插枝的绣球花开了 (w English)

插枝的绣球花开了 (w English)

某人回国喝喜酒去了,一个人的日子真好,不用做饭,不吃饭也没人管,真是自由。想过今天不吃饭的,饿它一天,可转念想起晓青在博客里说的,趁现在牙好,味觉好,爱吃吃。人生苦短,所以还是吃吧!遂拿了两颗蛋放入水中煮,切开两个成熟的小小牛油果,一个西红柿,准备做沙拉。又想起了院子里的黑莓,某人的最爱,每天下班后他都会来转上一圈,看有没有成熟。某人走了几天了,这几天一定又有一些成熟了。我推开门,一颗颗沉甸甸的黑莓映入眼帘,它们晶莹饱满、吹弹可破地挂在那里。 我随手摘了几颗,放入嘴中。成熟的果肉已入口即化,淡淡的果香顷刻间触及味蕾,唇齿留香。我又摘了几颗放入沙拉盘中,一勺一勺满满送入口中,独享着一个人的午餐。






California is known for its all seasons sunshine. However, our backyard does not have that luxury. New homes built after 2000 are given mostly small land, neighboring homes squeezed together, thus blocking the sunlight from directing to the yard (of course, million dollar homes are not in the list). When we first moved in, we designed our backyard by planting roses and other beautiful flowers, imagining them to bloom just like others’ front yard. But over the years, they died one after another. When chickens were raised in the small backyard, they were such a destroyer that after they were gone, our backyard was left like abandoned, without much vegetation.

The restoration gave us a chance to plant anew, with the idea of cultivating something not costly and easy to take care of.  A young blackberry plant was a response to this, as it was spotted by itself out of nowhere under the window of the living room, where the afternoon sun in the summer showers upon for hours. As it grows, it sprawls extensively across the narrow strip, overtaking the areas with its thorny branches and leaves.

It takes more than two years before it flowers and starts bearing fruits. This must be the fourth year that we have the berries. May and June are their ripening season, the fruits turning from being green to red and finally to black. To test if the berries are ready to pick, you need to wait until the fruits are hanging down. Touching them gives you more senses, as a ripe berry is soft and ready to fall.

Hydrangea is a new addition. My last birthday was celebrated by a bunch of purple hydrangea from someone, who rarely bought me flowers. The cut hydrangea did not retain its beauty long in the vase before they withered quickly. We cut the stems and planted them in the pots. New leaves came out, and a few months later, tiny white buds tightly clustered surprisingly formed on the tip of a young slender stem. Now it blooms, changing color itself from light green to lovely pink over the month. What a gorgeous flower!


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来源: 文学城-暖冬cool夏