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******** 正文
虽然土星要等到今年10月4号才离开天秤,这个月所有的秤秤,不管生日在哪天,都能松口气。好消息是土星会跟别的星星友好相处。亲爱的秤秤,你快熬到头了,一旦土星在10月离开天秤,他就要等到2039年才回来。同时,你似乎要做一个重要的承诺(committing to something important)--也许是某个需要耐心 学习和准备的长久的梦想。也许是打算买房子,自己做老板,或者写本书。其他的秤秤们也许会有第一个孩子,或者对他们即将离家的孩子挥手告别。生命中任何在土星过境时做出的新承诺或改变都通常意味着重大调整。
现在从2月头说起,看看你的爱情。你需要一点快乐 友谊 和更丰富的爱情生活,让人高兴的是,这正是宇宙打算给你的。
这个月你最开心 社交最让人兴奋的日子之一是2月7号的狮子座满月。在这天前后5天,你似乎要参加一个满是友好人物的奢侈的活动。你可能在这一天2月7号有盛大活动,或者在2月4-5号这个周末,或者2月11-12号(或两个周末都有)。我怀疑2月10号星期五或者2月11号星期六对你来说格外重要,因为这几天月亮在天秤,你会情绪高涨。不管怎样,这些日子都很美好!
你可能会参加婚礼 订婚 周年 或者生日晚会,或者参加一个美丽的讲座 会议 度假或者其他能把很多温暖友爱性格相投的人聚在一起的活动。你的11宫不但掌管朋友和助手,还关乎你的最深的希翼和渴望,所以你一直怀有的梦想终于结果了。这是个特别的一周,我希望你能大做文章。亲爱的秤秤,给你自己一段精彩难忘的经历吧!2月7号满月左右,你应该放任自己沉浸在快乐时光里。
如果你的生日在10月10号左右(加减5天),你会从满月中受益最多 -- 可能你在日历上会有特别的事情。如果你有星星在白羊 狮子 射手 双子 水瓶 或天秤的18度左右(加减5度),你也会感受到这次满月,还很可能会有某个事件在那个时候圆满完成或达到高潮。亲亲小秤秤,我看不到你的全部星盘,但是这个新月显然看起来很宠你哦!
今年的情人节在星期二。在此前一天,2月13号,新闻之星水星和稳定之星土星角度完美,同在水瓶最后一度。这意味着2月13和14号将是求婚和允婚的好时机。月亮将在火相的射手座,对你这个风相来说太完美了,所以你会感到无忧无虑 幸福快乐 能充分享受那个夜晚。如果你还没有甜心,那就跟朋友一起出去玩。没有理由呆在家里,你可能以为世界上都是成双成对的,其实不是那么回事。美国的单身人士比已婚人士多。
2月21号新月来到双鱼3度以后,你的工作立即就忙碌起来了,这不是换职位的好时机,因为你通常需要在你的星盘的顶部10宫拥有一个新月或特殊行动,而不是象这个新月这样在6宫。话虽这么说,如果你没工作想找到跟以前丢掉的工作类似的新工作,这次新月能帮你的忙。如果你现在有工作,你显然能够从这次新月中获得不少好处 -- 至少两个!(新月在双鱼,这种成双成对的星座意味着“两个”!)如果你自己当老板,你现在能够发展很棒的新业务,工作完成以后会让你在同行里声名鹊起。
火星正在你的12宫(幽闭宫)做罕见的长期逗留,意味着你可能会跟医院或医务人员打不少交道,为你自己 你的伴侣或深爱的亲戚。天秤座的土星也对健康压力很大,所以你必须及时料理健康问题,尽最大的努力保持感觉顶呱呱。有好一阵子火星将继续点亮你的12宫(掌管幽闭和医疗事宜),分阶段的取得进展,先是在4月中(当火星停止逆行的时候),然后是7月初(当火星进入天秤的时候),更多的进展是10月初土星最终离开天秤的时候。
这个月,2月3号海王星会在你这辈子里第一次离开水瓶进入双鱼,因为自从1847-1962年以来海王就没有进过双鱼。现在海王星来啦,他会一直呆14年,直到2026年1月。这是惊人新闻,估摸10年就几乎不可能了,不要说14年。1998年到2011年海王在水瓶的时候,他让你的爱情生活和跟孩子的互动(如果你有孩子的话)变得温柔而有活力。海王在5宫呆得很舒服,所以你可能曾拥有过很多美丽的浪漫经历。你不会丢掉这种效果 -- 你将一直保留这些记忆。
现在海王星在这个月进入你的6宫,你会将你的灵感 经历和想法引向你创造的或者别人选中你来做的项目。你现在有机会创造突破性的作品,它将是非常有个性的 有创意的和独一无二的。海王星还与人道主义活动有关,所以海王在6宫意味着你可能越来越被这种非营利的 自愿的 慈善的或社区的工作所吸引。
如果你在你的星座生得晚,在10月15-22号左右,你会从新月中获益,被称作“相外三合”(out-of-sign trine)。这无非是说新月对你无比友好,机会对你来说更强大更明显。
