Hong Kong: Soldier Of Fortune 1955 Clark Gable & Susan Haywa

Hong Kong: Soldier Of Fortune 1955 Clark Gable & Susan Haywa

Wise to say "
@42:40/1:36:00-- I never tried to stop him from doing anything he wanted to do:  I married him for what he was, not for what I thought he should be sounds like."
2). witty dialogues: 
"I'll always love him, but I've discovered there's a big difference between loving someone and being in love"
3) a lot more chinese faces in 1950s movies of Hollywood. speak cantonese!
4) in Hong Kong, and Canton (Guangzhou)
5) good story lines
6) acting superb!
Mrs Hoyt Mrs Hoyt
send her in get out of here
you got a lot of nerve I need it I like nerve
I've I've reconsidered some of the things I said and now you want to do business yes
look at me I went everywhere today any place you
might have been trying for any bit of information I was hoped
take it easy you know there's a place called the peacock serves the best food in Hong
Kong the real thing ever had it no try it with me
yes I sure like the way you make decisions
Chicago arrives any minute I just had a signal unload and stand by until you hear me yes sir
how come you didn't try to stop that husband of yours from going into China it wasn't very proud of him are you I never tried to stop him from doing
anything he wanted to do I married him for what he was not for what I thought he should be sounds like
he could use a little growing up with if I tried to talk him out of it after a while it'd be something else and
something else until finally I might manufacture a man I could barely recognize and I could never change him

back oh here's a peacock hope you worked yourself up an appetite/


yes we're pretending that isn't like you or us I know
I'll work it out
if there were a door I'd knock hello
[Music] I thought you went home I got as far as the airport
where's Louis he said he'd write to me from wherever the mountains were the highest
he also said marriage wasn't for him you still love him
I'll always love him but I've discovered there's a big difference between loving someone and
being in love [Music]


Soldier Of Fortune 1955 Clark Gable & Susan Hayward Smash-Up! The Story of a Woman (1947) SUSAN HAYWARD

The Call of the Wild (1935) - Clark Gable, Loretta Young 

什么男人最让女人着迷?不管肉体还是灵魂,女人都渴望这样的男人?#窦文涛 #梁文道 #马未都 #周轶君 #马家辉 #许子东

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