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盛港集选区议员 林志蔚先生:我想谈谈部长提到的急诊室(ED)中40%的病例是非紧急情况的观点。当然公平地说,我认识到这种行为不仅仅是新加坡独有的。在美国,急诊室经常也因过度使用而挤满人,尽管原因不同,与无保险有关。因此,我认为扩大24小时急诊中心 (UCC)的建议既是补充的,又是与整体容量问题不同的。



王乙康先生:我不认为我们应该将UCC描述为卫生部是否同意它们是有用的。我们提出了UCC。事实上,第一个启动的是在三巴旺集选区,多年来它极大地帮助了邱德拔医院的急诊室,被证明是有用的。正如我之前提到的,如果有必要,如果我们需要建立更多的UCC - 这是一个经过验证的模式 - 我们将考虑这样做。







Assoc Prof Jamus Jerome Lim (Sengkang): I would just like to pick up on the point the Minister shared about the 40% of ED cases being non-critical. Of course, to be fair, I recognise that such behaviour is not unique to Singapore. In the US, ERs are often also flooded by overuse, albeit with different reasons that have to do with the uninsured. My suggestion for expanding UCCs is, therefore, I think, both complementary but distinct to the question of capacity in general.

My first question then is, if MOH agrees that UCCs can indeed be a complementary part of the secondary-care landscape, how do we increase their take-up? What sort of incentives or educational efforts can MOH provide to non-urgent cases to choose to access UCCs instead of our EDs?

My second question relates to his point about the doctor-to-population ratio. He shared that Japan has a comparable ratio in the face of a large elderly population. But I would venture that European countries, which he mentioned, are in fact better-prepared in terms of medical staffing for their super-aged societies. On that, I wonder if MOH will consider increasing the number of medical schools that it recognises from foreign countries. After all, as he said, the competition for talent is global and, so it seems unnecessary for us to further hamstring our efforts to recruit from abroad.

Mr Ong Ye Kung: I do not think we should describe as, whether MOH agrees that UCCs are useful. We came up with UCCs. In fact, the first one that started was in Sembawang group representation constituency (GRC) and it greatly – over the years – greatly helped Khoo Teck Puat Hospital's ED, helped them manage their ED load and it has proven to be useful. And as I mentioned, if need be, if we need to set up more UCCs – this is a proven model – we will consider doing so.

1.15 pm

But there are competing models. GPFirst in the east has also worked quite well. So, between the two, either or, I think we should consider them.

As for doctor-to-population ratio, I explained to some extent in my speech, the European doctor-to-population ratio is somehow just higher than the rest of the world. Even in Asia, comparing developed economies, we are more or less about the same level. I do not know what is the reason, some say it is the legacy of the welfare state, others say they did not plan for manpower. But when you look at individual European countries, it is not that pretty a picture. 

The Dutch, for example, they have stopped using nursing homes because there are not enough medical personnel nor doctors to man them. So today, if you are an old person in Holland, in Netherlands, the default care model is actually home care with a lay person, maybe a nurse, maybe an allied professional visiting you twice or three times a day. That is what they have resorted to.

Germany, the doctors there told me they are in dire straits. Across the states, the hospitals are not efficiently configured and that is what they told me and therefore they are also, despite having more doctors, not delivering the healthcare that the people need.

So, as I mentioned, it is just one number. It is not a numbers game. Where they are trained and what kind of specialty, how the entire system is run, whether the insurance system of that country or the welfare system is creating oversupply, all these play a part. So we take all these into consideration as we manage our healthcare challenge.

As to our own doctor-to-population ratio, it has been increasing. Ten years ago, it was about 2.0, today it is 2.6. So moving forward, there is some room for three local medical schools to take in slightly more perhaps. There is possibility of having more overseas-trained Singaporean doctors returning, all these we have to consider. Our ratio has been increasing, we are ageing, most likely we will increase further. But I would just caution the European model may not be the model that we want to emulate fully.














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