Half light, half shadow 上了首页,显摆一把

Half light, half shadow 上了首页,显摆一把


Half light, half shadow

Half light, half shadow
printed on my espresso
Light is bitter and shadow is sweet
Half shadow, half light
printed on my let-go kite
Shadow is shallow and light is deep

© Jul 9 life   

Like (12) 
Likes: Sand Singer, kaye, Jonathan Moya, Netra Gautam, Manizd, Awesomax, DMLane, Poetry for Jane, Under the Rainbow, MargrietVries, The bravest fall, Ilovesatorugojo

Netra Gautam - This poem is a beautiful reflection of the human experience. Your mastery of language and ability to capture the essence of life is truly remarkable. Your words are a source of comfort and inspiration.

6 hours ago   


Busy - I see what you mean that light is a better experience than the dark. But still the dark has to be understood and mapped. Modernism is full of the dark emotion. Such as understanding of the various nothingnesses. All our emotions mean a lot.


Sep 9   

Alexisinwv - I love the contrast! It really completes the poem! Keep writing poetry!

Sep 9   

kaye - Amazing words in their energy.

The feeling to this is a signature of art in letting your craft guide the ink.

Congratulations on fpp.

Sep 9   

Under the Rainbow - Lovely words and easy reading

Sep 9   

The bravest fall - Interesting thoughts about shadows. I like the "Light is bitter and shadow sweet."

Nicely penned.

Sep 9   

Awesomax - I like this!

Jul 9   

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