China will never fall

China will never fall


China will never fall. China is the hope and future of Human beings.

China belongs to the Chinese People. If a dynasty serves the people right, it will rise. If a dynasty exploits the people, it will fall. However, China is always there, not rising, and not falling.

Dynasty in China is not like the empire in Europe. In Europe, an empire fell, and the empire was gone. Rome fell, and then Rome was gone. Athens fell, and then Athens was gone. After the Great British fell, we have America, Canada, Australia, India, etc.

China, on the other hand, never falls. When Qing Dynasty fell in 1911, China was there. After Mongolia conquered China, China was still there. After Manchuria conquered China, China was still there. After Britain defeated China in 1840, China was still there.

China is there not just as a geological area; it is there with the people, the culture, and the values. It is there as a civilization that never falls.

The reason is that the Chinese civilization is the Humanist Civilization. If the Human population is there, China is there. China exists independent from any individual, be it Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, Mao, Dong, Alexander, or Trump.

As the Chinese say: The one who wins the hearts of the people rules China. Every ruler in China has to serve the Haven, and the Haven is the People. Whatever the People prefer, that's the rule of the Haven.

Mencius said 2,300 years ago: The People first, the country second, and the monarch last (《孟子》的《尽心章句下》:民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻). That's the politics of China. The head of the country can be a dictator, a one-party, a monarch, a duchy, or whatever, as long as he puts the People first. If he does not put the People first, people will uprising and overthrow him. If he is crowned, he bears the responsibility for the people. He doesn't need to inherit any noble blood. All he needs is for the people and to lead people to overthrow a tyrant, and then he is in power. This happened time and again in Chinese history. In effect, the head of the country does not rule the country, he governs. 

China will never fall because China is the collective will of the People. It is different from the West everyone for his own interest is legitimized. China has the value that everyone is responsible for society as a whole. Chinese civilization emphasizes responsibility while the West emphasizes power and interest.

The Western people always ask the Chinese why they allow one party system to run the country. The answer is that one party system is the best way to shoulder the responsibility for the People. The slogan of the Chinese Government is “Serving the People”.

China is the only Humanist civilization. If China falls, humans destroy themselves. The other powerful civilizations are monotheistic civilizations, they hope humans be destroyed so they can go to the haven. For the Chinese, the People is the Haven. Chinese don't need Doom Day to go to heaven. We are living in the Haven Here and Now if we respect and help each other.

As a humanist civilization, China rising is a blessing to the world. China will never fall. China is the hope and future of Human beings. 

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来源: 文学城-唵啊吽
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