Fight flu


Many things play a role in making the flu more common in the winter: The virus lives longer indoors in winter, because the air is less humid than outside. ... We spend more time indoors and have closer contact with each other, which makes it easier for the virus to spread.

The results from the study suggest that influenza actually survives longer at low humidity and low temperatures. At 43°F with very low humidity, most of the virus was able to survive more than 23 hours, whereas at high humidity and a temperature of 90°F, survival was diminished at even one hour into incubation (3).

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So to help, you need to kill the virus on surfaces, by disinfecting them. You can kill influenza by wiping surfaces and worktops with detergents, diluted bleach, or hydrogen peroxide. Another, more natural, way to kill the flu virus is to use steam, either with a steam cleaner or humidifier.

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Enclosed areas should be ventilated periodically to get rid of germs in the air. Consider opening a windowin your home in a room that is not occupied to let some fresh air in. Wash your hands frequently throughout the day. ... Bring a hand sanitizer to work with you and use it periodically, especially if you have a cold.

During the winter months, you should open your house at least once a day, no matter how bitterly cold it is outside. It doesn't have to be for long, opening a window or door for even just a few minutes will create a cross-draught. The old, damp air will exit your home and fresh air will return.


Research suggests that these viruses may survive and reproduce more effectively at colder temperatures, making it easier for them to spread and infect more people. Cold weather may also reduce the immune response and make it harder for the body to fight off germs.


food fighting flu


1) Oysters, beef, pork chop, black eyed peas, pumpkin seeds- all of these foods are high in the mineral Zinc which helps to keep viruses from attaching to cells and helps prevent them from replicating. Zinc levels in your body may take time to build up, so start eating or supplementing early. Zinc gluconate lozenges have been shown to have the most antiviral power when taken at the onset of a cold. Too much zinc can be toxic, so consult a dietician for dosage.  

2) Sweet potatoes, winter squash, dark green veggies, and carrots- these foods have a ton of vitamin A which in combination with Zinc can be a flu killer. Vitamin A is an integral part of “Natural Killer” cells and other immune chemicals which are part of the response to fighting an infection.  

3) Green and White tea contain catechins which have anti-viral properties as well as antioxidants which protect your cells from damage. Can help reduce the replication of viruses as well. So trade in your morning coffee this fall and winter for some tea.  

4) Yogurt (plain non-fat yogurt)- this contains friendly bacteria which boost the immune system. 70% of the immune system is in your intestines, so be kind to it and it will be kind to you.  

5) Apples, onions, broccoli, and tomatoes- these are all high in a product called quercetin which when given to cyclists had shown to reduce the susceptibility to getting the flu in an Appalachian State Univ. study. It is in a group of chemicals called flavonoids that have numerous other health effects.  

6) Cabbage- contains glutamine, an immune boosting amino acid/antioxidant (also in watermelon)

7) Chili/Red/Red peppers, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Strawberries, and Citrus Fruits- all have large amounts of Vitamin C which is also an immune boosting vitamin. Studies have shown this vitamin enhances “Natural Killer” cell activity, white blood cell growth, and flooding of immune cells to viral infected area.  

8) Mushrooms- these help to increase your body’s resistance to viral infections by boosting “Natural Killer Cells” and are also high in selenium and vitamin D which help fuel your immune system.  

9) Almonds- these as well as other nuts/seeds are a good source of protein and Vitamin E which can help ward off viral infections.  

10) Chicken Soup- contains a product called carnosine which can help fight off the Flu virus in its early stages as well as act as a mild anti-inflammatory 

11) Wild Caught Salmon- being high in protein, vitamin D, and good fats makes this food a warrior against the Flu. Farm raised has less nutrients but is still a good source.  

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