Popular Plants
1. Forsythia (连翘/迎春)
2. Red Weigela (锦带)
3. Varigated Weigela (绚烂锦带)
Flowers deep rose , leaves edged pale yellow to creamy white, compact grower. Most dwarf of the variegated weigelas, grows to 3 feet tall.
Plant Information
Weigela florida 'Variegata Nana'
Zones: 5 - 9
Water requirements: normal
Light requirements: full sun
Type: deciduous
Size: small: 2-3'
Habit: rounded
Use: grouping/massing/shrub border
Growth rate: slow: < 1' per year
Summer leaf: variegated
Flowers: rosy pink
Flwr Season: spring
Feature: pH adaptable
4. Pink Flowering Weigela
Deciduous shrub with deep rose colored flowers borne in abundance in late spring to early summer. These plants are 12"-15" tall.
Plant Information
Weigela florida
Old Fashioned Weigela, Weigela
Zones: 5 to 9
Water requirements: normal
Light requirements: full sun
Type: deciduous
Size: medium: 5' to 10'
Habit: rounded
Use: grouping/massing/shrub border
Growth rate: medium: 1' to 2' per year
Summer leaf: light green
Flowers: rosy pink
Flwr Season: spring
Feature: pH adaptable
From: http://www.nurserymanstan.com/Old-Fashioned-Pink-Flowering-Weigela-12-15-Plants-PFW-12-15.htm
5. Red Twig Dogwood (红枝茱萸)
6. Fragrant Viburnums (荚莲)
7. All Flowering Viburnums
Korea Spice Viburnum (a popular viburnum)
Viburnum lantana (Wayfaring Tree)
8. Potentilla (委陵菜,痢疾草)
9. Dappled Willow
10. Pussy Willow
11. Daylillies
12. Hosta
13. Huchera
14. All kinds of Perennials
15. Armeria
16. Boxwood
17. Japanese Hollies
18. English Hollies
19. Rhododendrons
20. PJM Dwarf Rhododendron
21. Hydrangeas
22. Rose of Sharon
23. Dwarf Alberta Spruce
24. White Dogwood trees
25. Chinese Dogwoods
26. Blue Rug Juniper
27. Gold Flame Spirea
28. Gold Mound Spirea
29. Ornamental Grasses of all kinds
30. Crimson Pygmy Barberry
31. Rosy Glow Barberry
Pachistima canbyi or crimson pygmy barberry. Deutzia or blue leaf arctic willow are handsome as a border along a flagstone path to the door.