买二手iphone需要注意什么?# Apple - 家有苹果
今天在 safeway 买了一只肥羊腿,想试试看。以前做过,好像不太好。
家貓 Bluey 往生記
July 16-17, 2014
2000年, 我家老二新婚, 小夫妻買了兩隻喜馬拉亞種出生才14天的小貓. 一隻取名"
Bluey", 一隻"Joey". 姐妹倆, 可愛極了. 沒幾年, 老二的兩個孩子相繼出世. 夫妻倆
為了孩子們, 忙得不可開交. 沒時間去照顧兩隻貓. 長得滿滿的長毛沒人剪. 只見一團
毛, 不見貓. 我看她們太可憐了. 就領了回家. 我細心照顧它們. 她們都懂我說的. 和
我生活了六年. 現在快十五歲了. 按人壽來算, 7x15, 她們相當一百零五歲了. 我一直
叫她們, little girl, pretty girl.
我現在稱她"貓菩薩Bluey". 她非常聰明. 眼睛明亮, 舉止高貴, 很有靈性. 我常跟她
說, 你是位仙女. 到這人間來做什麼? 我小念佛堂裡的念佛機, 24小時開著. 她常常在
佛堂裡聽念佛號. 臨睡前, 我叫她跟阿彌陀佛說晚安. 她就會去拜佛. 還會磕頭. 我有
給她拍了錄影(video). 我常和我們念佛會同修們說, 我們家有位會拜佛的貓. 這是事
實. 她臨終時的念佛聲是人聲. 不知她什麼時候學會的.
Joey 病了
我常時帶這兩個貓看醫生檢查. 2013春天, pretty girl Joey 病的很重, 很瘦. 醫生
說是腎臟失能, 治不好了. 要一針無痛而終. 我信佛的怎麼可以殺她. 我抱著 Joey,
哭的傷心極了. 醫生改口, 說是可以 Dialysis (洗腎). 而且可以買藥, 在家洗腎.
Joey 有救了!
2014年 7月 16日
世事無常. Pretty girl Bluey 忽然病了. 幾級樓梯都爬不上去. 第二天一早帶她去看
醫生. 弄了大半天. 醫生說是骨癌. X 光照見後腳指少了半個. 醫生就給了兩種藥,
飯後服. 回到家已經七, 八點了. Bluey 不肯吃東西. 等到快 11 點了. 我餵她吃藥.
不知是什麼藥. Bluey 吃了後, 突然大叫. 眼睛睜的好大好大. 簡直是瘋了. 我硬是抱
住她. 過了一會. Bluey 後半身全不能動彈, 癱瘓了. 但是還在掙扎. 我就抱她去佛堂
, 求阿彌陀佛. 她掙扎著要吐要泄. 我大叫正在睡覺的先生, 趕快將所有的大小毛巾拿
來. 我一層一層毛巾裹著她. Bluey 仍然要往外衝, 要吐. 我拿毛巾接住: "沒事. 你
只管吐, 只管拉. 奶奶接著. 佛菩薩不在乎的." 她就吐啊, 拉啊. 把裡面全都清了.
我再把她全身擦乾淨了, 放在佛前. 替她念佛. 這天我從早到晚, 替 Bluey 念佛, 沒
我上了香. 求佛慈悲, 一定要來帶她去西方. 因為我答應過她的: 奶奶將來一定會送你
去西方極樂世界. 奶奶將來也會去. 她動了動. 小聲叫. 我把她抱起來, 坐在凳子上.
一邊流淚, 一邊念佛. Bluey 已是奄奄一息, 像個無助的嬰孩. 這麼小小的心靈. 每天
就靠吃幾粒, 乾硬到能嗆死人的貓食, 也活了十五年. 現在躺在我懷抱裡, 時而睜眼看
我一下, 又閉上眼, 聽我念佛. 我想起"往生被". 本來是準備給 Joey 往生用的. 誰想
到會是給 Bluey的. 我找了出來, 蓋在她身上, 連毛巾對著佛. 這時 Bluey 一動不動.
很安詳. 我一支香接一支香. 也不知道拜託了佛菩薩多少次, 帶她去西方.
凌晨7點半, 打電話給張瀞汶師姐. 我說貓不行了. 瀞汶嚇了一跳. 說她做完早餐就過
來. 我回到佛堂, 告訴 Bluey: 不要怕. 阿彌陀佛一定會來接你的. 我將她抱起放在床
上. 我也躺下靠近她, 替她念佛. 念著念著, 我忽然聽到有人也在念佛. 我就想這是誰
啊? 是瀞汶來了? 我再聽聽. 原來是 Bluey 在念佛: 阿-彌-陀-佛-阿-彌-陀-佛-阿-彌
-陀-佛... 這是人聲! 而且是十念法! 我先生在一旁, 說是 Bluey 在念. 我叫他趕快
拿錄音機. 我們錄到一些. 開始還大聲. 慢慢她沒力氣. 聲音越來越小, 但是很清楚.
真是好樣的 Bluey! 佛菩薩當然都聽到了. 就要來接她去西方了. 我高興的哭了起來.
我先生也哭了. 一時不願去上班. 直到他老闆打電話來催他, 才含著淚出門.
這時瀞汶師姐帶著早餐來了, 還有熱咖啡. 我就去沖洗, 用早點. 瀞文師姐就一直給
Bluey 念佛和開示. 我回到佛堂, 見 Bluey 一動不動很安詳. 瀞文師姐說, 看樣子
Bluey 過不了今天. 叫我別再動她. 我就打電話給老二. 他說下了班就來. 我和師姐一
起在佛堂陪著 Bluey. 過了一會. 師姐說下午再來. 我知道她很忙, 家裡來了不少客人
. 我就坐著念佛. 一心求阿彌陀佛. 接Bluey去西方極樂世界. 念著念著. 沒注意時間,
我突然聽到往生被裡大群人聲. 簡直是一片撕殺聲. 有些東西在往生被下, 不斷地跳動
. 好像就要跳了出來. 我嚇壞了. 就穿起海青, 搭上縵衣. 坐回凳子, 大聲地念佛, 求
佛菩薩護佑. 過了一會, 我見到觀世音菩薩像後, 金光閃閃, 好像有幾位金甲神人. 我
以為眼花. 擦了擦眼睛. 真的是護法神菩薩. 往生被下也就靜了下來. 我再看看 Bluey
. 她對著佛像. 眼眶全是淚. Bluey 這孩子, 從昨晚到現在. 受的苦報. 一幕一幕我都
見到了. 我求佛菩薩快來接她去西方.
這時候, 老二一家四口都趕來了. 瀞汶師姐也來了. 我帶孩子們進了佛堂, 我知道他們
不怎麼信佛. 教他們要用最真盏男, 為 Bluey 念十句, "Namo A-mi-tuo Fo". 兒子和
媳婦非常難過, 和 Bluey 不停地說了一番話. 他們明天還要上班. 孫兒們要吃晚飯.
Bluey 閉著眼, 只有極細微的呼吸聲. 瀞文師姐說她就要走了. 我告訴 Bluey. 爸爸媽
媽都來看過你勸過你了. 你不要再留戀這個世界. 你會念佛. 阿彌陀佛非常高興. 奶奶
, 張阿姨正在助你念佛. 你一定要跟著阿彌陀佛去西方極樂世界. 我又去打電話叫兒子
趕快再來. 電話老是打不通. 等我再回到佛堂, 瀞文師姐輕聲說, 她已經往生了. 師姐
連說了三次我才聽明白. 以下是張師姐的見證. 貓菩薩 Bluey 往生過程. 太不可思議
"七月十七. 黃月光師姐一早來電話, 說是 Bluey 要往生了. 叫我幫忙. 我做完早餐就
趕去, 和師姐一起替她念經念佛. Bluey 呼吸微弱, 身體不能動. 念到晚上, 我看她實
在不行了. 黃師姐就下樓 去給她兒子打電話, 叫他們趕快再來. 這時候, 我忽然發現
Bluey 四肢站了起來. 本來她是對著北面佛像的. 那時她開始轉身. 先是從北, 慢慢轉
東對著窗戶. 停了約兩分鐘. 然後繼續慢慢轉南, 再轉西對著門. 眼睛張的大大, 人立
地站了起來. 雙手(前爪)合十, 對著西方(門). 然後身體慢慢軟了下來, 躺在地上. 她
就這樣, 安祥地跟阿彌陀佛, 去了西方極樂世界. 這時候黃師姐進來了. 我就告訴她
Bluey往生了. 叫師姐把她眼睛合上. 我很受感動. 這位貓菩薩, 有這麼大的善根福德.
這麼多年跟師姐念佛拜佛. 終於去了西方."
A Story of Our Cat Bluey
July 16, 2014
