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左图:社会及家庭发展部长兼卫生部第二部长,主管回教事务部长马善高      右图:宏茂桥集选区议员娜蒂雅






    因此,当我们发声时,我希望人们理解我们发声的背景。例如,我们在以色列问题上的立场是一贯的。我们从一开始就说,以色列有合法权利保护自己免受恐怖行为的侵害。但这不仅仅是对以色列而言。新加坡也是如此。事实上,每个国家都有抵御恐怖行为的权利。就以色列而言,这就是 10 月 7 日的事件。对我们来说,我们必须防范任何事件,并发出我们将采取自卫权行动的信号。







The Chairman: Ms Nadia Samdin.

Ms Nadia Ahmad Samdin: I thank the Minister for sharing about the upcoming RLAF Ramadan fundraising appeal. I believe the previous tranche, over $5 million was raised, it truly speaks to the generosity of Singaporeans. Just two clarifications for the Minister.

Firstly, given that the media has reported how the receipt of aid has been affected on the ground in Gaza, is the Minister able to share at all how the earlier tranche of aid was used by RLAF to reach the innocent victims of the Israel-Palestine crisis and the rebuilding in Gaza as well as the intended use of the future ones, so that Singaporeans are aware of the impact of their efforts?

Secondly, given how protracted the hostilities have been, while the heart of this is not a religious issue, how can community leaders help Singaporeans of all backgrounds process the deep sense of injustice and helplessness felt, so as to prevent unfortunate divisive postings on social media as well as impact on the ground and which affect communities, such as Singaporean Muslims and Singaporean Jews?

Mr Masagos Zulkifli B M M: Thank you, Ms Nadia, for that clarification question. Firstly, every fund that RLAF would have collected would need to be channelled into bodies and use that our Government approves. So, in the previous tranche, we worked with UNRWA and, in the coming tranche, we will work with MFA to identify how these funds will be channelled. And I do not believe this is the last time we will be doing it. I said just now that we will have to move on to do important things that we need to do for the community. I foresee that we will probably need to raise funds again because it does not look like this conflict will be resolved fairly quickly.

On the second question, all of us need to recognise two things about Singapore. It is a small country. We may have a strong government, a strong country, but we are a small country. Therefore, when we go out and say things, our foreign policy is based on our long-term interests as a small country. So, it is to safeguard our Independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, security, and all for the sake of our citizens. And these things are most important, in fact, more important for a small country than a big country.

So, when we say things, I hope people understand the context upon which we say it. For example, our position on Israel has been consistent. We have said that from the start, Israel has a legitimate right to defend itself from acts of terror. But that is not just for Israel. That is for Singapore, too. In fact, every country has a right of defence against acts of terror. In the case of Israel, it was the incident on 7 October. For us, we have to guard ourselves against any incident and sending the signal that we will act as a right of self-defence.

But that is probably where our similarity to Israel ends because we know that the right to self-defence also must comply with international humanitarian law, including principles of necessity and proportionality, principles of distinction and humanity enshrined in the Geneva Conventions. And that is why we voted for two UNGA resolutions which called for a humanitarian ceasefire to alleviate the suffering of the civilian victims in Gaza. And I hope, as leaders, we try to educate people who talk about this to understand the context, what the Government said and why the Government said it. I think it is important that we live as Singaporeans to know why these things have to be said the way they are.

Finally, though, most recently, we have seen Minister Vivian Balakrishnan stated in Parliament last week that the Israeli military response has gone too far. And that is, again, a consistent departure from just calling the right for self-defence with the need to balance it with the right of human dignity and human rights, too.

Secondly, Singapore is not just a small country. Singapore is a diverse country. We are diverse and if our solution to a small country is to be strong, our solution in being diverse is to be united. And that is why, even as a Minister, I may have my sentiments about the Palestinians, fellow Muslims, but I must also, as a Muslim leader and a Minister in Cabinet in a multiracial, multi-religious society country like ours, speak with one voice in Cabinet inasmuch as Singaporeans should be united and speak with one voice because we need to protect Singapore's national interests both domestically and internationally.

A united people, a united Government, that is how we become a strong government, a strong country, despite being small. But I recognise that Singapore Muslims do have connections with the Palestinians. But we also should recognise that we are in a unique position and often not the same situation as many other Muslim communities, especially when they are in the majority.

And, therefore, for us being diverse, we have to work together to preserve the peace between ourselves, never be driven, never be divided, and, as I have shared in the Committee of Supply debate, our community thus far has shown and proven themselves where citizenry is concerned. And I hope that as the situation unravels over the next few months, we continue to hold this, that we must never be divided, we must always seek to unite because we are diverse. And that is the only way Singapore can survive. [Applause.]














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