Npj Comput. Mater.: 光学二次谐波系的测量和分析:SHAARP.ml更简单
如果把两个红色小球放到一个盒子里,再拿出来时变成一个蓝色小球,那你一定以为是在变魔术。但是如果小球对应光子,颜色对应光子频率,小球数量代表能量大小,那么这个神秘的魔术盒子就是非线性光学材料,而这一神奇的现象被称作光学二次谐波(optical second harmonic generation,SHG),如图一所示。这不单单只是博人眼球的把戏,SHG是激光倍频技术的基础,基于SHG的显微技术已经被广泛应用于生物医学成像与材料结构表征,而非线性光学材料更是制备量子光源实现量子通信与量子计算,乃至点火成功激光惯性约束核聚变的关键材料。随着更多非线性光学材料与结构的发现,这些体系的性质与结构呈现出多样性和复杂性,而基于多种假设与条件得到的传统的非线性光学模型无法准确模拟这些体系的非线性光学响应。这不但限制了对材料性质的准确表征和分析,也极大的阻碍了许多光学材料与系统从学术到工业界的成果转变。
来自美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学材料科学与工程系的Venkatraman Gopalan教授和陈龙庆教授领导的团队提出了一个全面综合的光学二次谐波理论框架和一个开源软件包♯,用于模拟任意单界面(与♯SHAARP.si相同(npj Comput Mater 8, 246 (2022).))和复杂异质结构中的二次谐波响应。♯SHAARP.ml旨在为仿真和实验表征提供数值计算和半解析解,从而实现对复杂材料系统的快速、精确、灵活的非线性光学响应分析以满足用户不同的需求。
(2)允许模拟具有任意对称性 (从各向同性到三斜晶系)与取向的晶体,并且每层可以具有不同的吸收、双折射和色散;
图1 光学二次谐波产生的基本原理示意图
图2 利用♯SHAARP.ml软件建模结合三种实验方法测量SHG系数
图3 ♯SHAARP.ml软件的图形用户界面
Optical second harmonic generation in anisotropic multilayers with complete multireflection of linear and nonlinear waves using ♯ package
Rui Zua, Bo Wanga, Jingyang He, Lincoln Weber, Akash Saha, Long-Qing Chen and Venkatraman Gopalan
Optical second harmonic generation (SHG) is
a nonlinear optical effect widely used for nonlinear optical microscopy and
laser frequency conversion. Closed-form analytical solution of the nonlinear
optical responses is essential for evaluating materials whose optical
properties are unknown a priori. A recent open-source code, ♯,
can provide such closed form solutions for crystals with arbitrary symmetries,
orientations, and anisotropic properties at a single interface. However,
optical components are often in the form of slabs, thin films on substrates,
and multilayer heterostructures with multiple reflections of both the
fundamental and up to ten different SHG waves at each interface, adding
significant complexity. Many approximations have therefore been employed in the
existing analytical approaches, such as slowly varying approximation, weak
reflection of the nonlinear polarization, transparent medium, high
crystallographic symmetry, Kleinman symmetry, easy crystal orientation along a
high-symmetry direction, phase matching conditions and negligible interference
among nonlinear waves, which may lead to large errors in the reported material
properties. To avoid these approximations, we have developed an open-source
package named Second Harmonic Analysis of Anisotropic Rotational Polarimetry in
Multilayers (♯ The reliability and accuracy are established
by experimentally benchmarking with both the SHG polarimetry and Maker fringes
using standard and commonly used nonlinear optical materials as well as twisted
2-dimensional heterostructures.