iphone 黄屏完全是正常现象
iphone 黄屏完全是正常现象# Apple - 家有苹果
There have been quite a few worries out there on the web today, with new
owners of the iPhone 5 comparing the screen to the older iPhone 4 and 4S. I
was one of these early adopters, and I also set the phones next to each
other to see the differences. When I turned them both on to look at the
difference in screen ratio, I noticed that the new iPhone 5 screen had a
markedly yellow tint.
I did what anyone might do upon seeing a possible defect in a brand new
gadget device: I panicked.
Then I spent a little time on some other sites on the internet, and found
out that I might have overreacted.
The yellowish tint has appeared on many new iOS devices, usually the ones
within the first few days of release. The iPad, the iPhone 4S, and of course
the iPhone 5 have all been photographed and videoed next to their older
brethren to show the differences. MacRumors even started an “official”
yellow tint thread last week as a nod to the typical new screen issue.
However, the cause of this yellow tint may be simple. Apparently, there’s
an adhesive for the digitizer that takes a little while to fully cure. While
it’s still drying, it gives a new screen a yellowish tint. According to
many sources, this tint will go away in the next few days, or in a week or
so. It’s nothing to worry about. A similar answer was proposed in an
official Apple discussion thread, so that’s at least two separate sources
saying essentially the same thing. I’m comforted.
Now, if your iPhone 5 continues to stay yellow, or develops any of the other
issues being reported, it may be time to take it in for a replacement.
Source: MacRumors