同一个新月还会帮你变得更健美更健康。如果你还没有将2012年的塑身决心付诸行动,这次新月,2月21号和后面两周,会呼唤你的行动。你可以参加一个健身房,或者如果你已经参加了的话,去上新的健身课或者买新的训练计划。双鱼有4颗天体,你可能会想研究一下水上运动,比如游泳 滑雪或滑冰 或舞蹈,比如Zumba或国标。双鱼座的星球还主管东方运动,比如瑜伽 太极或空手道,它们把哲学和精神跟运动中的身体训练方面结合起来。这些仅仅是几个例子,但是你可以开展任何项目,无论大小,只要跟锻炼 饮食 或医疗检测或程序相关 能提高你现在的将康即可。
同样的几天,2月23-26号,对于开展业务或者被指派任务来说也是意义非凡的,做得对的话,这是帮你前进的巨大推动。这些日子很适合面试 演讲 或者发布你的宣传或广告。还可以用这几天来雇佣一个工作中的下属,比如助手 实习生 簿记,或者在家里的保姆 清洁宫 或园艺工。
******** 总结
当你回想一下自己所完成的,你也许会为自己的成就而自豪。你对你自己的能力更有信心了 -- 你以前也许没有意识到自己有能力用这种方式来对付这么严酷的挑战。你就要完成土星的障碍集训了 -- 只要到2012年10月初就结束了。一旦离开,土星要一直到2039年9月才会回到星盘的同一个位置。那可真是个好消息!
2月7号土星逆行,这有帮助,因为土星被削弱了,你可能会发现压力变小了,一直到6月底土星回复正常速度。另外,你一直想找个关于房屋或地产 也可能是关于父母的永久解决办法,这个努力也许需要被搁置几个月。用这段时间来重新考虑你的决策,看看是不是需要被修订或被抛弃或被新的办法代替。
1月23号的新月会给你刚进入2月的时候带来社交和浪漫的机会。你要在2月初尽量多交际 接受新类型的人,如果你这么做了,那么你有机会给爱情生活加点味道。如果你真的结识一个新的浪漫对象,这将是突然发生毫无预警的 -- 多让人兴奋啊!朋友好心介绍可能会变得格外的恰到好处。
2月7号的新月还会给你带来更多享乐的机会。豪华婚礼或其他的聚会也许会在那天点缀你的日程,也可能是前面那个周末(2月4-5号)或后面那个周末(2月11-12号)。这个活动应该参加,里面充满了一流的食物 音乐 鲜花和很多漂亮人物。宇宙希望你能放松,所以无论如何,你都应该利用这个机会。
如果你有伴侣,你可能会受到白羊座天王星的困扰,这个漫长的影响现在主要作用于那些生日在22-25号之间的秤秤们。你可能会感觉某个伴侣 -- 大部分可能是浪漫伴侣,也可能是商务伴侣 -- 很古怪和难对付。如果你不喜欢他对你的方式,你也许该说出来。这个趋势很麻烦,会一直持续到2019.但是只有那些生日的秤秤们现在直接受到影响。
如果你还没有开始为2012年变得更健美更健康而努力,同一个新月(2月21号)会帮助你将计划变成现实。6宫(健康宫)双鱼座挤成一团的众多星球意味着你要采取一个全面的途径,把东方哲学和运动结合起来而创造一种强烈的健康的体验。土星在你的主宫意味着你现在比以前更容易减肥。众所周知,土星碰到什么 就限制甚至缩小什么,这也包括你啊(虽然听起来很可笑),因为土星现在就压在你的太阳上嘛!很多人都说在土星29年一次的罕见过境时(减肥)成功了。
******** 重要日子
2月7号满月 -- 加减4天 -- 会带来一次社交盛会,要么是在前面那个周末(2月4-5号),要么是在后面那个周末(2月11-12号)。
2月7号到6月25号,土星将在天秤座逆行,暂时把事情搁置起来。你可能会在心爱的计划上搁浅。这时候不该努力推进 -- 等到6月25号以后吧!
火星会在7月3号以前一直在你的12宫(秘密和幽闭宫)穿行。你可能会忙于一个秘密项目的启动,或者是另一种完全不同的表现 -- 你可能跟医务人员互动不少。火星让这段时间适于跟理疗师谈谈问题,或者让你建立好习惯。
Libra Horoscope for February 2012
By Susan Miller
In life, we often strive for a balance, with hard work sprinkled liberally
with moments of pleasure. Lately, this balance has been off for you, and
responsibilities and hard work have dominated your life. You may have felt
that, at times, that life is a never-ending series of demands, and you may
have wondered if this was to be how life would be from now on. No, dear
Libra. Things will improve, and actually, parts of February will dotted with
bright spots of happiness.
Your present situation is being heavily influenced by the rare, once-in-29-