Sisters Bluey and Joey
In the year 2000, our newlywed son and his wife bought two 14-day -old
little kittens, sisters of Himalayan breed. One was named Joey, and the
other Bluey because her eyes were bluish, and they were the two cutest
things I have ever known. A few years later, their first child was born,
then their second. The young parents were so occupied with caring for their
two little children that they
asked me to adopt them. So I took them home and cared for them like my own
children. It has been six years since, and this year they were almost
fifteen years old, something like 80 years old for a human being. But I
still called them little girls, pretty girls.
Bluey was a very special creature. She was noble and intelligent, and
understood everything I spoke to her. I often said to her: “You are so pure
and beautiful like an angel in heavens. Why come to this sinful world full
of suffering?”
In my small Buddhist shrine, I kept a music box playing Buddha Recitation
all day long. Each day Bluey would spend a certain amount of time in the
shrine listening to the chanting. She also knew, in her own way, how to
worship Amitabha Buddha. By bedtime, I would say, “Go and say good night to
Buddha”, and she would go to the shrine. Upon returning she would jump
onto my bed with Joey. I often proudly told my Buddhist brothers and sisters
that we have a cat who knows how to worship Buddha. It was true, and I had
taken videos of her.
I regularly took the cats to see a veterinarian. In the spring of 2013,
pretty girl Joey became very sick. The doctor said she had kidney failure.
He suggested to give her an injection to end her misery. How could I? I am a
Buddhist. I cried very hard and held Joey tightly: “Let’s go home.
Grandma will not let you die. Grandma will take care of you.” The doctor
backed off and told me that there was a way: dialysis at home. I could
purchase the medicine and perform the procedure at home. I cried aloud: “
Joey, you are saved!”
July 16, 2014
Buddha says life is impermanent and full of afflictions. Pretty girl Bluey
suddenly fell ill. She apparently was in great pain. One evening, she could
not climb up the stairway, nor even climb onto my bed. Early the next
morning, I took her to see the veterinarian. We spent all day in the vet’s
clinic. The doctor said Bluey had bone cancer. The X-ray showed one half of
a rear toe was missing. He gave me medication for Bluey, to be taken after a
meal. By the time we came home, it was almost 8 O’clock in the evening. I
tried to feed her, but Bluey would not eat. By 11 PM, I held Bluey and made
her swallow the medication. All of a sudden, Bluey cried loudly, and
struggled violently in my arms. Her big eyes showed fear. I held her tightly
, and was frightened myself: what sort of medicines were they? After a while
, Bluey collapsed. The rear of her body was paralyzed. I carried her to my
Buddhist shrine, and prayed to Amitabha Buddha. Bluey was still struggling,
and wanted to throw up. I shouted to my sleeping husband Steve: “Bring me
all the towels! Be quick!”
