我爸爸50岁,前列腺增生肥大有好些年了,最近比较严重,经常要上厕所,打算去看医 生。前列腺增生的英文叫什么?听说在美国的发病率挺高的,不知道美国人有什么治疗 方法可以根治的?国内的医生都说这病吃药很难根治,除非做手术切,这样又对身体很 不好。在版上考古了,有个人(开店卖药的?)推荐什么Ultra Uni-Pros-Trol from Douglas Labs: http://www.ynpstore.com/supplements/malehealth.html??这个有效果吗?谢谢大家!!
3 楼
我现在拿到了一个offer,准备quit phd,公司会帮忙申请h1b 现在情况是我硕士的OPT今年实习已经用过了 老板对我挺好的, 我不想等拿到H1B的时候再通知老板, 如果现在告诉他,他让我走人,那我还能合法呆多久?H1B公司答应用premium service
Surgery is reserved for patient with severe symptoms. If your dad hasn't tried prescription drug therapy (alpha blocker, 5-alpha reductase inhibitor etc), he should try pharmacological therapies first to control the symptoms. 50% of the men will all eventually have it. Although surgery is potentially curative, it can result in significant morbidity, including erectile dysfunction, retrograde ejaculation, urinary incontinence, bleeding, or urinary tract infection. English name is : Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (BPH)
我治疗过较多的BPH,其中有个B超下估计95g(通常约25g),多数人口服flomax.有的人口 服此药会有遗尿,因为它是alpha blocker that works by relaxing the muscles in the bladder neck and prostate,从而减轻排尿困难.如果忘记服药, 排尿有困难,膀胱 会胀大,非常难受.flamax 仅仅是肌肉松弛剂,它不能缩小前列腺. 所以建议看看你附近的中医师
Ultra Uni-Pros-Trol is one of the popular formulas used in US. One of its main ingredients is Saw Palmetto. For full description of contents and functions, see http://www.ynpstore.com/supplements/DGL/UltraUniProsTrol/ including articles published in peer reviewed journals. But remember, it is a supplement, not a drug, and you may not expect it to cure your diseases, otherwise it will be classified as a drug. The standard disclaimer reads: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
33 楼
我现在拿到了一个offer,准备quit phd,公司会帮忙申请h1b 现在情况是我硕士的OPT今年实习已经用过了 老板对我挺好的, 我不想等拿到H1B的时候再通知老板, 如果现在告诉他,他让我走人,那我还能合法呆多久?H1B公司答应用premium service