year visit of Saturn, the taskmaster planet whose job it is to help you find
and develop your inner strength and character by presenting you with a
series of challenges. Saturn periods can be difficult because of Saturn's "
tough love" methods, but thankfully, Saturn only visits us two or three
times in a lifetime, each time with a two-and-a-half-year stay. Before this,
the last time you coped with Saturn, it was from September 1980 to August
Saturn has been visiting Libra since October 2009, with only a brief break
when Saturn retrograded out of Libra and back into Virgo from April 7 to
July 21, 2011. Ever since Saturn returned to your sign in July 2011, he has
not left your side. You may feel there's been no relief. One way Saturn
often works is to isolate you by removing all support around you so that you
will develop your own inner resourcefulness and independence. Often when
this happens we feel that others don't understand the difficulties we face,
and that lack of empathy often intensifies the feeling of isolation. (To
counter this, surround yourself with only supportive people for now.) Saturn
teaches the value of long-term planning and of being realistic and
practical. Visits from Saturn are always sobering periods, but they also are
ones that we grow in maturity and wisdom.
You would feel the most direct rays from Saturn if your birthday falls from
October 15 to October 23. If your birthday falls earlier, in September or
from October 1 to 14, you have already dealt with the most severe tests of
this planet, and in that case, Saturn is now moving away from your Sun and
you are starting to feel a bit better. If you were born in September, you
are currently wrestling with Uranus, which is a whole different influence
involving your partner, and I will get to that later when we talk together
about romance. It's unusual to have both of these big planets exerting a
direct influence at the same time. There is a benefit to this, however,
because more often the influence of these two planetary heavyweights is
drawn out over the course of many years.
