Dating with cheongsam

Dating with cheongsam


Dating with cheongsam

by Joyce Hu


We come with you elegantly,

We come with you gently;

We come here together just

because of you, we dream

our hometown often also

because of you.


Pretty, you could be in colorful,

Elegant, you could be in simple;

Action, you could be in energy,

Silence, you could be in peaceful.


Your style is just right:

The collar is straight, neither humble nor pushy,

The hem is in the right size, charming and graceful,

The cutting suitable each lady, highlight her strengths


Your beauty is from the East:

No matter the lady is how talented, or

she is just a simple ordinary lady ;

She is always perfect when she dress cheongsam!


We read books in cheongsam,

We drink tea in cheongsam;

We learn how to love in cheongsam;

We keep young in cheongsam!


Today, we come here because of you,

We celebrate your birthday and promise:

— To be the best of myself, forever!

Love myself, help people and benefit the world!

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来源: 文学城-琢玉