纽约看洋基棒球赛 * 豪华包厢 * 美食
洋基棒球赛 6-26-2011
New York Yankees vs. Colorado Rockies
↑ 纽约洋基棒球馆 The Yankee Stadium
↑ 豪华包厢球票 - 纽约洋基对抗科罗拉多Rockies.
Luxury suite ticket, Yankees vs. Colorado Rockies.
↑ 包厢进门处. 边上的门是洗手间. Entrance of the suite. There is a private bathroom on the left.
里外到处都挂着电视机实况转播球赛, 保证取食物拿饮料时也不会错过精彩镜头。
TVs are everywhere inside the suite and out in the balcony area, guarantee that you won't miss a thing while fetch a drink or get some food.
↑ 玩乐自然少不了吃喝~ It can't be fun without good food.
↑ 插着洋基小旗的三明治. 窗口和吧岛之间是Sitting area,摆着沙发和咖啡桌。
Hoggies with Yankee flag, and there is a sitting area between the window and kitchen island with sofa. Potato chips are served with dip on the coffee table.
↑ 吧台下有制冰机和冰箱
Full service bar with under the counter ice maker and beverage refrigerators .
↑ 各种美食
Burgers, Pizza, Buffalo Wings, Pulled Pork Sandwiches (wrapped in foil), Soft Pretzels (inside of the covered pan)
↑ 看球赛,热狗(Hot dog)是必须的, 现烤现吃.
Hot dogs are a must for Ball game.
↑ 寿司和沙拉, 来者不拒~ 寿司盘下面是一个保温装置.
Sushi and salad. Under the sushi plate is a device that keeps food cold or warm。
↑ 各式啤酒,饮料都在吧台下面的冰箱里,自己拿取。
Help yourself with variety of beers , soft drinks and food.
↑ 边吃边看球 Eat while watching.
↑ 我们的包厢有两排坐椅, 窗口处的吧台也可以坐3-4 个人. 总共可容纳16人。Our
suite has two rows of balcony seats. The window seats can also seat 3-4 people. The max occupancy is 16 people.
↑ 场内座无虚席. A packed ball park.
↑ 赛前新老洋基队员出场, 先庆祝65周年聚会。黑色卡车是送给即将退休的老教练Gene Monahan的礼物。
The New York Yankees held their 65th annual Old Timers Day prior to the game. Retiring Longtime trainer Gene Monahan was honored and given a truck as gift.
↑ 居高临下,边吃边看. Watch the game from the balcony seats.
↑ 甜点来了,你会选哪一样?Desserts are here. What would you choose?
↑ 孩子们的选择. Kids' choices.
↑ 包厢里有空调,凉爽舒适。可是还有什么比坐在球员休息处后面第一排看球更吸引孩子们的呢?
那个区域(the Legends Suite) 的球票和包厢票不通用, 是分开来买的,银色的票子,也有美食供应。
Kids are watching the game from the Legends Suite seats behind the dugout of the Yankee team.
↑ 球场内的大众美食, 花生, 棉花糖,$5一份。Traditional ball park snacks and treats, $5 each.
↑ 最后一位选手(Closer)出场了。洋基已经胜利在握!The closer is out and the Yankees will win!