







poster of 主角的名称+所在的电影(Elf Prince Orlando Bloom in the movie Lord of the rings)
Art Nouveau(新艺术风格

主体动作:standing on the Snowy Tundra
部/头部描述:with curly black hair(黑色卷发), a brooding expression, and dark, intense eyes that convey his serious and thoughtful nature,(明亮、深沉的黑色眼睛)

服饰clad in the sturdy, utilitarian clothing with thick furs and dark muted fabrics,(皮衣,有毛皮和厚的布材质)

环境:depicted alongside his white wolf(白狼伴左右)
clean white background,景,可选

风:a visually stunning composition that captures the essence of the artistic vision
: --ar 9:14
作者风格:in the style of Alphonse Mucha



Art Nouveau poster of (可以增加动作和行动点)(替换角色名称) in the movie (替换电影名称), with (替换面部头部特征表述,主要是皮肤、眼睛、头发等), wearing (替换服饰表述), depicted alongside (替换伴身之物), creating a visually stunning composition that captures the essence of the artistic vision in the style of Alphonse Mucha --ar 9:14 --v 6.0


  • 先来一个瑟后的:

Cersei Lannister, a central character in "Game of Thrones," is known for her regal and commanding presence. She has long, golden blonde hair that is often styled elaborately, reflecting her status and meticulous attention to appearance. Her striking green eyes are expressive and can convey a multitude of emotions, from cold disdain to fierce determination. Cersei's attire is consistently luxurious and carefully chosen to emphasize her authority and royal standing, featuring rich fabrics and bold colors, often with Lannister lion motifs. Her beauty is classic and imposing, designed to both allure and intimidate.



Art Nouveau poster in Alphonse Mucha, Art Nouveau poster of Cersei Lannister sitting on the Iron Throne in the movie Game of Throne, with long golden blonde hair that is often styled elaborately, with striking green eyes convey a multitude of emotions, her attire is utilitarian clothing with thick furs and dark muted fabrics, , often with Lannister lion motifs, Her beauty is classic and imposing, designed to both allure and intimidate, depicted alongside a crown, creating a visually stunning composition that captures the essence of the artistic vision in the style of Alphonse Mucha --ar 9:14 --v 6.0



  • 再来一个女战士布蕾妮的:

Brienne of Tarth, a formidable warrior in "Game of Thrones," stands out with her towering height and broad shoulders, embodying the physical prowess needed for a knight. Her short, blonde hair and striking blue eyes give her a stern yet distinctive appearance. Brienne typically wears armor that is both functional and plain, symbolizing her practical approach to her duties and her indifference to vanity. Her armor is often battered and worn, a testament to her many battles. Despite her rugged exterior, Brienne has a noble and earnest demeanor, reflecting her unwavering commitment to honor and justice.



Art Nouveau poster in Alphonse Mucha , Art Nouveau poster of formidable warrior Brienne holding swold and wrestling with a lion in the arena in the movie Game of Throne, towering height and broad shoulders, has a noble and earnest demeanor, reflecting her unwavering commitment to honor and justice, with short blonde hair and striking blue eyes, wears armor that is both functional and plain, Her armor is often battered and worn, a testament to her many battles, depicted alongside a dog, creating a visually stunning composition that captures the essence of the artistic vision in the style of Alphonse Mucha --ar 9:14 --v 6.0


  • 大家喜闻乐见的马王,当然,我会让他搂上龙妈的:

Khal Drogo, a prominent character in "Game of Thrones," is a powerful and imposing figure. He is a leader of the Dothraki, a nomadic warrior culture. Drogo has a muscular build, embodying the strength and fierceness of his people. His long, dark hair is typically braided, adorned with bells that signify his victories in battle. He also sports a long, thick beard, adding to his warrior persona. Drogo's skin is olive-toned, and his eyes are intense and dark, reflecting his commanding presence. His attire consists mainly of leather and fur, practical for riding and combat, and he often appears shirtless, displaying his prominent warrior tattoos and scars, symbols of his prowess and experience in battle.



Art Nouveau poster in Alphonse Mucha , Art Nouveau poster of Khal Drogo hugging with Daenerys Targaryen and riding a horse on the wild grassland in the movie Game of Throne, a leader of the Dothraki, a nomadic warrior culture, muscular build and shirtless, displaying his prominent warrior tattoos and scars, embodying the strength and fierceness of his people, with long dark hair typically braided and long thick beard, his skin is olive-toned, and his eyes are intense and dark, His attire consists mainly of leather and fur, depicted alongside a group of warriors, creating a visually stunning composition that captures the essence of the artistic vision in the style of Alphonse Mucha --ar 9:14 --v 6.0

  • 接下来该是二丫保护神猎狗桑铎了:

Sandor Clegane, known as "The Hound" in "Game of Thrones," is a rugged character with a distinctive appearance. He is large and powerfully built, with a face that bears the scars of severe burns on one side, giving him a fearsome and grim look. His remaining hair is dark and unkempt, matching his often somber demeanor. The Hound's eyes are deep-set and intense, reflecting his turbulent inner life and his harsh experiences. He typically wears practical, dark clothing along with his distinctive burned and battered armor that is as scarred as his own skin. Despite his intimidating appearance, his expressions occasionally reveal a complex mix of anger, pain, and a begrudging vulnerability.



