屋后来了只Mourning Dove
屋后来了只Mourning Dove# Animals - 动物园
去看了会儿漫画 //汗。。。。
前几天刚来的, 每天不到6点就在那儿叫 呜(3)呜(1)~~呜(1)呜(1)呜(1). 刚开始听着
还挺有意思的, 后来就受不了了, 一俩小时的翻来覆去只唱这一句, 而且每天早上都来
唱. 他唱完后我接着睡, 结果做梦都能梦见呜(3)呜(1)~~呜(1)呜(1)呜(1)
抓狂啊, 现在脑子里全是呜(3)呜(1)~~呜(1)呜(1)呜(1)
版上推荐最多的好像就是胡塞尔的那两本the kite runner和a thousand splendid

【在 r******y 的大作中提到】
: 去书店琳琅满目的,不知道到底啥好看,我在mystery&thriller哪里徘徊很久,然后跑
: 去看了会儿漫画 //汗。。。。

Politics and current affairs
Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a
Lifetime. By John Heilemann and Mark Halperin. Harper; 464 pages; $27.99.
Viking; £25
Sleazy, personal, intrusive, shocking and horribly compulsive, particularly
about Hillary Clinton and John McCain. By two American journalists, one of
whom, John Heilemann, worked for The Economist until 1995. The 2008
presidential race as high-quality political porn.
The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama. By David Remnick. Knopf; 672
pages; $29.95. Picador; £20
Beautifully written, artfully constructed and full of new detail about the
president—from his Hawaiian childhood to the Indonesian interlude and his
years in Chicago, by the editor of the New Yorker.
The Party: The Secret World of China’s Communist Rulers. By Richard
McGregor. Harper; 302 pages; $27.99. Allen Lane; £25
The main threat to the Chinese Communist Party’s power is corruption. Yet
its power rests on a system that makes corruption almost inevitable. An
elegant and entertaining portrait of China’s secretive rulers by a former
Beijing bureau chief of the Financial Times.
Country Driving: A Journey Through China from Farm to Factory. By Peter
Hessler. HarperCollins; 432 pages; $27.99. Canongate; £14.99
Peter Hessler, an American journalist and author of a 2006 bestseller, “
Oracle Bones”, gets behind the wheel to explore how roads, and with them
cars, are changing China more quickly than any diktat from the Politburo.
Molotov’s Magic Lantern: A Journey in Russian History. By Rachel Polonsky.
Faber and Faber; 388 pages; £20
A modern classic, inspired by Stalin’s violent henchman and the library he
built, by a Russian scholar.
Curfewed Night: One Kashmiri Journalist’s Frontline Account of Life, Love
and War in his Homeland. By Basharat Peer. Scribner; 223 pages; $25.
HarperPress; £16.99
An Indian Kashmiri journalist’s account of growing up during the insurgency
, which helps explain the anger and frustration of the young Kashmiris who
have taken to the streets this year.
The Fear: The Last Days of Robert Mugabe. By Peter Godwin. Picador; 353
pages; £18.99. To be published in America by Little, Brown in March
This sharp observer of modern Africa is aghast at the horror, yet still
hopeful that Zimbabwe’s resilient, long-suffering people will somehow win
through against Robert Mugabe’s gangsters, who refuse to give up power.
The Watchers: The Rise of America’s Surveillance State. By Shane Harris.
Penguin Press; 432 pages; $27.95
A vivid, well-reported and intellectually sophisticated account of the
surveillance state in the wake of the attacks on September 11th 2001.
The Rule of Law. By Tom Bingham. Allen Lane; 213 pages; £20
A cool but deadly dissection of the assault on the rule of law that was
launched by the “war on terror”. The author held all three of Britain’s
great judicial offices and died just after this book came out.
The Pinch: How the Baby Boomers Took Their Children’s Future—and Why They
Should Give it Back By David Willetts. Atlantic; 314 pages; £18.99
How Britain will be rent, not by class warfare, but by a generational divide
. By David Cameron’s minister for universities and science, who is one of
the Tories’ few acknowledged Deep Thinkers.
Biography and memoir
The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance. By Edmund de Waal. Farrar,
Straus and Giroux; 354 pages; $25. Chatto & Windus; £16.99
A magical study of how objects get handled, used and handed on, by a British
ceramicist who inherited a vitrine of 264 Japanese netsuke, all that was
left of the Ephrussi banking dynasty from whom he is descended.
Lives Like Loaded Guns: Emily Dickinson and Her Family’s Feuds. By Lyndall
Gordon. Viking; 512 pages; $32.95. Virago; £20
The secrets and quarrels that made a great American poet. Emily Dickinson’s
life was certainly stranger than fiction. Compulsive reading.
Finishing the Hat: Collected Lyrics (1954-1981) With Attendant Comments,
Principles, Heresies, Grudges, Whines and Anecdotes. By Stephen Sondheim.
Knopf; 480 pages; $39.95. Virgin; £30
A superior assessment of the art of the musical theatre, avade mecum of the
genre, with piercing dismissals of Gilbert and Sullivan and Noel Coward, by
the 80-year-old composer and lyricist.
The Cello Suites: J.S. Bach, Pablo Casals and the Search for a Baroque
Masterpiece.By Eric Siblin. Atlantic; 336 pages; $24. Harvill Secker; £14.
After 12 years of daily practising, Pablo Casals was ready to play Bach’s
cello suites in public. His superb rendition ensured that they attracted a
mass following and became the hallmark of his career.
Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin. By Timothy Snyder. Basic Books
; 524 pages; $29.95. Bodley Head; £20