I wrapped Bluey with several big towels, but she still tried to get out of
the shrine. I put a towel under her mouth and said: “Go ahead. Throw it up.
Grandma will catch it. Buddha and Bodhisattvas will not mind.” Bluey thus
began to vomit and defecate until she got rid of everything inside of her. I
cleaned her up, and placed her in front of the Buddha. I lit a stick of
incense, and recited Amitabha Buddha. All that day since the early morning,
I recited Buddha’s name nonstop for Bluey. In tears, I begged Buddha the
Divine Mercy to forgive all her past transgressions, and to receive my poor
and faithful Buddhist Bluey to His Pure Land. I had promised Bluey that
Grandma would assist her to be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land; Grandma
would be reborn there, too. Listening to my prayer, Bluey moved slightly
with a faint cry.
I picked her up, and sat on a stool. I was crying and chanting Buddha’s
name at the same time. Bluey was helpless like an infant, almost lifeless.
Such a small miserable thing lived on a few pieces of dry cat food, which
was hard enough to choke a human to death. Yet, she managed to live for 15
years. Now in my arms, she would open her eyes look at me once in a while,
and close them again, listening to my Buddha chanting.
I remembered the golden “Dharani” blanket, which has Buddha’s names and
incantations printed on it. Its function is believed to minimize the past
evil karmas of the dying, and produces golden light shining the way for the
dead to be reborn in a better world; the best world of all is free of
Samsara, the birth-death cycle, and is the Western Pure Land of Amitabha
Buddha. I took out the golden blanket, and placed it onto Bluey’s body.
Bluey was quiet and motionless. All night, I kept burning incense and
praying for Bluey that Buddha would spare her pain and take her to His Pure
July 17, 2014
Around 7:30 in the morning, I called a very close Dharma Sister of mine,
Chang Ching-Wen. I told her that Bluey was very ill, and probably dying. I
asked her for help. Ching-Wen was stunned, and said she would be on her way
as soon as she finished preparing breakfast (for several visiting guests in
her house).
I returned to Bluey and told her not to be afraid; Amitabha Buddha is coming
. I picked her up, and carried her with the golden blanket onto my bed
because this was her favorite place. I lay down next to her, and continued
reciting Amitabha Buddha. After a little while, I heard someone else
reciting Buddha’s name: A-mi-ta-bha… A-mi-ta-bha… A-mi-ta-bha… I first
thought Sister Ching-Wen had arrived and was reciting, but Steve told me it
was Bluey. She was reciting Buddha’s name with a human-like voice: A-mi-ta-
bha… A-mi-ta-bha… We both became excited, and nervous. Steve was so
nervous that he wasted time fumbling with little electronic gadgets. I
grabbed my mini iPad, and we began recording her chanting. At first her
voice was strong, then it got weaker and weaker. Bluey was struggling with
her last breath to call onto the Buddha. I cried. Steve cried. He stayed
with Bluey unwilling to leave for work until his boss telephoned him to
