金融巨头 | Citadel 2024暑期实习开放申请,华尔街最爽实习生
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招聘要求 …
开放职位:Citadel Associate Program (Equities) – Summer Internship, 2024 (US)
工作地点:New York
项目描述 …
As a participant in our summer program, you will experience first-hand long-short equities investing from the inside of one of the world’s most preeminent hedge funds. Participants will learn through three different avenues: instructor led classroom training, rotations on investment teams, and a team-based stock pitch.
• Classroom instruction will be led by a former Citadel Portfolio Manager. The curriculum will focus on key Associate building blocks – basic financial modeling, dissecting a company’s future business prospects, and distinguishing between good and bad businesses, and attractive and unattractive investment opportunities, among other areas. It will also provide extensive exposure to Citadel’s best-in-class infrastructure, allowing participants to understand how the right technology investing applications and risk management systems help drive repeatable investing process and best in class performance.
• Investment team rotations will give our interns the chance to perform bespoke research projects while reporting directly to analysts and portfolio managers across different industry groups.
Your Objectives:
Learn smart and efficient financial modeling techniques
Gain exposure to innovative research tactics including identifying and mining external data sources
Apply analytical and research skills to executing an investment process
Experience best-in-class research technology and quantitative risk systems
Accepting applications for 2025 graduates into our internship program for the Summer of 2024.
任职资格 …
Strong organization skills to help create and maintain investment team infrastructure
Desire and ability to learn and apply efficient financial modeling techniques
Strong communication skills, both written and verbal
Ability to leverage incomplete and imperfect information into a well-formulated thesis
Skill in utilizing third party data sets to support or refute pillars of an argument
Interest in learning and applying new technology applications
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