特斯拉idle的时候也耗电,为了提高电池的效率需要把电池温度保持在一定范围内。 http://seekingalpha.com/article/1430161-in-summary-the-tesla-mo ******************************* Idle Losses Unlike other automobiles, however, the nature of the Model S battery - which utilizes an estimated 9,000 type 8650 lithium-ion battery cells, most commonly used to power laptop computers - requires continuous monitoring and frequent thermal management (heating and cooling) to maintain both longevity and safety. This consumes a significant amount of power, even when the vehicle is not being driven. Tesla owners affectionately call their idle power losses their "Vampire Load ." Tesla's Power Drain While Idle (Vampire Load) forum thread has 460 posts and is filled with stories of lost driving range while Model S sedans sit idle. In warm weather (greater than 50 degrees F), the 85 kWh Model S consumes roughly 3.5 kWh of electricity for every 24 hours the sedan sits idle, or 9.3 miles of driving range per day. In cold weather, idles losses are significantly worse, as recorded by the infamous John Broder of the New York Times as well as by Consumer Reports.