hurry into work.
At this moment Sister Ching-Wen arrived with freshly made breakfast and hot
coffee. She immediately took over the Buddha recitation with Bluey. I took a
quick shower, and ate some hot food. By the time I returned to Bluey, she
was quiet. Ching-Wen thought that Bluey might not last the day. I quickly
went downstairs to call my son in Moorestown, North Jersey, and told him
about Bluey. He said he would leave work early and come right away.
All morning Sister Ching-Wen and I were chanting and praying for Bluey. By
noon, Ching-Wen had to leave. She said she would return later in the
afternoon. I knew she was very busy.
I sat on the stool, and continued the Buddha recitation. I do not know how
long it had been before I suddenly heard loud voices, violent human voices,
which sounded like a battle. And they came from the golden blanket. Under it
, there were things jumping as if they were about to jump out of the blanket
. I was very scared. So I put on my Bodhisattva robes, kneeled before the
pictures of Buddha and Bodhisattva, and loudly called, “Namo-Amitabha-
Buddha”. A little while later, I saw bright golden lights and golden
figures from behind the picture of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. I thought my
tired eyes created an illusion. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. Indeed,
there stood several Dharma guardian gods radiating golden light! The Dharani
blanket quieted down. I looked at Bluey. Her head was outside the blanket
but her eyes were full of tears. Poor little child. All night and all day I
saw how she was suffering the consequence of her past karmas. I prayed to
Buddha and Bodhisattva to come quickly, and escort her to the Pure Land.
It was then that my son, his wife and two children arrived from North Jersey
. Sister Ching-Wen also came back. I led the children to the shrine. I said
to them, I know you do not really believe in Buddhism. For Bluey’s sake,
you must sincerely recite ten times, “Namo Amitabha Buddha”. My son and my
daughter-in-law were in tears. They spoke with Bluey for quite a while
before they had to leave and take their hungry children out to dinner.
Bluey closed her eyes, barely breathing. Sister Ching-Wen said her time was
near. I said to Bluey, “Mom and Dad have seen you, and advised you. It is
time that you must cut off any attachment to this world. You have recited
aloud the Buddha’s name. Amitabha has heard your calling, and was very
pleased. Your grandma and Aunt Ching-Wen are praying with you. Amitabha
Buddha is coming for you. You must follow the Buddha to His Land of the
Blissful.” I went downstairs to telephone my son to ask him to come right
back. Somehow, I could not get the call through. By the time I returned to
the shrine, Sister Ching-Wen said softly that Bluey had gone with the Buddha
. She repeated this twice before I finally understood her. Now that Bluey
has attained Bodhisattva-hood by rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land, I have
decided to call her “Cat Pusa Bluey” – Pusa means Bodhisattva in Chinese.

