infinity blade 攻略# Apple - 家有苹果
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: kokuki (tudou), 信区: Stock
标 题: stock option怎么算tax?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 2 21:12:11 2016, 美东)
不管是不是exercise了,IB怎么把买卖都写成同一天?这样全算成short term的了呀?
thought it might be interesting to describe how the lvl850 and lvl900
fights go.
My health is 6120, and my magic is 112. The high magic allows me to heal
much more often. It only takes 4
regular hits from the God King to kill me. His long swinging attacks do
double damage, and I think that
attack he does in stage 2 and – where he steps back and does a large swipe
– does triple damage. Losing a
tapping battle results in getting hit with a double-damage strike, and I'd
be lucky if I manage to avoid the
next attack. After 3 hits, my health goes down to 159, and so my heals don't
fully heal me, and I remain
killable with only 3 hits, so I try to avoid that 3rd hit as much as
possible so I could be at full health when I
heal myself.
I use parry most of the time, as it's quicker than dodge, and provides much
better breaks than dodge
(usually 6 to 9 hits), and doing a wrong parry isn't as penalizing as doing
a wrong dodge; you get to use
dodge after your parry fails, but once you dodge you'll have to wait for
your warrior to center himself before
performing another one. Some attacks are extremely difficult to parry. I'm
talking about the ones that come
from above or beneath you in the middle of a combo. I just let go of my ego
and prepare myself to dodge
these when I feel them coming. These particular combos are very persistent;
I've once successfully parried 6
attacks, but he ultimately gets me
I only use block against one move, and that's when he steps back to do that
large swipe. I block that first
attack, and dodge right on the second and third one, but sometimes the third
attack comes left to right, so I
have to do a second dodge to the left. The initial attack cannot be dodged,
and does extreme damage, and
hence the shield. I think it can be parried, but failing that results in a
guaranteed death. The good thing
about this attack is that if you successfully avoid it, you get to unleash a
long chain of attacks.
I usually manage to grab Stab opportunities, and they allow a nice amount of
hits. In rare cases, you have to
stab him twice before you get to attack him freely. I've only seen it in the
second stage a few times, and
only managed to actually do it once.
I use Heal whenever I'm hit twice, usually interrupting a combo. As my magic
is recharging, I become in a
vulnerable situation, so I ready myself to use the Super Move whenever I
receive a second hit, and by the
time I'm done hitting him, my magic would be ready. I take as few risks as
possible when my magic and
super are both recharging.
When my magic is recharging, I tend to dodge more often to waste time, and I
don't attack unless I get a
stab opportunity, since a regular attack, especially if blocked, causes the
enemy to retaliate more quickly.
There's an annoying bug that causes your magic to be wasted if you use it
right after a combo and right
before one of the cutscenes. This only happens because I want to start the
next stage of battle at full
health, since I may not get the chance to react quickly enough at the start
of the next stage.
The 1st stage doesn't tend to be too difficult. The 2nd one is arguably the
toughest one; it requires a lot of
mental endurance. The 3rd one is faster paced and less forgiving, but at the
same time the God King is
more vulnerable at this stage; better and quicker breaks. This is something
that applies to all levels, but
becomes more apparent each time.
不 exercise 就不在你名下,就不会买。
Exercise后才会属于你,holding period 从那一天算。
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