Although Saturn won't leave Libra until October 4 of this year, this month
all Libras, of every birthday, will get a needed break. Saturn will actually
be friendly to other planets, which is welcome news. You are in the home
stretch, dear Libra, about to be done, and once Saturn speeds out of Libra
in October, he will not be back until 2039. In the meantime, you appear to
be committing to something important - perhaps it is a long-held dream -
that will require patience, study, and preparation. It may be a goal to buy
a house, start your own a business, or write a book. Other Libras may be
having their first child or, if in a later stage in life, waving goodbye to
a child who is leaving their nest. Any new commitment or change in lifestyle
that happens during a Saturn trend usually requires a major adjustment.
Saturn will now retrograde starting on February 7 and continue to slide
backward until June 24. While retrograde, Saturn is a little weaker, so you
may actually get a chance to catch your breath. Saturn is currently IN Libra
, but RULES your fourth house of home, so if you were involved in a
renovation or sale, progress will slow until the end of June. This is good
to know. If you have tried to sell your house to no avail, it's time to see
your broker to decide about how to change your asking price. You may want to
take the house off the market while you think about your next move. Be
ready for a big push at your next most favorable time for home matters, the
full moon, July 3.
This month you can make some progress, despite Saturn's move backward. You
might make a solid decision that you find agreeable for home or family
matters on February 18, when the Sun and Saturn will be so beautifully
Now let's start at the top of February, and let's look at your prospects for
romance. You need a little fun, friendship, and a richer love life, and
happily, that is precisely what the universe has planned to give you.
The month opens on a lyrical note. Love will be in the air, thanks to the
new moon of January 23 that started scenting the air with tender feelings,
and those feelings will still be prevalent in early February. It's time to
push back from your desk and socialize, dear Libra. Other zodiac signs would
need more of a push, but Libra loves to get out and see people, so by your
very nature, you are more likely to get the full flavor of this opportunity.
If you are single, the first week of February would be your best for trying
your luck at meeting a new romantic interest.
One of your happiest, most exciting social moments of the month will occur
on the full moon in Leo (18 degrees), February 7. It appears you'll be
attending a luxurious event then, filled with many friendly people, within
five days on either side of the date. You may find that you have a big event
on this day, February 7, or over the weekend of February 4-5, or over
February 11-12 (or both)! I suspect that Friday, February 10, or Saturday,
February 11 might have extra importance to you, for the moon will be in
Libra on those days and you'll be in high spirits. No matter, all these days
are wonderful!
You may be attending a wedding, engagement, anniversary, or birthday party,
or be at a beautiful seminar, conference, retreat, or other event that will
bring many warm and like-minded friendly people together. Your eleventh
house rules not only friends and associates, but also your deepest hopes and
wishes, so a desire you have long held may now reach fruition. It's a
special week, and I hope you will make it as big as it can be. Treat
yourself to a wonderful, memorable experience, dear Libra. This full moon of
February 7 and thereabouts is your time to indulge in fun time for you.
If your birthday falls on or within five days of October 10, you will
benefit most from this full moon - chances are you will have something
special on your calendar. If you have planets at 18 degrees (or within five
degrees) in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, or Libra, you will
feel this full moon as well, and will have a good chance to see an exciting
fulfillment and culmination of events at that time too. I can't see
everything in your chart, dear Libra, but this full moon sure looks like a
pampering one for you!
If you are attached, February 9 should be a standout, when Venus, by then in
Aries, will conjoin with the planet of surprise, Uranus, also in Aries.
Your partner is about to surprise you in a way that delights you. This is a
highly electric, exciting day, and because your ruler, Venus, is involved,
it makes it extra special. If your birthday falls on September 24, this
meeting of Venus and Uranus will be extra special.
This year Valentine's Day falls on a Tuesday, February 14. (Dear Brazilian
readers, I know your Valentine's Day falls on June 12. You can, if you like,
have a very romantic February anyway!) The day before, on February 13,
Mercury, the planet of news, will be in perfect angle to Saturn, the planet
of stability, both in the very last degrees of Aquarius. This means February
13 or 14 would be a great time to make a marriage proposal or accept one.
