






1. Sao Paulo,Brazil


2. Sydney,New South Wales,Australia


3. Liege, Belgium



          Cainiao Network Security Administrator Liege, Belgium

About CaiNiao Founded in 2013, CaiNiao Network (“CaiNiao”) is a global industrial internet company and the logistics arm of Alibaba Group. As part of its commitment to create customer value, it adopts a collaborative approach to logistics that aims to improve efficiency and customer experience for all players along the supply chain. It carries forward Alibaba’s mission of making it easy to do business anywhere by aiming to deliver anywhere in China within 24 hours, and across the globe within 72 hours. About the Europe Supply Chain Team As a big strategic move, CaiNiao made the decision in 2018 to choose Liege as the key logistics gateway for Alibaba’s business in the Europe countries. CaiNiao invested to build the first supervised warehouse – the eHub in Liege, and chartered flights that went directly from multiple cities in China to Liege. Since then the Liege airport traffic has jumped to top five ranking traffic airport in the entire Europe. In 2022, CaiNiao has logistics footprint in all 23 Europe countries and has built strong network that helps Chinese sellers to not only ship their commodities not only into the Europe but also from Europe back to China. Europe Supply Chain team aims to enable Chinese sellers with multiple End-to-End solutions, ranging from air-shipping, ocean freight to railway transportation. About the role: The product operation solution specialist will be based in Liege, BE or Hangzhou, CN. Location is flexible. The product operation solution specialist is expected to understand the CaiNiao’s logistics SaaS product (i.e. CRM, OMS, TMS, WMS, etc). You are also expected to gather demands from the Europe Supply Chain sales team and initiate business requirement documents to the product team to leverage the strength of CaiNiao’s software technology and enable CaiNiao to provide better services and experience to our customers.
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