How Stalin and Hitler enabled each other’s crimes and killed 14m people
between the Baltic and the Black Sea. A lifetime’s work by a Yale
University historian who deserves to be read and reread.
Why the West Rules—For Now: The Patterns of History and What They Reveal
About the Future. By Ian Morris. Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 750 pages; $35.
Profile; £25
An entertaining and plausible book by a British historian at Stanford
University that shows how debates about the rise of China or the fall of the
West are ultimately a sideshow, as nature will bite back savagely at human
Mao’s Great Famine: The History of China’s Most Devastating Catastrophe,
1958-1962. By Frank Dik?tter. Walker & Co; 384 pages; $30. Bloomsbury; £25
A heroic piece of research, by a professor at the University of Hong Kong
who has been using the newly available Chinese archives. He focuses on how
55m died because of one man’s folly. Devastating in every sense of the word.
Red Plenty: Industry! Progress! Abundance! Inside the Fifties’ Soviet Dream
. By Francis Spufford. Faber and Faber; 434 pages; £16.99
A surprisingly sympathetic account of how central planning in the Soviet
Union was a failure and yet the system was so humanly believable. Part
economics, part detective story.
A World on Fire: An Epic History of Two Nations Divided. By Amanda Foreman.
Allen Lane; 988 pages; £30. To be published in America by Random House in
June; $35
A passionate and trenchant analysis of the complex and much misunderstood
British involvement in the American civil war, by an Anglo-American
The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration. By
Isabel Wilkerson. Random House; 622 pages; $30
From hominy grits to cold shoulder, an account of the 20th-century exodus of
millions of African-Americans out of the states of the old Confederacy.
Pearl Buck in China: Journey to the Good Earth. By Hilary Spurling. Simon &
Schuster; 340 pages; $27. Profile; £15
How the writings of the first American woman to win the Nobel prize for
literature helped ease the tortured relationship between the West and China
in the early part of the 20th century, by the author of an acclaimed life of
Henri Matisse.
A History of the World in 100 Objects. By Neil MacGregor. Allen Lane; 707
pages, £30
Far better than the usual radio tie-in; the British Museum director’s book
of the popular and inspiring 2010 series is graced by insight, detail and
elegant writing. Who wouldn’t want a copy of it under their Christmas tree?
Economics and business
The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine. By Michael Lewis. Norton; 266
pages; $27.95. Allen Lane; £25
The author of a 1989 bestseller, “Liar’s Poker”, exposes the greed and
double-dealing that helped ignite the financial meltdown. One of the best
books on the recent crisis.
More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of the New Elite. By
Sebastian Mallaby. Penguin Press; 482 pages; $29.95. Bloomsbury; £25
A superbly researched history of hedge-fund heroes stretching back to the
1950s and a fascinating tale of the contrarian and cerebral misfits who
created successful, flexible businesses in an otherwise conventional
financial world, by a Washington-based British journalist who is married to
our economics editor.
High Financier: The Lives and Time of Siegmund Warburg. By Niall Ferguson.
Penguin Press; 548 pages; $35. Allen Lane; £30
The story of the scrappy refugee from Hitler’s Germany who changed the City
and did more than most to boost London’s standing, although his own firm
lost its way and fell to a foreign rival after his death. The author is a
British economic historian who teaches at Harvard and the London School of
Science and technology
A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global
Warming. By Paul Edwards. MIT Press; 528 pages; $32.95 and £24.95
Not enough intelligent, scholarly and critically minded history of
contemporary science gets published, but this work, by a professor at the
University of Michigan, is a nice exception on an important area.
Biology is Technology: The Promise, Peril, and New Business of Engineering
Life. By Rob Carlson. Harvard University Press; 288 pages; $39.95 and £29.
A thoughtful attempt to put what we think we know about biotechnology into a
larger context, by a physicist-turned-bio-entrepreneur.
The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves. By Matt Ridley. Harper; 448
pages; $26.99. Fourth Estate; £20
A well-known British science writer (and former Economist journalist)
challenges the nabobs of negativity who argue that the world cannot possibly
feed 9 billion mouths, that Africa is destined to fail and that the planet
is surely heading for a climate disaster.
Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation. By Steven
Johnson. Riverhead; 326 pages; $26.95. Allen Lane; £20
In a crowded field, Steven Johnson, an American popular-science writer,
finds new and original things to say about the nature of innovation, and the
different forms it can take.
What Technology Wants. By Kevin Kelly. Viking; 416 pages; $27.95