The moon will be in fire sign Sagittarius, a perfect spot for your air sign
element, so you'll feel carefree, happy, and ready to enjoy the evening to
the fullest. If you don't have a sweetheart, then go out with friends. There
is no reason to stay home, and although you may think the world is coupled
up, it is not. There are more single people than married in the US.
Your most romantic days of the month: February 1-3, 7, and 9 (both gold-star
), 10, 11, 16 (great day), 24, 28, and 29.
Your work life will become busy as soon as the new moon, February 21,
arrives in Pisces 3 degrees. This would not your ideal time to switch
positions, as you would generally need a new moon or special action at the
top of your chart, in your tenth house, not in your sixth, where this new
moon is located this month. That said, if you are out of work and would love
to have a job similar to the one you lost, this new moon would help you do
that. If you are currently employed, you can certainly garner plum
assignments from this moon - at least two! (The new moon is in Pisces, a
double-bodied sign that suggests two!) If you're self-employed, you can now
generate some excellent new business that will work toward raising your
profile in the industry after the work is completed.
Mars is currently spending an unusually long time in your twelfth house of
confinement, suggesting that you may be interfacing quite a bit with
hospital or medical personnel, for yourself, or a partner, or a beloved
relative. Saturn in Libra is considered a drain on health too, so it's vital
that you attend to health matters in a timely fashion and do all you can to
stay feeling tiptop. Mars will continue to light your twelfth house of
confinement and medical matters for a while, with progress for you due in
stages, first at in mid-April (when Mars stops retrograding), then in early
July (when Mars moves into Libra), and then much more progress due in early
October when Saturn finally leaves Libra.
If you need surgery, you have Jupiter in Taurus, a perfect placement for
successful medical surgery. Mercury will retrograde next month on March 12
to April 4, so you would be best to attend to health matters now.
At work, if you are working on a new product or service that must be kept
secret, Mars in your twelfth house suggests you will have to continue to
work on it in confidence until you properly launch in mid-July, your best
time to do so.
The new moon, February 21, will, as said, bring up matters in your work and
health sector, and will be special because it is in such lovely aspects to
Saturn and Jupiter. Any new assignments you pick up after this new moon will
have a long-term benefit to your career AND bring you a nice bonus or
This new moon will conjoin Neptune, and that is a key element to
understanding not only this new moon, but your long-range future, so let's
talk about it.
This month, on February 3, Neptune will move out of Aquarius and into Pisces
for the first time in your lifetime for Neptune has not been in Pisces
since 1847-1962. Now that Neptune has arrived, he will remain in this part
of your chart a momentous fourteen years, until January 2026. That is
staggering news, and it's nearly impossible to fathom ten years ahead, let
alone fourteen. While most recently Neptune was in Aquarius, 1998 to 2011,
he added a soft and vibrant effect to your love life and to your interaction
with your children (if you have them). Neptune was comfortable in the fifth
house, so you may have had a number of beautifully romantic experiences
over the year. You will not lose that effect - you carry those memories
within you forever.
Now, with Neptune moving to your sixth house this month, you will direct
your inspirations, experiences, and ideas toward special projects that you
create or that others choose you to work upon. You have a chance now to
create breakthrough work that is highly individual, creative and unique.
Neptune is also associated with humanitarian efforts, so with Neptune's new
presence in your sixth house, you may be increasingly drawn to doing this
type of not-for-profit, voluntary, charity, or community work.
The new moon of February 21 will stimulate Neptune, for the mathematical
degrees of the moon and of Neptune nearly match, so you will get to see
Neptune in action this month. The perfect project may come up now to light
you to action, so keep your eyes open for an opportunity to express your
talents in a new and very powerful way. Jupiter, as I mentioned, will be
involved with this new moon, so you can be sure a generous fee or commission
will be there for you.
If you were born late in your sign, say, near October 15-22, you will
benefit from this new moon in what is called an "out-of-sign trine." That
only means that this new moon will be divinely friendly to you, and that the
opportunities will be stronger and more apparent for you.
