一个哥儿们写的反驳,我觉得觉得不错,大家可以参考一下# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Tom Brannan:
Jimmy Kimmel responded to the children by saying:
"Should we allow the Chinese to live?"
That means Kimmel proclaimed, like Hitler did, and TAUGHT the children that
"we", reasonably
interpreted as Americans, have the "right" to decide whether all Chinese
people should be
subjected to genocide.
Worse, Kimmel added insult to injury by making backhanded insults to repeat
a range of fake
apologies, such as by saying "we won't do Children's Round Table any more",
as if it was only the
children's fault, as if the demonstrators were demonstrating against the
format and just did not
understand English sufficiently, and as if Chinese people just do not get
jokes by children! It
is classic deliberate hiding of TRUE INNER intention to hurt, to harm, to
commit illegal,
unconstitutional acts by disguising such racial hatred provoking acts as "
Worst of all, Kimmel is promoting a cool trend to hide illegal racist acts,
intention, attitude
by what he and many consider "sophisticated skills" to be racist against
members of another race
in general -- that is what Obama must explain most carefully and denounce in
his response.
See recent reports on Neo-Nazis recruiting strategies in Germany. That is
the EXACT tactic neo-
Nazi groups recruit young members at first --- by making jokes to make
racial hatred "cool". In
Germany, there is an effort to alert youngsters to be aware of such neo-Nazi
Homicide of innocent, Asian strangers have increased in recent years, since
Obama repeatedly
scapegoated Asians for our economic woes, when the OFFICIAL report headed by
DeAngelis, did not
find ANY evidence that China, Chinese people, or Chinese Americans
contributing ANYTHING to the
financial crisis or the current economic woes.
Some of such crimes victimized other colored people in America.
I believe similar rhetoric ALREADY has killed.
This may be Obama's opportunity for redemption.