A book that provides a new understanding of innovation, proving it to be
more gradual, serendipitous, inevitable and evolutionary than we have
hitherto given it credit for.
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer. By Siddhartha Mukherjee.
Scribner; 541 pages; $30. Fourth Estate; £25
A young American oncologist analyses cancer’s endless mutability, its
ruthless adaptability and the resources being thrown into overpowering it.
Culture, society and travel
Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages
. By Guy Deutscher. Metropolitan; 320 pages; $28. To be published in Britain
by Arrow in February; £7.99
A sceptical reappraisal of the popular, and often misunderstood, notion that
language influences thought, by an Israeli-born linguist who now teaches at
the University of Manchester.
Sweetness and Blood: How Surfing Spread from Hawaii and California to the
Rest of the World, With Some Unexpected Results. By Michael Scott Moore.
Rodale; 336 pages; $25.99
With its risk-taking, expanses of taut flesh and sun-bleached hair, surfing
has been the coolest sport for more than half a century. But to be really
good at it, you have to be a bit of a nerd. By a Berlin-based journalist and
travel writer.
Showtime: A History of the Broadway Musical Theatre. By Larry Stempel.
Norton; 826 pages; $39.95. To be published in Britain by Norton in March; £
Cogent and captivating, packed with lore and anecdotes, Larry Stempel’s
volume charts the evolution of Broadway’s unique blend of glitz, art and
McGilchrist’s Greek Islands. By Nigel McGilchrist. Genius Loci; 20 volumes;
£120 for the set or approximately £9.95 per volume
Seven years in the writing, these are delightful, well-observed and literary
pocket accompaniments to the Greek islands, by a British scholar. A welcome
successor to the Blue Guides, now struggling, but for 92 years the pre-
eminent handbooks for the independent traveller.
Freedom. By Jonathan Franzen. Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 576 pages; $28.
Fourth Estate; £20
Walter and Patty, descendants of the early creators of America, head a
nuclear family in turmoil. Tested by miserable in-laws, half-hearted sex,
temptation, alcoholism, noisy neighbours and teenage children who are both
all-knowing and wilfully blind. They represent all of contemporary middle
America—and more. A modern “Paradise Lost”.
To the End of the Land. By David Grossman. Knopf; 592 pages; $26.95.
Jonathan Cape; £18.99
Secular, worldly, self-questioning and ironic, Israel’s most contentious
writer may have written his most important novel yet, a searing account of a
marriage, two sons and a doomed love affair from the six-day war in 1967 to
an army operation in the occupied territories in 2003.
Parrot and Olivier in America. By Peter Carey. Knopf; 452 pages; $26.95.
Faber and Faber; £18.99
A vivid narrative about Alexis de Tocqueville’s visit to America which
brings together a mass of vivid historical detail and some very lively
writing, by an Australian-born two-time Man Booker prize-winner.
The Unnamed. By Joshua Ferris. Reagan Arthur; 210 pages; $24.99. Viking; £
An invented incurable disease kills off a marriage, a career, a hero’s self
-esteem. An unusual and elegant meditation on the struggle with uncertainty.
Mr Peanut. By Adam Ross. Knopf; 352 pages; $25.95. Jonathan Cape; £16.99
Nutty love. A deliciously clever first novel about marriage and how love’s
honey glow dims with time, full of dark insight and even a touch of hope.
The Imperfectionists. By Tom Rachman. Dial Press; 288 pages; $25. Quercus;
A first novel set in Rome, on a once-mighty American-owned international
newspaper, not a million miles from the (Paris-based) International Herald
Tribune, where Tom Rachman used to work. An inky-fingered drama about a
dying industry that makes for an unusually successful work of fiction.
Selected Stories. By William Trevor. Viking; 576 pages; $35
Far and away the finest living short-story writer working in English. His
fascination with, and sympathy for, so-called ordinary people and their
small, poignant plights still seems inexhaustible. This is the second volume
of William Trevor’s short stories; anyone who has the first will covet the
whole set.
Human chain. By Seamus Heaney. Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 85 pages; $24.
Faber and Faber; £12.99
Now in his eighth decade and recovering from a serious illness, the Nobel
laureate focuses, in his new book, on the heightened ritual of everyday
things—an old suit, the filling of a pen, the hug that didn’t happen. All
of this makes these poems more personal and more precious.
White Egrets: Poems. By Derek Walcott. Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 96 pages;
$24. Faber and Faber; £12.99
As in “Omeros”, which won Derek Walcott the 1992 Nobel prize for
literature and in which local fishermen assumed the identities of heroes
from Homer, Mr Walcott raises up the local—the sights and the sounds of his
native St Lucia—until they become the stuff of epic. “White Egrets”
luxuriates in description and the use of extended metaphor, as Homer did
himself. A magnificent late achievement.

