


几星期前看FOX NEWS SEAN HANNITY采访Dr. Benjamin Carson的电视节目,对Dr. Carson在采访(interview)中说的一段关于读书的话深有感触,从而有了再写一段"中年追梦"的冲动。就叫"中年追梦2"吧。以后我会接着写"中年追梦3":-)

Dr. Carson(61, African American)是Johns Hopkins 的小儿神经外科手术医生(pediatric neurosurgeon)。Sean Hannity称他是全世界最有成就的医生之一。他在2008年曾获布什总统颁发的Presidential Medal of Freedom奖。本来他不被多少人知,但在今年2月份的 National Prayer Breakfast 上的讲演,因为他毫无顾虑地抨击坐在台下的President Obama而名气大震,可以说一夜成名。也因为此,他进了HANNITY的TALK SHOW等一系列电视节目。



Dr. Carson说,"I thought I was stupid on my classmates thought I was stupid so there was general agreement but that was in my fifth grade. Fortunately for me, my mother believed in me when no one else did. (Dr. Carson的母亲是家里的24个孩子之一,13岁结婚,当时只有小学3年级formal education)... One day she just came home after of being at work and being inspired by looking at all the books that her employers for reading. And she said you guys going to read books and even stop watch so much of television. She made a prediction which is really quite uncanny. She said if you start reading books, one day people would be looking at YOU on television."

Dr. Carson接着说,"I hated it (reading books) so much because everybody else's outside playing and having a good time (except) my brother and I was stuck in the house reading these books. But after a while (I was) actually being to enjoy reading the books. Because even though we weren't desperately poor, between the covers of those books I could go anywhere, could be anybody, could do anything, and begin to read about amazing people. I read about Booker T. Washington, his autobiography called "Up from Slavery". It was illegal for slave to read... that allow young people should be thinking about why was it illegal for slave to read. Because slave owner knew that if they could read, they can liberate themselves. And the same thing goes today. Those young people who are not availing themselves of the education opportunities are intentionally enslaving themselves."


我没有Dr. Carson这么幸运,从小学5年级起就开始READING BOOKS。(我小时候生活的年代,很多有丰富历史性,思想性,知识性的中文读物或者没有,或者禁止。)我是在30岁过后,认识我老公后才开始的。我和LG刚开始DATE时,他每次到我APARTMENT来,我都在躺在沙发上看电视(各种电影,电视剧)。他笑我是COUCH POTATO。后来,他说,你如果要在美国生活,(你如果在中国我就不说啦),一定要学会ENJOY看英文书。否则,你生活在这个国家无法ENJOY YOUR LIFE。他对我没有Dr. Carson的妈妈那样的UNCANNY PREDICTION,所以我是不可能象Dr. Carson那样,哪天上电视的:-)

我开始READING BOOKS时很痛苦,很多字不认识,离小学5年级的水平还有一段距离。我LG觉得我可以从YOUNG ADULT的小说开始读。他想象我一定喜欢Nancy Drew series小说。(Nancy Drew, girl detective, is a fictional character in a mystery fiction series, first appeared in 1930, and it has been three hundred books since then). 他给我买了不下10本。后来,很快我就MOVE ON TO 成年人的书籍了。我在2007年曾写过一小文,收集在我的BLOG里,提到我READING BOOKS。抄在这里:

"。。。我最最感激他的是,他从认识我那天起就不遗余力地教我英文。我那时只能看technical的书,其它书看不了,生词太多。我就从young adult的书看起,不认识的字标出来。每天晚上见到他第一件事就是让他教生字。就这样一点一点地教,天天教。我呢,一点一点地学,天天学。不曾何时,终于有一天我没啥生字要问他了。我可以看各种各样,所有我想看的书,学所有我想学的东西。正是这些各种各样的书,开阔了我的内心世界。给了我内心一片新天地。有了宽阔的胸怀,我可以平静地面对外部世界的各种变化,可以变得无忧,无畏,可以永远拥抱幸福。"

那是2007年,6年前的文字,和Dr. Carson一样的感觉:between the covers of those books I could go anywhere, could be anybody, could do anything, and I found my happiness, which is from within!

正如Sean Hannity在听了Dr. Carson这段话后,made a comment,说, Education do great to bring forth from within. EDUCATION一词是从拉丁文而来,意思是“bring forth what is within”。西方古代哲学家早就意识到,在我们出生的时候,GOD就已经把巨大的智慧和知识的宝藏库放进了我们的大脑。或者说,我们的SOUL本来就拥有一个巨大的智慧和知识的宝藏库,只是我们投胎出生后,由于amnesia blocked 我们很多很多前世的记忆。所以,我们要faithful consistent education of ourselves to bring forth what is within.

从上次写的小文至今,又6年过去了。这6年来又读了不少书,特别是SPIRITUAL方面的书。套用Dr. Carson的话,between the covers of those books I could understand souls, knowing GOD, could develop my love and compassion toward others, and I found my own spiritual path to work on in this life.

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来源: 文学城-AP24