过来拜拜山头# Apple - 家有苹果
From Linda Goodman NY times bestseller astrologer
This is the very last man in the world you can expect to find running off
with a topless Go-Go girl, though he might loan her his sweater if she's
chilly. When it comes right down to the nitty gritty, he's looking for a
wife not a mistress in any sense of the word.
He'll take his own precious time about finding a love object, because he's
as critical and painstaking in the selec­tion of a woman as he is in
his eating, grooming, health and work habits. Don't try to fool him or lie
to him. Your Virgo lover holds no illusions. He wants a decent, honest and
genuine relationship. He knows very well how small his chances are of
finding it, but it's useless to expect him to accept anything less. If
circumstances ever do involve him in a sordid affair, you can be certain he
won't remain in its clutches for long.
He is a difficult man to stir emotionally. He can go for a long time without
feeling any burning need for a permanent mate. It's enough to make you cry
if you've set your cap for him. You'll wonder if he's made of marble or if
he was born without a heart. No, he isn't made of marble and yes, he does
have a heart. Be patient. To her who waits comes eventual success.
Once he's decided it's for real, however, he'll declare himself with
touching simplicity. His love will burn with a steady flame, never
fluctuating like the love of other Sun signs, and it will give warmth over
the years with wonderful dependability. Is that so bad? The one quality of
fairy tale romance about Virgo is that, if he's genuinely in love, he will
wait for years to claim his true mate, or travel over a thousand mountains
to bring her home to his hearth. He's capable of enormous sacrifice in the
pursuit of that one dainty foot he's discovered will fit the glass slipper.
There's no denying that the flame is strong, once it's been kindled. It's
almost impossible to extinguish it. You'll be as eternally adored as
Cinderella herself. The trick, I suppose, is in the •original kindling
. It's a rare foot that fits his glass slipper. Virgo is enormously
After you've caught him, hell seldom if ever invite your jealousy, and he'll
be determined to overcome any rough spots caused by financial problems,
relatives or outside interference. He'll show incredible strength through
emo­tional and material hardships, as long as you remain by his side.
You couldn't ask for a more tender, gentle companion when your heart is
broken for any reason by a cruel world or when you're physically ill. He won
't shower you with money, but you'll be well supplied with necessities, and
he will shower you with consideration.
A Virgo man is invariably kindly and thoughtful about all those little
things which matter to women. He has a crystal clear memory and probably won
't forget special dates, though he may be a bit mystified as to why you
think they are so important. He won't be wildly, passionately jealous, yet
Virgo males are possessive in the extreme. This sounds like a fine line to
draw, but it's important. Even though he doesn't throw emotional scenes of
jealousy over the attentions other men pay you, his deeply rooted
possessiveness should warn you that a little freedom goes a long way. The
wife of a Virgo who wanders too far away from the home fires too often may
find herself without a husband to return to. Virgos are utterly loyal and
they dislike destroying family ties intensely, but when their sense of
decency has been finally outraged they won't hesi­tate to make a cold,
clean break in the divorce court. No messy, complicated trial separations
for them. When it's over, it's over. Goodbye and good luck. Even the Virgo's
sharp, unusually excellent memory won't cause him to cry sentimental tears
over the past, simply because he's able to discipline his memory as firmly
as he does his emotions. Self-discipline is part of his very nature. The
Virgo man with his mind made up moves on-and having moved on, all your tears
and apologies are useless in getting him to change his mind. He'll never
fall victim to the illusion that gluing together the broken pieces will
recreate perfection in what has once been seriously flawed.

【在 a******3 的大作中提到】
: 我现在在中部一个州上学,但是去年我是在加州我老公工作的地方,所以我妈妈是在加
: 州入关的,现在我想给我妈妈延期,该去哪个中心申请呢,我是以我和我老公的名义一
: 起申请的


【在 H******O 的大作中提到】
: 露个脸,以正视听。
: 公告:发现无耻小人假冒我老人家。
: 我老是正牌“CEO”,不是CE“零”.

Now that you know what you're in for, if you're still in love with that
Virgo man, you can look forward to a pretty contented future. You'll have a
husband who's alert and well-informed, who won't expect you to wait on him
hand and foot or expect you to run around looking sexy all the time with a
dab of perfume behind each ear and a rose in your teeth. (Although he may
expect you to go around with a cake of soap in each hand.)
Hell be reliable and pleasant, if you're tactful about his faults. He won't
have many of them anyway unless you call the way he runs his finger across
the furniture every night, looking for dust, a fault. Little habits like
that. No matter what he does, try not to nag him. Remember, he's not
constituted to be able to take the critical analysis he applies to others.
Get used to his habit of criticizing you, and laugh it off with the
realization that he can't help being such a sensitive hairsplitter. Once
that resentment is out of the way, you can relax, and really enjoy your
bright, loyal Virgo. He's not an angel. There are no wings sprouting on his
shoulders. But lots of wives will be jealous of you.
After all, how many women are married to a hard­working, handsome man
who's neat and tidy around the house, who remembers anniversaries and
performs miracles with the checkbook? How many wives have a smart hus­
band who dresses well, seldom goes out with the boys or makes passes at
other women, and is usually gentle and considerate? Look closely again. Is
that just the reflection of the street lights around his head, or could it
be . . . ? No, it couldn't possibly be a halo. Not after the way he snapped
at you when you spilled the buttered popcorn in his lap at the theater
tonight. Of course not. That cranky character? Still, there is a kind of an
aura. And when he smiles-and you can see yourself in his clear eyes-well, he
'll do until someone with real wings comes along.
Source: Books of Linda Goodman

【在 H******O 的大作中提到】
: 露个脸,以正视听。
: 公告:发现无耻小人假冒我老人家。
: 我老是正牌“CEO”,不是CE“零”.

lol love these two parts,sounds like what happened between 谢 and 张:
He'll show incredible strength through emo­tional and material
hardships, as long as you remain by his side.
You couldn't ask for a more tender, gentle companion when your heart is
broken for any reason by a cruel world or when you're physically ill.

【在 t**s 的大作中提到】
: 看置顶的常见问题

【在 S*******l 的大作中提到】
: 哈哈哈
: 又见ceo,其他几个呢

totally agree ah~~

【在 j**n 的大作中提到】
: lol love these two parts,sounds like what happened between 谢 and 张:
: He'll show incredible strength through emo­tional and material
: hardships, as long as you remain by his side.
: You couldn't ask for a more tender, gentle companion when your heart is
: broken for any reason by a cruel world or when you're physically ill.


【在 a******3 的大作中提到】
: 在置顶里没找到这种情况该怎么办呀
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