北京时间2023年10月3日17时45分(斯德哥尔摩时间2023年10月3日11时45分),2023年诺贝尔物理学奖获奖名单公布,获奖者为:Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz 和 Anne L’Huillier,以表彰他们“开发阿秒光脉冲实验方法来研究物质中的电子动力学”。
1968年获法国艾克斯-马赛大学博士学位,现任美国哥伦布俄亥俄州立大学教授。他曾获得荷兰FOM颁发的Joop Los 奖,2007年获得OSA的William F. Meggers奖,2008年当选为OSA院士。
匈牙利-奧地利物理学家。德国加兴马克斯普朗克量子光学研究所所长、路德维希马克西米利安慕尼黑大学教授。1962 年出生于匈牙利。1991年获得奥地利维也纳科技大学博士学位。他的研究小组率先制出并测量了时间不到1飞秒的光脉冲。研究人员用这些原秒级的光脉冲可以实时观测电子在原子内的运动。这标志了原秒物理的创生。
法国物理学家,瑞典隆德大学教授。1958 年出生于法国巴黎。1986年获得法国巴黎皮埃尔和玛丽居里大学博士学位。她领导着一个阿秒物理小组,该小组实时研究电子的运动,用于了解原子水平上的化学反应。2003年,她和她的团队以170阿秒的最小激光脉冲打破了世界纪录。
Experiments with light capture the shortest of momentsThe three Nobel Laureates in Physics 2023 are being recognised for their experiments, which have given humanity new tools for exploring the world of electrons inside atoms and molecules. Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier have demonstrated a way to create extremely short pulses of light that can be used to measure the rapid processes in which electrons move or change energy.Fast-moving events flow into each other when perceived by humans, just like a film that consists of still images is perceived as continual movement. If we want to investigate really brief events, we need special technology. In the world of electrons, changes occur in a few tenths of an attosecond – an attosecond is so short that there are as many in one second as there have been seconds since the birth of the universe.The laureates’ experiments have produced pulses of light so short that they are measured in attoseconds, thus demonstrating that these pulses can be used to provide images of processes inside atoms and molecules.In 1987, Anne L’Huillier discovered that many different overtones of light arose when she transmitted infrared laser light through a noble gas. Each overtone is a light wave with a given number of cycles for each cycle in the laser light. They are caused by the laser light interacting with atoms in the gas; it gives some electrons extra energy that is then emitted as light. Anne L’Huillier has continued to explore this phenomenon, laying the ground for subsequent breakthroughs.In 2001, Pierre Agostini succeeded in producing and investigating a series of consecutive light pulses, in which each pulse lasted just 250 attoseconds. At the same time, Ferenc Krausz was working with another type of experiment, one that made it possible to isolate a single light pulse that lasted 650 attoseconds.The laureates’ contributions have enabled the investigation of processes that are so rapid they were previously impossible to follow.“We can now open the door to the world of electrons. Attosecond physics gives us the opportunity to understand mechanisms that are governed by electrons. The next step will be utilising them,” says Eva Olsson, Chair of the Nobel Committee for Physics.There are potential applications in many different areas. In electronics, for example, it is important to understand and control how electrons behave in a material. Attosecond pulses can also be used to identify different molecules, such as in medical diagnostics.
诺贝尔物理学奖旨在奖励那些在物理学领域里作出突出贡献的科学家。迄今为止,诺贝尔物理学奖已颁发过115次,其中47次授予单一获奖者,32次由两位获奖者分享,36次由三位获奖者分享。约翰·巴丁是唯一曾在1956年和1972 年两次获得诺贝尔物理学奖的获奖者。2022年物理学奖颁给法国物理学家阿兰·阿斯佩(Alain Aspect)、美国物理学家约翰·弗朗西斯·克劳泽(John F. Clauser)和奥地利物理学家安东·塞林格(Anton Zeilinger)以表彰“用纠缠光子验证了量子不遵循贝尔不等式,开创了量子信息学”。