【在 D****9 的大作中提到】 : how to zhuan? : how long does it take?
13 楼
"我们这个圈子" might be too limited, you can ask people not exactly in this circle, but in related field. IOs can't tell at all. This person does not sound to be very independent, but it depends on how you describe your relationship with him. Even if he's not independent, he can still be a good reference for you.
假设独立推荐人是1.0,非独立推荐人是0.0。像你说的这个大概0.5左右,所以会陷于糊 里糊涂之中。两点需要考虑: (1)移民官把0.5如何处理,变成1.0或0.0?或者还是0.5?(这是个case by case, also by IO的问题,可以推测,但推测就是推测) (2)你希望把这个说成独立推荐人,又担心说错了影响在IO那里的信誉 个人观点供参考:实事求是的说清楚你和这个人的关系,然后强调“我认为”是独立的 。重要的是“实事求是”的话要说的巧,不要把没有必要和不利的事情说得太多。齐白 石的“妙在似与不似之间”值得再次学习。