【在 r******y 的大作中提到】
: 去书店琳琅满目的,不知道到底啥好看,我在mystery&thriller哪里徘徊很久,然后跑
: 去看了会儿漫画 //汗。。。。


【在 i********g 的大作中提到】
: 前几天刚来的, 每天不到6点就在那儿叫 呜(3)呜(1)~~呜(1)呜(1)呜(1). 刚开始听着
: 还挺有意思的, 后来就受不了了, 一俩小时的翻来覆去只唱这一句, 而且每天早上都来
: 唱. 他唱完后我接着睡, 结果做梦都能梦见呜(3)呜(1)~~呜(1)呜(1)呜(1)
: 抓狂啊, 现在脑子里全是呜(3)呜(1)~~呜(1)呜(1)呜(1)


【在 a***a 的大作中提到】
: 我也听到过,先开始还以为是猫头鹰呢。
句唱五个半的呜,当作五个来算好了。那五乘五就是25了。 她有25种唱法啊。换着唱

【在 h*h 的大作中提到】
: 美国斑鸠,叫得还行,不难听。

【在 i********g 的大作中提到】
: 不难听呢。就是翻来覆去老唱那一句听多了烦。其实你想啊,这一个呜有五种调,她一
: 句唱五个半的呜,当作五个来算好了。那五乘五就是25了。 她有25种唱法啊。换着唱
: 多好啊。
: 今天下雨,没来唱
