装甲军团vs大灰机# Animals - 动物园
higbey the demon:
In this we see an army marching in formation, matching armored warriors mass
together, some charging, some riding on noble steeds, one even carrying a
banner woven from the native plant life. Suddenly many are struck with panic
as a large creature flies into visibility, 3 times larger than the greatest
of the warriors, with flapping wings and a long spiked tail. It swoops down
; it’s shadow covering the knights, darkening their brilliant armor. The
great maw of the beast gnashes above as it glides. Most warriors retreat,
the few that do try to fight back find their weapons useless against the
creatures hide. The foul monster carves a path of destruction through the
scattering army, finally landing on top of a few poor warriors. With it's
fearsome tail raised, none dare defend their pinned comrades from the
monster, instead watching as their knights are crushed in their armor,
pieces of their broken suit falling from the beasts jaws. After devouring
its fill, the monster flaps its great leathery wings, sending the fearful
warriors flying. Before their bodies have even hit the ground, the creature
is gone. A single warrior surveys the carnage; hundreds of corpses litter
the ground, shattered armor and ripped off limbs underneath him. He is one
of the few that survive to tell this tale.
jeff theriault:
I believe there's a certain, perhaps a large amount of moulting going on
here. A lot of those "dead" crabs are the empty shells of those moving up (
size wise) in life.
星球大战一样,觉得配上holst the planet 里的 mars 应该效果好。
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