前几天填写dos表格的时候,发现最原始的2019表不见了,就没有填上去,打算找老板 要support letter,不过我们这边人事处居然都有存档,给我把历年的2019表格都找到了 所以打算重新填写表格,不过之前已经生成了一个case number,填表的第一页要求填 写已经曾经有的case number,是这样表达的,You will only have a case number if you have ever applied for a J Visa Waiver recommendation or Advisory Opinion in the past. If you do not have a case number, leave this field blank. 请问我是否需要填写之前生成的呢?还是重新申请一个就可以了? 谢谢板上的大侠
3 楼
因为有TREATY,所以前几年都没有交税,也用了1040NR来报税。 最近得知即使不交税,child credit和making work pay credit还是可以拿。 我的问题是: 1. 我是要file 1040X来要以前的child credit吗? 2. child credit只能要2008年以后的吗? 3. 因为1040NR上没有making work pay,我怎么能要making work pay credit呢? 谢谢大家
these are clearly specified in each job posting. just follow the instructions carefully. in general, you need to have a SUBSET of the following for each place: a cover letter, a cv, 3-4 reference letters, a research statement, a teaching statement, 1-2 writing samples, teaching evaluations, your transcript, and maybe a budget request.
关于你给出的材料清单,还有以下几个问题: 1). 推荐信需要推荐人提前发给我?还是由推荐人直接发给我申请的学校呢? 一般推荐人自己写推荐信,还是我提供draft呢? 2). 什么是writing sample啊?可以拿自己的publication当writing sample吗?如果 不行的话,该写多长呢?内容是哪方面的呢? 3). Research and teaching statements一般多长比较合适啊? 4). 什么是budget request啊?类似于申请课题的funding proposal吗? 谢谢回答!
【在 r****e 的大作中提到】 : these are clearly specified in each job posting. just follow the : instructions carefully. in general, you need to have a SUBSET of the : following for each place: a cover letter, a cv, 3-4 reference letters, a : research statement, a teaching statement, 1-2 writing samples, teaching : evaluations, your transcript, and maybe a budget request.
20 楼
YOU need refill the all DS-3035 from beginning, but case number you just use old one(last time system produced). You can call Visa Office again and again, someone is very nice, someone is not.