


Neo-Nazi Magazine to Feature Obama Assassination Cover

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National Socialist Obama coverNeo-Nazi boss Bill White, long given to swaggering threats and proposals for violence, this week went even further than normal — announcing plans for a magazine cover headlined “Kill This NIGGER?” with a photo of Barack Obama and, two days later, publishing the home address of a juror who helped convict another neo-Nazi leader in a federal conspiracy case.

White, who heads the Virginia-based American National Socialist Workers Party, has issued a series of Internet calls for violence in recent years, including his infamous September 2007 suggestion that followers “Lynch the Jena 6,” a reference to black students in Jena, La. But of late, his postings have become even more violent, possibly as a result of White’s deliberate attempts to be provocative.

On Tuesday, White posted on his website a request for money to pay for a special issue of his National Socialist magazine. The mocked-up cover, with a huge “Kill This NIGGER?” headline, shows Obama speaking to a crowd with a rifle’s crosshairs superimposed on his head. White said that the accompanying article would explain the Democratic presidential nominee’s “radical Communist politics and Jewish backers … and how he plans genocide against white working people.”

Then, on Thursday, White posted the name, home address and several phone numbers for an allegedly “Gay Jewish anti-racist” juror who helped convict Matt Hale, then-leader of the neo-Nazi World Church of the Creator, of soliciting the murder of a federal judge. Hale was sentenced in 2005 to 40 years in prison.

White does not directly propose violence against the juror. But he told his readers that the man “played a leading role in inciting both the conviction and the harsh sentence that followed.” He also described the conviction as wrongful and said that the 40-year term handed Hale was a “criminally long sentence.”

White, who lives in Roanoke, Va., has a long history of issuing sneering threats and vulgar, racist attacks. Earlier this summer, on July 22, he verbally attacked what he called “‘respectable’ niggers” in the NAACP and elsewhere in American society. “I am convinced, more and more each day, that the only solution to this problem is to kill all of the niggers involved, preferably with state sponsorship,” he wrote. “When the death squads come, line me up as volunteer number one.”

Monday, October 6th, 2008 Ken Layne:
Palin Riles Up Racist Crowd To Kill Obama:
Ignorant clown Sarah Palin is the laughing stock of the Entire World, which means her only remaining value to the McCain campaign is to yell racist crap at mouth-breathing old wingnuts, in white Florida suburbs, so that at least those people will possibly remember to go to the polls on November 4 … because otherwise the Negroes will make “Ebonics” be the National Anthem and require all white trash kids to listen to Hip Hop. Oh wait, too late on that last point!

The Washington Post reports on Palin yelling about the blacks, at some shithole rally in Florida:

“Now it turns out, one of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers,” Palin said.

“Boooo!” said the crowd.

“And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, ‘launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,’” she continued.

“Boooo!” the crowd repeated.

“Kill him!” proposed one man in the audience.

Honestly, will anyone be surprised if that angry dingbat Palin starts waving a Confederate Flag and demanding Obama be “sent back to Africa”?

In Fla., Palin Goes for the Rough Stuff as Audience Boos Obama [Washington Post]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~             My thoughts:
So it is no other (Neo-Nazi or anyone else) than Palin herself who wants to kill Obama!! Unbelievable!!
I wonder how she replied to that man's yelling of "Kill him!"
Did she regret?
Was she intentionally meant to ignite such racist rage?
This is serious. How come the media did not give more coverage??
Well, the only logical conclusion here is
Palin is a racist.

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