Art Nouveau poster of "The Hound" Sandor Clegane carrying Arya Stark in the arena in the movie Game of Throne, large and powerfully built, with a face that bears the scars of severe burns on one side, His remaining hair is dark and unkempt, his eyes are deep-set and intense, wears practical, dark clothing along with his distinctive burned and battered armor that is as scarred as his own skin, depicted alongside a hound, creating a visually stunning composition that captures the essence of the artistic vision in the style of Alphonse Mucha --ar 9:14 --v 6.0

  • 有猎狗,必有魔山:

Gregor Clegane, known as "The Mountain" in "Game of Thrones," is an imposing figure, renowned for his sheer size and strength. He is extremely tall and muscular, towering over other characters in the series. His face is heavily scarred and his expression is often grim, reflecting his brutal nature and fearsome reputation. The Mountain's hair is short and dark, and his skin is rough, further enhancing his intimidating appearance. He typically wears heavy armor that emphasizes his bulk and the unstoppable force he represents in battle. His presence is both menacing and dominating, making him a symbol of raw power and terror.



Art Nouveau poster of "The Mountain" Gregor Cleganeswold and wrestling with "The Hounder" Sandor Clegane in the arena in the movie Game of Throne, always wearing helmet, extremely tall and muscular, towering over all, His face is heavily scarred and his expression is often grim, his hair is short and dark, and his skin is rough, wears heavy armor that emphasizes his bulk and the unstoppable force he represents in battle, depicted alongside slings and chains, creating a visually stunning composition that captures the essence of the artistic vision in the style of Alphonse Mucha --ar 9:14 --v 6.0

  • 完美配角,少不了无面者贾坤:

The Faceless Men in "Game of Thrones" are a mysterious and enigmatic group, known for their ability to change their appearance at will. They typically wear nondescript, dark robes that obscure their features, adding to their mystique. The most distinctive aspect of their appearance is the lack of any consistent facial features, as they use masks or magical abilities to adopt the visage of anyone, living or dead. This ability makes their true appearance virtually unknowable, and they often appear as ordinary, unremarkable people to blend into their surroundings. Their attire is always simple and functional, designed not to attract attention, which aligns with their secretive and covert nature.



Jaqen H'ghar, a member of the Faceless Men in "Game of Thrones," is portrayed as having a calm and enigmatic presence. He has a smooth and controlled demeanor, with sharp, intelligent features. His hair is long and white with a hint of red, styled back away from his face, which gives him a distinctive look. Jaqen's eyes are piercing and seem to look through people, enhancing his mysterious aura. His clothing is typically that of the Faceless Men: plain, dark robes that do not draw attention, allowing him to blend into any environment seamlessly. His ability to change his appearance makes his true face elusive, but his initial presentation is often described as intriguing and charismatic.



Art Nouveau poster of "The Faceless Men" Jaqen H'ghar assassinating Arya Stark under dark in the movie Game of Throne, smooth and controlled demeanor, with sharp, intelligent features. His hair is long and white with a hint of red, styled back away from his face, which gives him a distinctive look, Jaqen's eyes are piercing and seem to look through people, wear nondescript, dark robes that obscure their features, adding to their mystique, they use masks or magical abilities to adopt the visage of anyone, living or dead, depicted alongside a mask, creating a visually stunning composition that captures the essence of the artistic vision in the style of Alphonse Mucha --ar 9:14 --v 6.0

  • 最后再来个洋葱骑士,今天也就差不多了!

Davos Seaworth, also known as "The Onion Knight" in "Game of Thrones," possesses a plain yet thoughtful appearance. He is of average height and has a weathered face that tells of his life spent at sea, marked by deep lines and a grizzled beard. His hair is cropped short and turning grey, reflecting his middle age and hard-won wisdom. Davos' eyes are keen and observant, often showing a gentle and understanding expression. Typically dressed in modest clothing suitable for a working man, his garb lacks the flamboyance of higher nobility but underscores his practical nature and humble origins. Despite his unassuming look, Davos carries himself with a quiet dignity and a palpable sense of integrity.



Art Nouveau poster of "The Onion Knight" Davos Seaworth walking from the sea to the coast to in the movie Game of Throne, a plain yet thoughtful appearance, average height and has a weathered face that tells of his life spent at sea, marked by deep lines and a grizzled beard, with cropped short and turning grey hair and keen and observant eyes, dressed in modest clothing suitable for a working man, his garb lacks the flamboyance of higher nobility but underscores his practical nature and humble origins, depicted alongside a boat, creating a visually stunning composition that captures the essence of the artistic vision in the style of Alphonse Mucha --v 6.0 --ar 9:14



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