The following is Sister Ching-Wen’s recount of Bluey’s final moments:
“In early morning of July 17, Dharma Sister Reena Wong called me. She said
her cat Bluey was dying, and asked me for help. After I finished making
breakfast, I went to her house and assisted Bluey in reciting Amitabha
Buddha, and praying for the Buddha to escort her to the Western Pure Land.
Bluey was barely breathing. She was partially paralyzed. By evening time, I
realized that Bluey’s time had come. Sister Reena went downstairs to call
her son to come back to say goodbye to Bluey. At this moment, Bluey stood up
on her four feet, effortlessly, like a normal cat. She was facing the
pictures of Buddha and Bodhisattva to the North. Now she began to turn
slowly. First to the East, facing the windows, where she stood for a little
while. Then she slowly turned to the South, and to the West, facing the
door. She stood up like a human on her two hind feet. Her eyes widened
looking to the West, and she held together her two front paws like a human
Buddhist closing two palms. Then she slowly lay down. Her face showed no
agony but peace and a certain beauty. Then Sister Reena came back. I told
her Bluey had gone with Amitabha Buddha, and asked her to close her eyes. By
example Bluey Pusa demonstrated and convinced me of Buddha’s powers and
vows. For six years Bluey has learned and practiced with Sister Reena Buddha
Recitation, and finally achieved the rebirth to Amitabha’s Pure Land in
the West.”
Reena Wong, Chang Ching Wen / Cherry Hill, New Jersey
A commentary by Dharma Master Jing Zong (淨宗法師)
Since ancient times, there have been numerous documented cases of animal
rebirths to the Pure Land by reciting the name of the Buddha. All these
cases have helped render and instill our faith in the vows and powers of
Amitabha Buddha. If only sentient beings would recite His name, a rebirth in
His Pure Land is achieved. It is achievable for animals, let alone the
intelligent human beings. This story of “Cat Bluey’s Rebirth to Pure Land
” is particularly intriguing and deeply touching.
All reported animal rebirths in Pure Land take place in the Eastern
countries, such as India, China, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan. The case with
Bluey takes place in the Christian world of the West, and illustrates that
the Buddha’s compassion and charity reaches everywhere, people of all
cultural backgrounds, and every kind of being, whether animal or human. As
Buddha has taught us, all living beings possess Buddha nature; it makes no
difference whether one’s social status is high or low, animals or humans;
they all will be Buddhas. I wonder if in the tradition of Christianity there
have been reports of animal rebirths into God’s kingdom.
Bluey did not speak, but apparently understood human’s language. In her
final moments, she recited the Buddha’s name, and her recitation was