This same new moon will also help you become more fit and healthy. If you
have not yet started work on your resolution to get in shape for 2012, this
new moon, February 21 and the two weeks to follow, will be your call to
action. You can now sign up with a gym, or if you are a member already, go
to new classes or a package of training sessions. With four heavenly bodies
in Pisces, you may want to investigate water-related sports, such as
swimming, skiing or ice-skating, or dance, like Zumba or ballroom dancing.
Planets in Pisces also rule Eastern disciplines like yoga, tai chi, or
karate, where philosophy and spirituality blend with the physical aspects of
the workout. These are just some examples, but you can develop any program,
large or small, involving exercise, diet, or medical tests or procedures to
improve your present health.
Neptune inspires, but it also has another side, for Neptune can send in his
famous fog and confuse matters. In your house of health, Neptune can make a
certain health matter hard to diagnose, so you may have to be patient when
various tests are ordered, and some of the same for multiple times. Also,
with Neptune here, you might notices a sensitivity to a certain drug, so
always ask about possible side effects, and also possible dangerous
interactions with other drugs or foods. You may not notice any effects from
any of this, but because Neptune is about to stay in your health sector for
fourteen years, it will be good to get into the habit of asking these
questions, so that you can always stay safe.
You have an outstanding day coming up for all "sixth house" matters,
involving new work projects / assignments and health, and that is due on
Sunday, February 26, but will be helpful to you February 23, 24 (both
weekdays), and over the weekend of February 25-26. The Sun and Jupiter will
be in close communication on your behalf, and this bodes so well for all
sorts of matters that involve your health and healing. You may have an
operation on one of these days, or schedule a new medical procedure that is
vital to your future.
This same stretch of days, February 23-26, will be sensational for
generating business or for being assigned to an assignment that will, if
done correctly, be a big plus in helping you get ahead. These days would be
perfect for an interview, presentation, or the launch of publicity or
advertising campaign (yours). Use these days, too, to hire a subordinate at
work, such as an assistant, intern, or bookkeeper, or at home, such as a
nanny, babysitter, housekeeper, or landscaper.
The month will end on another very positive note, lucky you. Pluto will meet
with the Sun, linking your work with home and real estate on February 28.
If you hope to set up a well functioning home office, this would be your day
to make your most important decisions. You may also want to sign a lease if
you are a retailer in the throes of changing address for your store, or a
manager moving your company.
See? February is shaping up to be a great month on so many levels! You can
improve your health and fitness, nab some amazing assignments, or generate
new business if you are self-employed. Best of all, you have some sparkling
aspects that run through the first half of February for your love life, just
in time for Valentine's Day!
You have been though quite a bit over the past two years, but all the trials
and tribulations you've endured will make you strong and wise, and you are
more capable than ever of handling anything life tosses your way. Saturn in
Libra is why life has had a "no-frills" quality over the past few years, but
this planet is also known to make you practical and objective, and able to
handle positions of responsibility and power. Saturn is also asking you to
take the long-term view and to plan for your future, and you seem very much
in sync with that plan, for you no longer want to live one day at a time -
you want something big to show for your efforts.
Saturn shows us that nothing worthwhile in life is handed to us for free. In
this case, you have had to work hard for all that you attained, especially
since 2009.
As you think about what you have achieved, you probably are proud of the
accomplishments you have racked up so far. You have become more confident in
your abilities - you may not have been aware that you were able to cope
with such harsh challenges in such style. You are almost finished with
Saturn's obstacle camp - you only have until early October 2012. Once gone,
Saturn will not be back to the same part of your chart until September 2039.
That has to be good news!
On February 7, Saturn will retrograde in Libra. This may help, as Saturn
will be weaker, and you may notice less pressure on you until Saturn
regulates its speed at the end of June. Additionally, your efforts to find a
permanent solution to a housing or property matter, or one involving your
parent, may need to be put on hold for now, but only for a few months. Use
the time to re-think your decision to see if it should be amended or
abandoned, or a new idea substituted.
