


电影演员薇诺娜小时候留男式头,穿了件从救世军店买来的二手男式夹克,上厕所时被骂同性恋(其实不是),并挨打被围殴,甚至因此被学校开除。后来她出名之后,有一个当年打她的女子找她要签名,她问人家:你还记得我吗?还记得那个七年级时遭你打过的孩子?对方回答:还记得有这么会事。薇诺娜说,那个挨打的孩子就是我。Go f*ck yourself。

Winona Ryder   

“I was wearing an old Salvation Army shop boy’s suit. As I went to the bathroom I heard people saying, ‘Hey, faggot.’ They slammed my head into a locker. I fell to the ground and they started to kick the shit out of me. I had to have stitches. The school kicked me out, not the bullies. Years later, I went to a coffee shop and I ran into one of the girls who’d kicked me, and she said, ‘Winona, Winona, can I have your autograph?’ And I said, ‘Do you remember me? Remember in seventh grade you beat up that kid?’ And she said, ‘Kind of’. And I said, ‘That was me. Go f*ck yourself.’”
~ Winona Ryder ♥

粉丝们大多给与赞扬,只有一两个评论说,不必如此报复。比如这个评论:Brenda Lee Arbeau I'd like to say her story is inspiring, but I don't think it is. So she got famous and told her childhood bully to "Go f*ck" herself. Making amends and learning to forgive the CHILD who hurt you would be much more healing. I'd say, don't learn from Winona's example. 还有这个:Kim Gustafson There is no real satisfaction in humiliating anyone. You cause pain to others out of pain and ignorance. The cycle perpetuates itself until you understand that.

Tammy Richards ‎@ Brenda Lee Arbeau... I agree with what you are saying but reality is...It was the "child" in Winona who was hurt speaking when she said that. When you carry around a hurt like that and you get the chance, the "adult" in you just wants t...o stick up for that kid. Some people who bullied when they were kids grow to be adults and never realize the hurt they put on others. Because this woman barely recalled the incident, tells me that maybe she needed to have some of her "venom" spit back out at her.!/photo.php?fbid=481010215258374&set=a.382764341749629.108480.122256581133741&type=1&theater

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