


英国大学和学院联盟(UCU)刚刚宣布,英140 所大学的教职员工将于本月晚些时候举行为期五天的罢工,原因是围绕薪资和工作条件的长期争议。

136 所大学从9 月 25 日星期一到 9 月 29 日星期五连续五天罢工,苏格兰四所大学的罢工日期略有不同,与其他工会在当地采取的行动一致。


Aberdeen, The University of

Abertay University

Aberystwyth University

Anglia Ruskin University

Aston University

Arts University Bournemouth

Bangor University

Bath University of

Bath Spa University

Bedfordshire University of

Birkbeck, University of London

Birmingham, The University of

Birmingham Newman University

Bishop Grosseteste University

Buckinghamshire New University

Bolton The University of

Bournemouth University

Bradford, University of

Bristol, University of

Brunel University

Cambridge, University of

Canterbury Christ Church University

Cardiff, University of

Cardiff Metropolitan University

Chester, University of

Chichester, University of

City, University of London

Courtauld Institute of Art

Coventry University

Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

Cumbria University of

Derby University of

De Montfort University

Durham University

East London, University of

Edge Hill University

Edinburgh, University of

Edinburgh Napier University

Essex, University of

Exeter, University of

Falmouth University

Gloucestershire, University of

Wrexham Glyndwr University

Goldsmiths, University of London

Greenwich, University of

Glasgow School of Art

Harper Adams University

Heriot-Watt University

Hertfordshire, University of

Huddersfield, The University of

Hull, The University of

Kings College London

Keele University

Kent, The University of

Kingston University

Lancaster, University of

Leeds, The University of

Leeds Beckett University

Leeds Trinity University

Leicester, University of

Lincoln, University of

Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts LIPA

Liverpool, University of

Liverpool Hope University

Liverpool John Moores University

London Metropolitan University City Campus

Loughborough University

London South Bank University Essex

London School of Economics

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Manchester, University of (Staff are striking from Tuesday 19 to Friday 22 September, and Monday 25 September to Friday 29 September.)

Manchester Metropolitan University

Middlesex University

Newcastle University

Northampton, The University of

Northumbria University

Nottingham, The University of

Norwich University of the Arts

Open University

Oxford, University of

Oxford Brookes University

University of Plymouth

Plymouth Marjon University

Portsmouth, University of

Queen Mary University of London

Queen Margaret University

Royal College of Art

Royal College of Music

Royal Holloway, University of London

Robert Gordon, The University of

Roehampton University

Rose Bruford College

Royal Academy of Music

Royal Agricultural University

Royal Northern College of Music

Royal Veterinary College, University of London

Salford, The University of

Senate House University of London

Sheffield, The University of

Sheffield Hallam University

SOAS, University of London

Solent University

South Wales, University of

Southampton, University of

St Andrews, University of

St Georges, University of London

St Mary’s University Twickenham

St Mary’s University College Belfast

Stirling, The University of

Stranmillis University College

Suffolk, University of

Sunderland, University of

Surrey, University of

Sussex, University of

Swansea University

Teesside, University of

Trinity Laban

University of the Arts London

University College Birmingham

University for the Creative Arts

University College London

Central Lancashire, University of

Ulster University

University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Warwick, University of

West London, University of

West of England, University of the

West of Scotland, University of the

Westminster, University of

Winchester, The University of

Wolverhampton, University of

Worcester, University of

Writtle University College

York, University of

York St John University

英 伦 后 浪   出品










不满薪资待遇,英国136所大学9月底罢工5天!英国重新加入欧洲科研计划!英国大学再扩招国际生:上升至30%!英国工资破纪录疯涨!伦敦地铁宣布更多罢工日期!大改革!安省教育局发布9月返校指南:这些课程变化大!【叫父親太沉重】成了一個笑話突发!秋季开学悬了,安省教师工会发起罢工投票,若谈判无果则九月罢工诺贝尔奖最多的30所大学!麻州的这些大学又是最大赢家!更新!新加坡公布100所大学名单:美国27所英国18所,零门槛拿工签无心去爱南航发布9月新增、增班国际及地区航线计划!英国留学去哪些学校好找工作?认准英国雇主声誉最好的10所大学!突发!52所大学宣布退出QS排名,U.S. News表示:这剧情我太熟了重磅!这所大学宣布!家庭年收入低于10万美元的新生学费全免!全美学生满意度最高的10所大学!公/私立大学最受欢迎的都有谁?《华尔街日报》发布2024年美国大学最新排名/加州州立大学宣布明年秋季开始逐年涨学费/伊利诺伊大学系统新生入学人数创新高中疾控发布9月份新冠感染数据,第三波疫情高峰过去了吗?英国本周年度最热33°C:简直热化了!140所英国大学将罢工五天!嫌疑人越狱:伦敦机场展开安全检查!原本上越战前线的,却掉包上了京都大学,最后到乌有当了人家后爸突发!52所大学宣布退出QS排名,U.S. News表示:这剧情我可太熟了英镑急跌,140所英国大学开学就罢工!数十万留学生彻底懵了...Kate Winslet and Leonardo Di Caprio, like family中国14所大学师生自筹经费,推翻这篇Science论文!英国大学9月举行更多罢工!政府计划禁止使用无性别区分厕所!英国大学补录多给国际生!刚刚!美联储宣布9月不加息,但将很快恢复加息!明年预计降息2次,而不是4次...突发:大英博物馆被盗!3000年文物失踪!英国签证2年仅3人成功申请!A-level成绩出炉!医疗铁路机场8月罢工突发!英国火车宣布9月底再罢工!要闻丨加拿大农业试点移民官宣降低门槛,葡萄牙总统否决黄金签证关停法案,美国公布9月移民排期英国8月下雨冷哭:保持20°C以下,夏天明年见!英国房价14年内最大幅度下滑!加薪6.5%:教师罢工结束!二百海里独漂●我心悲怆(3/5)52所大学宣布退出QS排名,U.S. News表示:这剧情我熟…警告!无车可坐!纽约市校车或将9月罢工。英国大学终于降学费?首相:宰客式大学学位我拒绝!英国大学20%收入来自国际生!伦敦机场千名员工罢工8天!突发!52所大学宣布退出QS排名,U.S. News表示:这剧情我熟…全球Top咨询公司公布2023目标校,英国30所大学上榜,但…Times 、CUG 、卫报三大排名均领先,英国本土最认可这10所大学!警告!无车可坐!纽约市校车或将9月罢工...