洛杉矶的马里布海滩一日游 (w English)

洛杉矶的马里布海滩一日游 (w English)

第一站: 马里布Point Dume。早上10点半左右从家里出发,走上高速后,下起了小雨,一路还担心阴天的海景该会是怎样的逊色。等我们到达目的地后,天彻底放晴,海天一色,白云蓝天。其实一号公路一路是海,只是马里布这一处的海似乎更辽阔平静。我们爬上站高处,一览脚下的大海,任海风拂面,心旷神怡。那日见到的马里布海滩的海浪特别漂亮,远远看去,像一匹宽大的镂空花边,白花蓝底,有款有型,非常精致地铺上去,然后又褪去。我和女儿不约而同想到了用lace一词形容。不过这里的parking位太少,某人找不到车位没有下车,二三十分钟,只有我和女儿去走了一圈。
第二站: El Madator State Beach,我之前听都没听说过这样的一个海滩。
这里的岩石上停着不少鱼鹰、海鸥和其他海鸟,遇见的游人没有一个戴口罩的,我们摸着口袋里的口罩也没有拿出。如此良辰美景, 不愿让口罩破坏半分。
我们本来还准备去爬Runyon Canyon Trail,女儿推荐的,只是七拐弯八拐弯的找到了,却找不到parking, 最后放弃了。早早离开,准备去吃一家广式点心。好在没有去爬,这家店晚上七点就打烊了。点心味道很不错,女儿请客。餐馆因为covid-19, 座位都用玻璃隔起来, 使用的餐具全部采用一次性纸杯,一次性盘子,用手机app直接点菜,这样干净,既省去洗碗的人工和来桌子前面take order的人员,又增加了效率。

晚饭后,天色尚早。我们进了一家华人超市买菜,还买到了新鲜的茭白,$9.99一磅。第一次看到有卖新鲜茭白的。(周日做了茭白炒肉丝 味道鲜美,父女俩都很爱吃。) 买了一车菜,这才打道回府。

回家的路上,女儿拿出她手机里的流行歌曲放到车上的喇叭上听。当陌生的歌曲缓缓流出,崭新的听觉冲击着我的耳膜,我感慨年轻人的世界. 女儿的回家带来一股清新的风,带来了外面世界的声音。我们感谢女儿的回家,虽然日子忙一些,但是团聚是如此的美好。

It’s been more than three weeks since J is home. As she was struggling with her work in the daytime and busy preparing for her interviews at night, life was strenuous. Even I couldn’t sleep well:)) The good news finally came when she got two verbal offers last week right after the interviews. A relaxed weekend is long overdue.

When I woke up Saturday morning (10/23), the sky was gloomy from the nightly rain. But this wouldn’t change our plan, and by 10:30 we were heading to LA, Malibu beaches in particular. It still drizzled on and off on the way, but as we approached the destination, the sky cleared up and the sun came out. The sun is the best artist, people say, as soon it filtered out the gray color and brightened the sky with azure blue, patching it with white clouds.

At J’s guide, we meandered up the tortuous roads towards Malibu Point Dume. As we zigzagged deeper into this narrow road with no parking allowed by the roadside, more secluded and luxurious million-dollar houses were seen amid the sheltering trees and bushes. Then a sudden opening view of a sea front wowed us.  Unfortunately the only roadside that allows parking was packed, and he had to wait by the side for any car to leave. But within the next 20-30 minutes while J and I strolled along the cliff, no car ever left. Having seen so many a time the beaches and views, maybe he liked better staying in the car playing with his cell phone:)).  Overlooking the wide stretch of the sea, the vista point provides a bird’s view of wider and more tranquil sea.  What impressed me most was however the waves -- they were like beautifully embroidered white laces, rolling out like a massive triangle sheet and shrinking quickly as the waves lashed on.

Afterwards, we drove further north, stopping at El Matador State Beach. None of the visitors wore masks, and neither did we. 

J said that she missed California food a lot, and among them is taco. So after many right turns and left ones, we found a taco restaurant in an alley, ordered the food and drove on to our next stop--Runyon Canyon Trail. But parking was so fully packed in front of a steep up-slope entrance that we have to give up hiking this time. It was only 4ish, and we decided instead to go to a Michelin- recommended dim sum place to have early dinner. We were lucky as we later found out that the restaurant actually closes at 7pm.

On the way back, J connected her pop songs in her cell phone to the car radio. It was the first time I heard the songs, so new, so sensational and so different, they were like fresh air breathing into my ears.  For sure, she brings us a new life, but lurks seemingly at every corner is the generation gap. 

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来源: 文学城-暖冬cool夏