Setting up Mountain Lion: 12 geek setup tips
Setting up Mountain Lion: 12 geek setup tips# Apple - 家有苹果
2. Disable Window Zooms
I don't know which Apple Engineer came up with the idea that OS X should
include a window zooming effect but I bear nothing but animosity for this
person. Fortunately there is a solution.
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool NO
Death to zooming windows!
3. Update my Hosts
I think it was either TJ Luoma or Rich Gaywood who first introduced me to and its custom hosts file. In the words of the
providers, "This is an easy and effective way to protect you from many types
of spyware, reduces bandwidth use, blocks certain pop-up traps, prevents
user tracking by way of 'web bugs' embedded in spam,
# provides partial protection to IE from certain web-based exploits and
blocks most advertising you would otherwise be subjected to on the Internet."
I regularly download updates to /etc/hosts/hosts.withlove, then install it
into place. Note that this requires administrator privileges.
% sudo cp hosts hosts.original
% sudo cp hosts.withlove hosts
Once installed, you'll find that your surfing experience improves, your
breath becomes more lovely, and the world transforms into a gentle place
full of unicorns and love.
4. Establish my Terminal Preferences
There is no shell but tsch, and .cshrc is its master. I always set up my
system to use /bin/tcsh. Plus, Ryan Paul got me set up with a rocking Ubuntu
Mono 13pt font for all my fixed width needs like...nethack and fortune,
must-have basics.
One's command line quirks are highly personal. Obviously, mine indicate that
I'm stuck roughly in 1992.
5. Set up QuickTime Pro
Remember QuickTime Pro? I still use it. I bought my license ages ago, and
will keep dragging around the app and the registration information for as
long as I can. QuickTime 7, the app behind QuickTime Pro, still offers some
of the best and most effective video editing tools out there. I make
installing QT7/Pro a part of my normal Mac install routine.
QuickTime Pro lets me add, separate, or delete tracks, build overlays, trim
media, and do ever so much more than iMovie. Sure it's ugly, creaky, and
seriously odd, but it's a great tool and one I don't want to lose. [Ed.:
Some of us still record our podcasts with it.]
6. Install Perian
If you love being able to watch AVI movies from inside QuickTime, Perian is
the answer. We own several cameras that record in AVI format and without
Perian, we woudn't be able to do that. Sure, the utility may not be
supported any more but it still works and is dear to my heart. This is also
when I generally install the latest version of Handbrake and libdvdcss.
7. Add Dropbox
Who doesn't love Dropbox? That doesn't mean you can't tweak your system.
After installing the latest build, make sure to hop into Network > Bandwidth
and set Don't Limit for uploads. It's nice to have your shared files finish
uploading before the next century.
8. Install Vuescan
Remember Vuescan? It's another old app that keeps working and working. I
bought my license way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and it still
allows me to keep using my archaic flatbed scanner (perfect for school forms
) using my 2012 Mac mini running Mountain Lion. Well worth the license fee,
it's a great solution for connecting your OS X system to old hardware.
9. Set up Github, etc.
I always like getting my dev tools in order, and establishing my keys at
Github is one of those essential steps. It's also a good time to install
command-line git, update my Xcode find options (via the little magnifying
glass in the search fields), disable build notifications (whether Xcode
succeeded building or not, I don't want to see them pop up in notification
center. I'm sitting RIGHT HERE compiling.), and link to the simulator from
my home folder:
lns ~/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator sim
10. Copy over my provisions and certificates
As an iOS dev, an hour without working provisions is an hour without
sunshine. Export from the old system as a password-protected package using
organizer (Command-Shift-2 > Devices), and move them to the new system.
Easiest way to get up and running with development on your new machine.
11. Tweak Mail
There's a lot of stuff that Mail does that I hate. Plus, I'm still getting
over the fact that I can no longer use Eudora 6 after 10.6, so every mail
task I have to do takes approximately 3x as long or worse. Regardless, now
that I live in a Mail world, I disable all sounds (including new mail),
enable BCC, and make sure to bring ~/Library/Mail and ~/Library/Mail
Downloads along for the joyous ride. If anyone has created Rosetta for
Mountain Lion, please let me know.
12. Set up TextEdit
In my life, there's no room for fussy rich text. First step out of the box
is to switch TextEdit to plain text mode across the board. Then, I hop into
System Preferences > iCloud > Documents & Data and get my machine the heck
out of using cloud data. This has three effects: 1. It speeds up TextEdit. 2
. It stabilizes TextEdit from all those unexplained crashes, and 3. Keeps my
data safe. Apple still has a lot of work to do when it comes to net
services. I trust iCloud just about as far as, well, not far at all.