


To put the notion of “people-centered development” into effect, the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources has organized a series of competitions themed “Center on People, Design for Cities” since 2018. Focusing on public facilities in urban space, the serial competitions call for design proposals to create fine public spaces and thus improve the functional quality of cities. Seven widely influential events have been launched so far, including the Competition for Blood Donation Facilities in Key Areas of Nanjing, the Competition for Nanjing Metro Station Entrance and Exit, the Competition for Micro Stations in Jiangsu Garden Expo Park, the Maigaoqiao Street Covered Bridge Design Competition, the Competition for Landscape Facilities in Nanjing Green Expo Garden, Viewing Pavilion-Micro Building, the Design Competition for the Stereoscopic Environment-Community Unit in Nanjing, and Micro Settlement - Light Construction, the Nanjing Environment-Community Units Architectural Design Competition. The eighth competition carries on the efforts on small-and-micro renewal of urban leftover spaces to help improve people’s livelihood and give expression to local culture.


Under the theme of “Double-Oriented Wharf & Stereoscopic Community” and facing the issue of the interstitial and leftover space between the water line and land line that exist widely in cities, meanwhile in response to people’s daily needs for urban infrastructure in the post-COVID era, this competition spurs reflections on new strategies and approaches of integrating China’s current public infrastructure into people’s daily life and encourages participants to renew their understanding of contemporary urban space and life, and design with the strategy of landscape urbanism and the notion of “stereoscopic environment-community unit”.

This competition is open to participants both at home and abroad, and the winning proposals will be implemented. Hopefully, through consultation, joint contribution and sharing, this event can offer an example of small and micro-renewal of post-COVID public urban space, facilitate urban renovation and ecological remediation, and thus enhance the gratification and contentment of citizens.

本期竞赛邀请著名建筑师、奥斯陆建筑与设计学院(AHO)前校长Per Olaf Fjeld教授,著名建筑师、瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学(ETH Zurich)Christian Kerez教授,著名建筑师、犬吠工作室(Atelier Bow-Wow)主持建筑师、东京工业大学塚本由晴教授,著名学者、建筑师、东南大学建筑学院葛明教授,著名建筑师、中国建筑设计院有限公司总建筑师李兴钢,著名学者、建筑师、王维仁建筑设计研究室主持建筑师、香港大学建筑系王维仁教授组成专家学术指导委员会。(按中外、姓氏首字母排序)
Members of the Academic Steering Committee for this competition include eminent architect Prof. Per Olaf Fjeld, former President of the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO), eminent architect Prof. Christian Kerez at ETH Zurich, eminent architect Prof. Yoshiharu Tsukamoto at Tokyo Institute of Technology, lead architect of Atelier Bow-Wow, eminent scholar and architect Prof. Ge Ming at Southeast University,eminent architect Li Xinggang, Chief Architect of China Architecture Design & Research Group,  eminent scholar and architect Prof. Wang Weijen at Department of Architecture, Hong Kong University and lead architect of Wang Weijen Architecture. (In order by international judges, Chinese judges and surname alphabetically.)


1.大赛征集 Call for Submissions
April 7th, 2023 - 24:00, September 9th, 2023 (Beijing Time, submission deadline)

2.踏勘及答疑 Site Survey and Q&A
Site surveys and Q&A sessions will be organized in April 2023.

3.专家评审 Jury Review
From September to October 2023, two rounds of jury review will be convened. The preliminary review will determine the shortlisted entries, and the final review will determine the winners of the first, second, and third prizes.

4.网络票选 Online Voting
In October 2023, the shortlisted entries will be announced for online voting. The online voting will determine the winners of the “Award of Online Popularity”.

5.结果公示 Public Notice on the Results
From October to November 2023, a public notice on the competition results will be given.

6.表彰展示 Recognition and Exhibition
In November 2023, the laureates will be announced and recognized, and the award-winning proposals will be displayed in a dedicated exhibition.

