









  • 您可在注册“智行者登记计划”。

  • 有关在当地健康防疫措施下,如何前往搭乘确认航班的问题—发送电邮至[email protected]或拨打+86 10 8531-4000(按“0”接通总机)。

  • 有关如何在上海取得食物、饮用水、医药、供应物资或其他紧急协助需求–发送电邮至[email protected]或拨打+86 10 8531-4000(按“0”接通总机)。

  • 联系您当地的居民委员会或雇主,要求协助食物递送或大量订购。食物递送可能所有延迟,某些物资的供应可能有限。

  • 关于中国其他地区的问题—利用下列联系信息,与大使馆或您所在地区内的总领事馆取得联系。

  • 检查个人准备情况,确保如果突然受到限制或隔离,您的家人有足够的金钱、医药、食物和其他必需品。

  • 确保可取得包括旅行和身份在内的所有必要文件,且内容信息正确。

  • 立即联系您的亲友,并定期告知最新情况。他们会担心您的安危,因此尽可能通过电话、短信、社交媒体等等和他们取得联系,让他们知道您平安无事。当无法接通语音服务时,可能仍可使用短信和数据服务。

  • 关注驻华使馆主要社交媒体渠道:推特(@USAmbChina:和@USA_China_Talk:, 微博 (@美国驻华大使馆 ), 和微信 (@美国驻华大使馆  ).

如遇紧急情况,请拨打+(86)(10) 8531-4000。如欲获得更多信息,请见或发电邮至:

U.S. Mission China Statement on the Ordered Departure for U.S. Consulate General Shanghai

The United States has no higher priority than the safety and security of U.S. citizens overseas, including Mission China’s personnel and their families.

On April 11, 2022, the Department of State ordered the departure of non-emergency U.S. government employees and their family members from U.S. Consulate General Shanghai.  The movement from “authorized” to “ordered” departure means that we are now mandating that certain employees depart Shanghai rather than making this decision voluntary.  Our change in posture reflects our assessment that it is best for our employees and their families to be reduced in number and our operations to be scaled down as we deal with the changing circumstances on the ground.  The employees and family members will depart on commercial flights.  The Department ordered the departure due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.

Ambassador Burns and other Department and Mission officials have continuously raised our concerns about the safety and welfare of U.S. citizens with People’s Republic of China officials.  We have informed the government of the PRC about the ordered departure.

U.S. Mission staff will continue to be available 24 hours per day across China to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens.  We have adjusted staffing throughout the Mission to respond to the surge in demand for emergency citizen services, including providing supplemental support to Consulate General Shanghai by a team at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.  Where conditions permit, regular U.S. citizen and visa services remain open to the public, and facilities at the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai will reopen to the public as soon as possible.

The ordered departure status of U.S. Consulate General Shanghai will be reviewed in 30-day increments.  While we do not comment on the details of staffing adjustments, we continually adjust our staffing posture to respond to changing demands and circumstances.

For U.S. citizens in Shanghai who wish to depart China, commercial flights remain available but are limited.   We are engaged on the issue of airport access for U.S. citizen travelers with confirmed air tickets.

The Mission has sent multiple messages, including public statements on April 6 and April 9, to U.S. citizens as the situation has developed.  If you are a U.S. citizen, we recommend noting or considering the following:

  • You can register in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program at .

  • For questions about accessing your confirmed flight due to local health control measures – email [email protected] or call +86 10 8531-4000 (press “0” for operator).

  • For questions about access to food, water, medications, or supplies in Shanghai or for other urgent assistance – email [email protected] or call +86 10 8531-4000 (press “0” for operator).

  • Contact your local neighborhood committee or employer for assistance with obtaining food delivery or bulk ordering.  Food deliveries may be delayed, and the supply of certain items limited.

  • For questions regarding other parts of China – contact the Embassy or Consulate General in your district at the contact information provided below.

  • Review your personal preparedness to ensure you have a sufficient supply of money, medication, food, and other necessities for your family in the event of sudden restrictions or quarantine.

  • Ensure all necessary documents are accessible and up to date, including travel and identity documents.

  • Contact your family and friends immediately and share regular updates.  They will be concerned about your well-being, so reach out to them however possible – via phone, text, social media, etc. – to let them know you are safe.  Text and data services may work when voice services do not.

  • Follow Mission China’s main social media channels: Twitter (@USAmbChina  and @USA_China_Talk: ), Weibo (@美国驻华大使馆:  ), and WeChat (@美国驻华大使馆 ).

In case of emergency, please call +(86)(10) 8531-4000.  Further information can also be found at and emailing:


来源: qq
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