Israel is not aiming for "proportionality" or trying its best to minimize civilian casualties. The goal is to inflict overwhelming pain on the Palestinians so that they learn their lesson. This isn't new. That's always been at the heart of Israel's deterrence strategy in Gaza 1/x
The status quo is untenable. The current escalation has exposed the absurdity of false presumptions of the past, that you can jump over the #Palestinian issue, that you can marginalize the Palestinian issue and still have peace. Interview with CNN Connect the World
Mohammad al-Hadidi cradles his only surviving child after Israeli air strikes killed his wife & four sons.
"They were sitting here talking and playing with their Eid toys and from here they took them to the hospital, then to their graves, torn to pieces”
5 days after the US Secretary of State told the UN that “human rights and dignity must stay at the core of the international order.”
If you're going to "place democracy and human rights at the center of our foreign policy" (as you told the UN Human Rights Council), you'll need to rethink your entire approach to the Middle East.
JUST IN: Pres. Joe Biden addresses cease-fire between Israel and Hamas: "In my conversation with President Netanyahu, I commended him for the decision to bring the current hostilities to a close within less than 11 days."
为了公关,美国政府给党媒发布事件发展和政府对事件处理的整个过程【72,73】,也就是官宣了,我的解读大致如此。第一拜登当局一开始就意识到自己没什么影响力,据报道,内塔尼亚胡在公开和内部的态度一直很清晰,以色列达到目的就罢手,所以美国的影响、压力并不能让以色列停手,内塔尼亚胡也是有压力的,他告诉拜登“几千枚火箭打过来,我怎么办?你怎么办?”所以说了也白搭,要是在公开场合直接谴责以色列,内塔尼亚胡只能顶着,因为这是面子,哪个国家都不能丢脸。白宫自己透露出来说,拜登一直轻声细气跟内塔尼亚胡“交流”(build up capital with Mr. Netanyahu),不敢说一句得罪的话,只是反复问“你想要的结局是什么,后果想好了吗?”,在公开场合也是一直只说一句“以色列有自卫的权力”,停火一字不提,你没法不得出美国拿以色列没办法,是在哀求的感觉。为了平息民愤,政府不断私下放风说“正在尽力,用一切办法促进停火”,拜登说美国各层官员给以色列和附近的国家打了近百次电话,明显是替自己开脱,大家只能猜测那些电话是做戏,还是手忙脚乱,还是到处求人,最后停火绝大多数也是基于以色列和哈马斯对局势的判断,都觉得自己的目的达到了才停的,美国起了多大作用,谁也说不清,最后拜登通过“内幕透露出来的”“以色列必须停火”,估计也是在得知以色列将会停火之后才说的,也算是给自己挣回点颜面。
In 2014 the Israel-Hamas war lasted fifty days. 2,251 Palestinians died. This was a 10x better result for US diplomacy. Biden’s image will be enhanced globally, his reputation for getting things done will be burnished. After all he’s doing for progressives how can they stay mad?
Hundreds of people died for basically no reason and then the war stopped because Israeli officials told Netanyahu they didn't want it anymore. Biden didn't really do anything. That's why his image is taking a hit.
【11】“Israel thought they will ‘Israelise’ the Palestinians inside and they will domesticate the Palestinians in the West Bank under occupation and that they will separate Gaza forever”[见[10]]
【17】“They [Israel] failed in all three facts, and now the Palestinians all over now have one goal — the end of Israeli apartheid — which is unprecedented since 1948”[见[10]]
【22】Biden appears determined to not allow the conflict to knock him off message. On Tuesday, Biden visited a part of Michigan that is 90% Arab American near the district of Democratic Rep. RASHIDA TLAIB, the only the only Palestinan American in the House[见[21]]
【28】 “The fact is that Hamas successfully intimidated almost the entire country — we were sitting in the middle of the night in Tel Aviv in shelters”[见[10]]
【89】“We are reclaiming our voice and narrative,” says Mariam Barghouti, an activist in the West Bank. “Before you speak about any diplomatic solution [to the conflict], address the apartheid, address the military violence, address the settler violence, address the Gaza siege . . . Before those are addressed, you are just talking.”[见[10]]