

A teacher at a Roman Catholic school in southwest France was killed on Wednesday in a stabbing attack by a teenage pupil who claimed he was possessed.

The teacher, who taught Spanish and was in her 50s, was giving the class at the school in the town of Saint-Jean-de-Luz when the pupil attacked her with a knife.

Pupils fled in panic after the stabbing, local newspaper Sud Ouest said.

According to BFM TV, the student then left the scene and entered the neighbouring classroom, where another teacher succeeded in disarming him without incident.

During negotiations, the student was calm and reportedly told the second teacher that he was possessed, and that “voices” told him to stab her.

The teacher stayed with the 16-year-old student until police arrived on scene.

The victim was given emergency aid at the scene, but Bayonne prosecutor Jerome Bourrier told AFP she died of her wounds.

"My thoughts are with the family, colleagues and the pupils. I will be going to the site straight away," said Education Minister Pap Ndiaye.

Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin is a private Catholic school in the fishing town of Saint-Jean-de-Luz, where the assailant earned good grades and was unknown to police. The school, which is a combined middle and high school and has about 1,100 students, was placed under lockdown for two hours and re-opened around mid-day.

Government spokesperson Olivier Veran also expressed his condolences on Twitter: “No words can describe the tragedy that occurred in Saint-Jean-de-Luz. My thoughts for the teacher's family, her students and for the entire educational community.”

For some, the violent incident drew comparisons to the shocking murder of Samuel Paty in 2020, a high school teacher who was beheaded by an Islamic terrorist of Chechen origin after showing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in class.

David Lisnard, the Republican mayor of Cannes was quick to evoke Paty's murder and call out an increasingly violent society on Twitter.

"Three years ago Samuel Paty was murdered on leaving school. This morning it was a teacher from St-Jean-de-Luz who lost her life after being stabbed in her class by a student. Full support to the victim's family, faculty and students," he tweeted.

"It's hard to put emotion aside when school is the theatre of horror. But it is clear, while waiting for the 'motivations' of the murderer, that the violence that plagues our society no longer knows any borders. The state must protect our teachers," he added.


渣女!34岁华人女教师性虐待学生,曾是学区优秀老师欧皇附体!美国一男子在公园发现3.29克拉褐色钻石自称“被附身”的16岁学生在教室刺杀了老师,一刀致命!CS书单|斯坦福大学的学生CS课上都在学什么?悲痛!中国留学生中枪「终生瘫痪」父母绝望崩溃,第一时间赶来悲痛!法拉盛35岁华裔外卖郎遭枪击!当场死亡!实在!自称“老网民”的新总理亮相记者会吹来一股新风悲痛!20岁中国留学生遭枪击中弹,终生瘫痪!父母崩溃绝望,第一时间赶来...太恶劣!餐馆“被恶意”纵火,附近商家遭殃被货车乱撞,损失惨重!毫无悔意!美16岁少年114刀捅死女同学被判终身监禁。遭6岁小学生教师内开枪!! 维州女教师伤势稳定但依然严重两度被捕!圣地亚哥华裔女教师,涉嫌与12岁男生发生性关系,刚获加州“年度教师”荣誉悲痛!31岁华女客死他乡 打工度假却在新年前病发身亡 家人悲恸欲绝悲痛!加拿大16岁华裔少女被恶汉残杀藏尸!法官:罪不可赦!家人发声BK华人悲痛泣別!“我们的心都碎了”真恶心!小学生都不放过!34岁华人女教师性虐待学生,曾是学区优秀老师华裔女教师惨死后院!刚评为“年度教师” 疑似遭家暴被枪杀悲痛!两位巨星陨落!10天内已痛失20位院士!辽宁自杀女教师纵欲上瘾,令人胆战心惊!照片妙龄亚裔女教师被男友残忍枪杀 网络认识仅一周 母悲痛不已称:早有预兆少女悲痛!安省一名28岁警员执行公务时遭枪杀:刚过试用期!两名疑犯被捕!圣诞节前后,痛失16位院士悲痛!大多伦多55岁华人男子在401被醉驾司机逆行相撞,不幸身亡在前往莱蒙山顶的路上波士顿人悲痛!Spencer病逝,“你的精神和决心鼓舞了我们所有人。我们会怀念你的,而且很自豪地说,你是我们的朋友。”网络互喷十年!大温华人女子在法庭上捅人!法官驳回她精神障碍的辩护!悲痛!20岁中国留学生枪击案中不幸中弹,终生瘫痪!父母崩溃绝望,第一时间赴美...广州“海王”女教师!同时交往48名男家长,仅情人节就收红包20万…震惊法国!女教师课上被16岁学生刺死美国档案--1914年留美自费学生甘鑑先圣地亚哥华裔女教师,涉嫌与12岁男生发生性关系,两次被捕,刚获加州“年度教师”荣誉惨烈!澳洲16岁少女下水玩,竟被鲨鱼活活咬死!朋友全程目睹!家人悲痛欲绝!弗吉尼亚州6岁儿童枪击教师!教师目前情况稳定,枪支藏匿地点和来源依旧不清