If you hope to buy or sell a house, there will be some sort of delay, and
this may not clear up until June 25, the date Saturn will go direct. If you
are trying to sell a house, you may have to change the price after speaking
with your broker, and if you are trying to buy one, change your bid.
In the meantime, February will bring a lively interlude, which will mark a
real change from the more low-key, serious tone you've become accustomed to
lately. The new moon last month that appeared in late January was an
exception to the rule, for its mission was to bring more love and romance to
your life.
That new moon of late January 23 will still bring social and romantic
opportunities as you enter February. You will have to do your part to
circulate more and to be open to new types of people in early February, but
if you do, you will have a chance to spice up your love life. If you were to
meet a new love interest, it would happen suddenly and without warning -
how exciting! An introduction at the kindness of a friend may turn out to be
exceptionally spot on.
The full moon of February 7 will also work to bring you a chance to have
more fun. A lavish wedding or other party may dot your schedule on that day,
or on the weekend before, February 4-5, or after, February 11-12. This
would be an event to attend, filled with first-rate food, music, flowers,
and many beautiful people. The universe wants you to relax, and so by all
means, take the opportunity.
If you are attached, it appears your partner has a wonderful surprise for
you, February 9, the day Venus in Aries conjoins Uranus in Aries in your
partnership sector. This day will be charged with all the right electricity.
If you are attached, you may be troubled by Uranus in Aries, a long
influence that is mainly affecting those Libras with birthdays that fall
from September 22-25. You may feel that a partner - most likely a romantic
partner, but it could be a business partner - has been erratic and difficult
. You may have to talk things out if you are troubled by the way you are
being treated. This is a tricky trend that will extend for years, until 2019
. However, only those Libras born on the dates stated are feeling the
straight-on effects of this aspect.
As you get to late February, you'll be consumed with a new, possibly
artistic project that will set off by the new moon, February 21 plus two
weeks. Neptune is making its monumental move into Pisces this month, on
February 3, and marks the first time since 1847 through 1862 that Neptune
has been back to Pisces. This is special, because Neptune will be in his
home sign of Pisces, where Neptune will be able to easily express his finest
qualities. You will be drawn to doing assignments that reflect your
artistic side, and you will see this trend grow quite a bit in months to
If you didn't yet work on your resolution to get fit and healthy in 2012,
this same new moon, February 21, will help you make your plans a reality.
Planets that are stacking in Pisces in your sixth house of health suggest
you might try a holistic approach, combining Eastern philosophy with
exercise to create a strong feeling of wellness. Saturn in your sign is an
indication you can now lose weight more easily than you have before. Saturn
is known to constrict and even shrink all that it touches, and that includes
YOU (as funny as that might sound) as Saturn is currently on your Sun. Many
people report success when Saturn comes by for a rare, once-in-29-year
Dates to Note for Libra:
Most romantic days of the month: February 1-3, 7, and 9 (both gold star), 10
, 11, 16 (great day), 24, 28, and 29.
Venus in Aries February 8 to March 5 is great news for you if you are in a
close, committed relationship.
The full moon of February 7 - plus or minus four days - will bring a big
social event over the proceeding weekend (February 4-5) or after (February
Attached Libras have an exciting, happy surprise due from their partner
February 9.
Saturn in Libra will retrograde from February 7 to June 25, temporarily
putting things on hold. You may encounter snags to your dearest plans. It's
not the time to make a big push forward - hold off until after June 25.
Neptune moves to Pisces on February 3 for the coming fourteen years, for the
first time since 1847 to 1862. Get set to work on far more creative
projects in the future.
Mars will continue to move through your twelfth house of secrets and
confinement until July 3. You may be working on a secret product launch, or
it may have a very different manifestation - you may be interacting much
more with medical personnel. Mars is making this a good time to talk over
problems with a therapist, or rid yourself of a habit.
email, i think