recorded by her Mistress, Grandma Wong. In anticipation of the Buddha’s
arrival, Bluey turned her body to the West from the North the proper way:
First, she turned to the East, then to the South, and finally she faced the
West. She knew that this was the direction the Buddha would come for her.
Incredibly, she stood up on her hind feet, closed her paws in a gesture of
paying homage to the arriving Buddha, and thus she followed the Buddha to
His Pure Land.
Like a human being, Bluey lived with pain from an incurable disease, and
suffered the consequences of her past karmas. With the assistance of Grandma
Wong and Aunt Chang, by the compassion of the Bodhisattva, and by the
protection of Dharma guardian gods, she finally overcame all obstacles, and
walked the last few steps of a long Buddhist journey to the Pure Land. The
story of Bluey’s rebirth is incredible and inconceivable. But according to
Pure Land Buddhism, all is expected. It is the way it is.
It did not seem that Bluey practiced feverishly and nonstop Buddha
Recitation. And it was not a coincidence that Bluey’s successful rebirth
relied on the Yuan (緣), or “predestined conditions”, which was the six-
year period following her Mistress Wong and practicing Pure Land Buddhism.
Whence, upon death, she also had the Yuan of Wong assisting her with Buddha
Recitation. By Amitabha Buddha’s pure and strong Yuan, Bluey’s Buddha
nature at last matured and burst out when she uttered the Buddha’s name
like a human being. In the end, Bluey even stood up, closed her paws, paid
homage to Amitabha, and followed Him to the Pure Land.
Pure Land patriarchs have said: “Without the strong Amitabha Yuan, which is
the predestined conditions based on His vows and transference of His merits
, one cannot be free of the Samsara, the endless birth-death cycle.”
“Leaning on Buddha’s vows as the strong Yuan, all sentient beings, whether
ordinary and sanctified, may be reborn in the Pure Land.”
“Sukhavati, the Amitabha’s Land of Blissful is the Asavkhata Nirvana, the
ultimate liberation and enlightenment. A rebirth in the Land is not likely
without the strong Amitabha Yuan.”
“The Land of Blissful is created not for those who practice at variance
with Pure Land Buddhism but for those who have a deep faith and strong will,
and concentrate only on the name of the Buddha.”
“To rebirth or not may have little to do with one’s achievements in
knowledge, social status, or cultivating merits; it has to do only with
Buddha’s vows and Yuan. The purpose of these achievements is to avail
oneself of Amitabha’s vows and Yuan, as well as Buddha recitation and
remembrance. Under these conditions one’s rebirth in the Pure Land is
所南德义檀嘉热巴涅 此福已得一切智
托内尼波札南潘协将 摧伏一切过患敌
杰嘎纳齐瓦隆彻巴耶 生老病死犹波涛
哲波措利卓瓦卓瓦效 愿度有海诸有情
学佛的我们都不忌讳死亡, 我就在这个假设上问个疑问,希望帮助理解一下净土。
是不是护法菩萨来的时候,不但往生的人可以看到, 周围的其他也能看到?
如果有这种珍贵的机会, 可不可以跟着一起去?

