小笑剧:为什么东西在水里看上去不一样 --- 科学解释

小笑剧:为什么东西在水里看上去不一样 --- 科学解释


【美坛蓝绿绑架争霸】Why Do Things Look Bent In Water --- a scientific explanation

The following is a skit inspired by 《My Fantasy Childhood》by 疏影笑寒 (Attached below)

------A Conversation between a Father and His 5-Year-Old Daughter:

D       Dad, get me some water, please.

F        But you are right there at the sink.  Why can't you get water yourself?

D       But I want you to do it for me.  Please, Dad!

F        Eh, Sweetie, Dad is not home on vacation.  Dad's only home because of this pandemic thingy.   Can't you see Dad's working?

D       I don't give a damn.  Dad, I want …

F        Whoa, watch your language Missy!

D       Dad, get me water or I'm going to tell on you.

F        Now, now, what did I do this time?

D       I saw you throw out the junk Mom kept in the attic.  I'm telling Mom.

F        No, you won't.

D       Yes, I will.  My water, please.

F        Ok, ok, here is your water, you tattletale.

D       What did you call me?

F        Princess, I called you princess.

D       I want some honey in the water.

F        Ok, here is some honey.  Are we good, now?

D       A spoon, too, please.

F        Spoon's coming.

D       Hey, Dad, look at the spoon.  It's twisted!  Bad Daddy! You gave me twisted spoon.

F        You are pulling my leg, aren't you?  It's a good spoon.

D       Look in the water, Dad.  See the spoon?  It's bent.

F        Take it out, will you?  Let's take a look.

D       Well, it's not twisted now.  But I swear to Chairman Mao.  It was twisted in the water.  What the heck?

F        I tell you what, sweetie pie; the spoon became bent because there is a fairy living in that water.  She bent the spoon.

D       But I don't see any fairy!

F        That's because she's a fairy.  We can't see fairies.  But the fairy bent your spoon, didn't she?

D       Why did she bend my spoon?

F        Because fairies do not like tattletales, that's why.

D       Oh, yeah!  Down the drain goes the fairy!  Go bend spoons there.  And, oh, Dad, I'm telling Mom you are hiding a fairy in your bedroom.

F        Oh, alright, here's the science behind it all.  Sweetie?  Honey?  Princess?


《My fantasy childhood》

                   ---- 疏影笑寒

While I was little, I was interested in everything, and I wanted to know why.  One day, my mom gave me a cup of water to drink.  I put a spoon in the cup, and found that the spoon was not as straight as before. What happened to my spoon? Was there a ghost? And after taking it out, the spoon was straight again; but put in the water, it changed again... I didn't know the reason and I was looking forward to getting the correct answer. Waiting and waiting, until my old cousin told me this physics question.



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