「未读」Tartan 集合令!

「未读」Tartan 集合令!


Tartan 集合令!

Tartans Assemble!

众所周知,CMU 是个特殊的地方。我们的学生、教员和员工们都在如此一个庆祝古怪和充满激情的社区中茁壮成长,并培养了大胆的思想家和打破界限的人。我们的英雄可能没有穿斗篷,但他们的影响是深远的。

像 Alexis Axon 这样的学生选择 CMU 是为了机遇以及鼓励,是它提供了机会去探索非传统的兴趣。不管人们是喜欢跨学科学习,或是极其细分的学科,甚至是某个全新的领域,从旅途的开始到结束及再往后的时光,CMU 的学生永远都能获得支持。Alexis 和她的 Tartans 伙伴也为能成为这个社区的一员感到无比幸运,而社群中的很多成员依赖于像您这样的捐助者的支持。

这便是为什么,在接下来的两周,我们呼吁 500 名 Tartan 英雄们共同准备一份礼物,如果成功的话,还可以解锁由两名匿名校友捐赠的 $30,000 的挑战奖金。复制以下链接至浏览器,或点击原文,以了解更多并制作你的礼物:


我们知道英雄不需要被说服去拯救世界,但值得一提的是,当您本月捐款时,您不仅会影响像 Alexis 这样努力的 Tartans,还会影响大学对未来学生的吸引力。该如何做到呢?这很简单。

每 500 名本科校友选择响应了号召,我们的校友捐赠参与率就会上升 1%,这对我们在 U.S. News & World Report 上的排名都会有影响。未来的学生和家庭在选择大学时也会密切关注这一排名。任何您觉得合适的金额捐赠都意味着您可以成为变革的一部分,让最优秀和最智慧的人才加入 CMU。


It’s no secret that CMU is a special place. Our students, faculty and staff thrive in a community that celebrates the quirky and the passionate, and fosters the bold-thinkers and boundary-breakers. Our heroes may not wear capes, but their impact is profound.

Students like Alexis Axon chose CMU for the opportunity — and often encouragement — it provides to explore interests that are outside the box. Whether they’re drawn to cross-disciplinary study, an unbelievably specific discipline or a completely new field altogether, CMU students are supported from the start to the finish of their journey and beyond. Alexis and her fellow Tartans feel incredibly fortunate to be part of this community, and many of them couldn’t have made the commitment without the support of donors like you.

That’s why for the next two weeks, we’re calling on 500 Tartan heroes to make a gift, which will unlock a $30,000 challenge gift from two anonymous CMU alumni. Learn more and make your gift:

Thank you for everything you do and remember there is still time to increase your impact this academic year. We hope we’ve made you proud!

We know heroes don’t need to be convinced to save the day. But it’s worth mentioning that when you give this month, not only will you impact hard-working Tartans like Alexis, but you’ll influence the appeal of the university to prospective students as well. How? It’s easy.

For every 500 undergraduate alumni donors who answer the call, our alumni giving participation rate rises by 1%, which has an impact on our overall U.S. News & World Report ranking. Prospective students and families follow this ranking closely when choosing a university to attend. A gift of any amount to any fund that speaks to you means you can be part of the change that keeps the best and brightest coming to CMU.

Learn More:

翻译 / 编辑 / 排版:方楠 Christine Fang





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