【在 f****2 的大作中提到】
: 以下文章是末学收到美国新泽西州蒋师兄的电子邮件,是蒋师兄的原创文章,记叙了今
: 年7月发生在新泽西州佛友家的真实事件。蒋师兄随后还将此文翻译成英文,并告诉末
: 学黄师姐(家猫的主人)愿意更多人看到这篇文章。阿弥陀佛!
: 家貓 Bluey 往生記
: July 16-17, 2014
: 貓和我的因緣
: 2000年, 我家老二新婚, 小夫妻買了兩隻喜馬拉亞種出生才14天的小貓. 一隻取名"
: Bluey", 一隻"Joey". 姐妹倆, 可愛極了. 沒幾年, 老二的兩個孩子相繼出世. 夫妻倆
: 為了孩子們, 忙得不可開交. 沒時間去照顧兩隻貓. 長得滿滿的長毛沒人剪. 只見一團
: 毛, 不見貓. 我看她們太可憐了. 就領了回家. 我細心照顧它們. 她們都懂我說的. 和

如果可能买保修期内的,最好能检查里面的water sensor有没有变色,但很麻烦,一般


【在 g****r 的大作中提到】
: 今天在 safeway 买了一只肥羊腿,想试试看。以前做过,好像不太好。
: 有谁觉得不错,请分享一下。


【在 l****u 的大作中提到】
: 学佛的我们都不忌讳死亡, 我就在这个假设上问个疑问,希望帮助理解一下净土。
: 是不是护法菩萨来的时候,不但往生的人可以看到, 周围的其他也能看到?
: 如果有这种珍贵的机会, 可不可以跟着一起去?

是说见到了护法, 也保证不了能够往生西天。

【在 n****t 的大作中提到】
: 猜想一下:
: 其他人/物应该是要么不能看到,要么能看到也跟看电影相似,不能入戏。


【在 B********e 的大作中提到】
: 起一团篝火,找根树枝穿着羊腿,在篝火上面烤。。。



【在 b*******t 的大作中提到】
: 好好吃阿~~

【在 l****u 的大作中提到】
: 学佛的我们都不忌讳死亡, 我就在这个假设上问个疑问,希望帮助理解一下净土。
: 是不是护法菩萨来的时候,不但往生的人可以看到, 周围的其他也能看到?
: 如果有这种珍贵的机会, 可不可以跟着一起去?

如果看到了护法神, 算是具足的征兆吗?
还是如果不具足, 也能看到他们。

【在 M*******A 的大作中提到】
: 如果你信愿行具足,就能去
不知道啊, 我一直以为能看到护法神是大好光明之兆,

【在 d******r 的大作中提到】
: 护法的是不是相当于以前押镖的?

【在 g****r 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢!
: 照这个上面的炖了试试。
: 下次,再按照各位说的,烤着看看。


【在 l****u 的大作中提到】
: 不知道啊, 我一直以为能看到护法神是大好光明之兆,
: 要跟随而去。
: 不过我对这些知识有限。

我老自己经常找不到自己在哪里,找不到北, 你老任重道远。
先把武器给升级一下, 就是刀也要达到傅红雪的水平,至少要能跟修罗道的老大们打

【在 d******r 的大作中提到】
: 可惜俺现在不劫镖了,不然可以带你去。


【在 l****u 的大作中提到】
: 我老自己经常找不到自己在哪里,找不到北, 你老任重道远。
: 先把武器给升级一下, 就是刀也要达到傅红雪的水平,至少要能跟修罗道的老大们打
: 个平手。


【在 l****u 的大作中提到】
: 学佛的我们都不忌讳死亡, 我就在这个假设上问个疑问,希望帮助理解一下净土。
: 是不是护法菩萨来的时候,不但往生的人可以看到, 周围的其他也能看到?
: 如果有这种珍贵的机会, 可不可以跟着一起去?


【在 l****u 的大作中提到】
: 如果看到了护法神, 算是具足的征兆吗?
: 还是如果不具足, 也能看到他们。

哪周围的人如何确定他往生西天了, 还是无法确切知道?

【在 M*******A 的大作中提到】
: 不算。看到阿弥陀佛来接你往生,才算具足。
: 不往生的时候,也可能看到护法神。


【在 l****u 的大作中提到】
: 也就是周围的人看不到阿弥陀佛,只有往生的能。
: 哪周围的人如何确定他往生西天了, 还是无法确切知道?
