新iPhone SE速度实测对比# Apple - 家有苹果
1 楼
面data analyst
两case 两behavioral
每个behavioral 问3个问题, 记得的有:
1. example of persuasion
2. learn new things
3. deal with conflict
case 1 计算credit card insurance profit per customer
cost of mailing $0.5, response rate 1%, average balance per month $1000,
insurance charges 1% of average balance monthly, customer claim rate 5%
(once insured customer files a claim, the balance will be wiped and C1
lose $1000).
Question: profit per customer, graph claim rate vs response rate (linear
y=5x), graph profit vs response rate (profit=120-1/2r+5000r), find the
response rate for maximum profit (r=1%)
case 2 也是算CC profit,精华区有,
Limit=5000, balance=3000, interest 16%, C1 interest cost 4%, default
probability 2%, card cost 40, fee from customer 20.
前面三个小问题都很简单,profit, 降低limit, 降低balance, 10分钟就完了, 最后
图, delta reduced balance vs delta #customer, 在图上标出 profit=120 (最基本
的scenario)的点, 我觉得他没说清楚条件, 结果搞了20多分钟, 他也糊涂了, 最
本来去之前以为case一点问题都没有, behavioral相对难点, 结果behavioral的问题
简单, 反而在case上出了点问题。
两case 两behavioral
每个behavioral 问3个问题, 记得的有:
1. example of persuasion
2. learn new things
3. deal with conflict
case 1 计算credit card insurance profit per customer
cost of mailing $0.5, response rate 1%, average balance per month $1000,
insurance charges 1% of average balance monthly, customer claim rate 5%
(once insured customer files a claim, the balance will be wiped and C1
lose $1000).
Question: profit per customer, graph claim rate vs response rate (linear
y=5x), graph profit vs response rate (profit=120-1/2r+5000r), find the
response rate for maximum profit (r=1%)
case 2 也是算CC profit,精华区有,
Limit=5000, balance=3000, interest 16%, C1 interest cost 4%, default
probability 2%, card cost 40, fee from customer 20.
前面三个小问题都很简单,profit, 降低limit, 降低balance, 10分钟就完了, 最后
图, delta reduced balance vs delta #customer, 在图上标出 profit=120 (最基本
的scenario)的点, 我觉得他没说清楚条件, 结果搞了20多分钟, 他也糊涂了, 最
本来去之前以为case一点问题都没有, behavioral相对难点, 结果behavioral的问题
简单, 反而在case上出了点问题。