understand that my future
especially the future of my son
depends on this money and as such I will be grateful if you can assist us in
transferring this fund to
your account overseas for our investments. You can contact my son, direct on
this Email :(
XXXX) call him with this phone no: +XXXX and arrange with him on
the modalities of transferring this fund without any hitch.
For your assistance we have agreed to offer you 30% of the total fund, while
the remaining 70% will
be kept for us under your care till our arrival in your country and you will
perhaps advise us on the
best investment /business opportunities to invest the fund.
Mrs. Grace Ngidi

我觉得开个空账号试一下也无妨 就是怕FBI查我洗黑钱

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: 如果把我收到过的这种信里面的所有数字加起来,我大概能进胡润富豪榜前100