1. 参赛对象 Participants
This competition is open to all individuals and organizations in China and abroad. Any design organizations, independent architects, students, and individuals of any other occupation are welcome to participate.

2. 参赛报名 Registration
Participants can download the registration materials through the following link. Meanwhile, participants should send the competition registration materials (including the design proposal, letter of commitment, entry form, and ID documents, see the requirements in “Competition Materials”) to the email address ( with the subject “Design Competition for the Double-Oriented Wharf & Stereoscopic Community” by 24:00, September 9th, 2023 (Beijing Time, submission deadline).

*Participants can be individuals, teams, or organizations. Design plans that have already been implemented, published, or involved in other competitions are not eligible for participation.
Design Task Specification

1. 设计内容及要求 Design Targets and Requirements

Located along the tour route of Qinhuai River in Qinhuai District, Nanjing, the site functions as a service facility for the newly built wharf. Public facilities like this, as part of Nanjing’s cultural hallmarks, serve the needs of the traditional Qinhuai tour activities. Their connections with land transportation and community life need further enhancement. Under the theme of “Double-Oriented Wharf & Stereoscopic Community”, two plots are designated as the design targets. You can base your proposal on EITHER of the two plots, dealing with the issue of interstitial space and connections between water line and land line, designing one structure or a set of structures, providing facility services for water and land, and shaping a stereoscopic community in a duplicable and scalable way.

1.1 水埠灯影:双线码头-立体社区
Wharf-Community: Double-Oriented Wharf & Stereoscopic Community

Design a stereoscopic wharf community which serves both as a wharf for the water line and as a service provider for daily life along the land line.
The wharf should be factored in for the construction to create an urban environment with a touch of community between the water and land lines.

Double-Oriented Wharf: The typology of interstitial space between the water and land line is very common in cities. The contestant is expected to ponder the special connections between the two routes in terms of elevation, line of sight, and traffic flow, as well as their behaviors and spatial experience, in an effort to redefine public infrastructure in urban areas.
Water Line: Consider new modes of waterfront experience; provide services for water transportation.
Land Line: Rethink the relationship between the city and the waterfront; provide services for land transportation and surrounding communities.

Stereoscopic Community: A stereoscopic, superimposed “community” formed by the wharf facilities and small and microstructures, which re-structures and re-constructs the urban environment, proposing a new model for the renewal of waterfront space in urban areas.
Stereoscopic: Create a stereoscopic, superimposed urban public space to upvalue urban land and invigorate urban waterfront space.
Community: Redefine wharf facilities in line with the concept of “community” and propose a demonstrative wharf-community model.

Typologically, the wharf-community should be suitable for extracting a prototype and play a demonstrative role;
Functionally, the wharf-community should diversify at different heights, serve both the land and water lines, and display special characteristics;
In terms of the wharf-community construction, safety and feasibility should be ensured, with the focus placed on the terrain.

1.2 设计要求 Design requirements

Site plan drawing requirements: Consider the water and land environment holistically, and draw at least a site plan of the wharf-community within the designated scope of the land use.

Functional requirements: You can take the liberty to design the overall functions of the wharf-community, but you should take various behaviors into account, at least including;
A covered wharf for embarkation and disembarkation at the waterfront;
A covered waiting space on the ground (including an indoor ticket booth and waiting space);
An indoor space in an elevated position, and you can devise its functions on your own.

Construction restrictions: The waterfront side of the structure should not exceed 7 meters, measured from its highest point to the highest normal water level; the height of the street-facing structures should not exceed 9 meters from the ground surface of the land route; the foundation and upper covering of the structures should not go beyond the red-lined scope for construction; terrain and landscape design can be conducted within the red-lined scope of land use and the wharf terrace scope.

Area requirements: The total construction area should be 200 square meters maximum, and the indoor spaces on the ground or in an elevated position should be 30 square meters minimum, respectively.

Environmental requirements: Ensure the safety of the embankment. The embankment must be continuous and not lower than the absolute elevation of 6.4m to meet flood control requirements. While designing an overall reconstruction of the terrain, embankment, and landscape, you should determine the elevation of the wharf platform according to the design (the normal water level is 4.38-4.58m, and the drainage control water level is 4.88m), and try to conserve the existing trees as much as possible, but some of them can be transplanted where appropriate.

1.3 场地条件 Site conditions

Located along the bank 2.5 kilometers west of the Inner Qinhuai River in Qinhuai District, both plots cover an area of around 1,000 square meters.


Plot A: Duicao-Lane Wharf

Through shaping the Double-Oriented Wharf & Stereoscopic Community, the aim is to animate the surrounding area of Duicao Lane as an urban node connecting or giving access to the Xiaoxihu block. The detailed planning is up to the contestant.


Plot B: Huilong-Street Wharf

Through shaping the Double-Oriented Wharf & Stereoscopic Community, the aim is to animate the surrounding area of Guochuangyuan block as an urban node connecting and connecting the cultural and creative leisure functions on both sides of the river. The detailed programing is up to the contestant.

2.成果要求 Requirements for the Design Outcome

2.1 图面表达内容:Graphic content

① A brief description (300 words maximum)

② A site plan

③ A complete set of drawings that clearly manifest your design intent (e.g., plan, elevation, section, overall rendering, detail drawings of a part, etc.). No restriction on the means of manifestation.

④It is forbidden to include in the drawing any information revealing the identity of the designer. Nonobservance will lead to disqualification.

2.2 图面排版要求:Layout Requirements

①Format: Electronic file, either PDF or JPG

②Size: 841mm (W) * 1189mm (H)

③Precision: not less than 300dpi

④Page: One page in a vertical layout

Judging and Awards

1.专家评审 Jury meeting
From September to October 2023, two rounds of jury review will be convened. The preliminary review will determine the shortlisted entries, and the final review will determine the winners of the first, second, and third prizes.

2.网络评选 Online Voting
In October 2023, the shortlisted entries will be announced for online voting. Based on the voting results, the “Award of Online Popularity” will be conferred. This award is also obtainable to winners of the first, second, and third prizes.

3.奖项设置 Awards

1 first prize winner, bonus: 100,000 yuan;

3 second prize winners, bonus: 50,000 yuan for each;

6 third prize winners, bonus: 20,000 yuan for each;

6 winners of the Award of Online Popularity, bonus: 5,000 yuan for each.

Note: The bonus amounts above are pre-tax.

4.其余奖励:Other rewards
① Award-winning designers and proposals will be announced and recognized;
② Selected award-winning design works will be carried out for construction;
③ Certificates will be conferred upon the winning organizations or individuals.
④Award-winning designers will be included in the designer pool of Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources and recommended for other urban design projects.


Contestants must truthfully fill in the registration information and meet all the requirements of this event. Organizational contestants must have the entry form and letter of commitment stamped with the official seal and submit a scanned copy of the business license (also stamped). Individual contestants must sign the entry form and letter of commitment and submit a scanned copy of the ID cards of all contestants (also signed); otherwise, incomplete submission would result in disqualification. The letter of commitment, entry form, and ID documents shall be submitted in PDF format, and the information input form in Excel format.

Contestants should complete the design task as required. For either plot, each contestant can only submit one proposal. The submitted proposal must be complete; incomplete proposals would be deemed invalid. Submission of multiple proposals would result in disqualification.

Contestants should guarantee the originality of the submissions. Verified plagiarism, pirating, or other forms of IP infringement would result in disqualification.


The copyright of the winning entries is jointly possessed by the designer and the competition organizers. During the follow-up construction, the organizing committee may entrust the detailed design of the scheme or the working drawings to the original designer as a priority choice, or alternatively, to a third-party institution. The copyright of the non-award-winning entries belongs to the designer.

The organizer reserves the right of final explanation for the competition rules.

 Contact Details

1.微信咨询 WeChat Inquiry

*周一至周五 9:00-17:30
*9:00am - 5:30pm, Monday to Friday, Beijing Time

2.联系邮箱 Email Address



审核编辑 | Miranda




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