Used Breast-Pumps: Articles and Links
Included on this page are links and articles related to the issues of safety
involved in mothers using used single user breast pumps. Some things a
breastfeeding mother needs to consider in regards to used single user breast
pumps includes:
Open Systems vs. Closed Systems
Health and Hygiene Issues
Legal and Liability Issues
What If a Borrowed Pump Breaks?
Are Used Breast Pumps a Good Option? Issues to Consider
Are Used Breast Pumps a Good Option? Issues to Consider by Nancy
Mohrbacher, IBCLC What new mother wouldn’t like to save money on a breast
pump? That’s why lactation consultants and other health care professionals
are often asked: “Do you have used breast pumps available?” Some mothers
have friends or relatives offering to lend them a used pump, but is a used
pump a good option?
About Used Breast Pumps by Cindy Curtis, RN, IBCLC
It is not safe and is not advised by the FDA or breast pump manufacturers to
share a personal breast pump with anyone. This has nothing to do with
profit-it has everything to do with infection control and the safety of
mothers and babies.
Please know that if you sell your pump or pass it onto another person that
you are putting their baby at risk for all kinds of harmful bacteria.
Please do not sell or share your pump with anyone. The only types that can
be shared are the Classic or Lactina rental pump (which is made to used by
multiple users). The parts that are attached to Medela's rental pumps are
not interchangeable to share. Do yourself a favor and be safe. Do not
purchase a used pump.
Here is an article with the data to support not sharing single user breast
pumps by Cindy Curtis, RN, IBCLC
The concern of buying a used pump is something many breastfeeding moms
encounter. Although a used pump may be more affordable than a new one, there
are real health implications involved.
In addition to the health risks of borrowing a pump there are ethical ones
as well. I have worked with several moms who purchased or borrowed a used
pump from a friend or relative, only to have that pump break or stop
operating while they were using it. These moms then felt obligated to
purchase a new pump,if it was a borrowed pump, the new pump had to be
returned and the mom had spent a lot of extra money that she didn't need to.
The approximate cost to formula feed a baby for one year is $2,300.00 , a
new breast pump is very reasonable compared to that price.
Most breast pumps come with a one year warranty, but this only applies to
the original owner, any sharing of the pump, negates the warranty.
I personally called the FDA on June 1, 2001 to find out the specifics and
here is the statement issued by them at that time:
"The following statement is FDA's position on the matter of reuse of breast
pumps labeled for a single user. FDA does not regulate the sale of
individual breast pumps by individuals to other individuals. Rather, we
regulate these medical devices when they are in interstate commerce. We have
not said that this practice is legal or illegal. Instead, we have the
following position, which recommends that if the pump cannot be adequately
disinfected between uses by different mothers, that the pump not be used by
different mothers." "FDA advises that there are certain risks presented by
breast pumps that are reused by different mothers if they are not properly
cleaned and sterilized. These risks include the transmission of infectious
diseases or the risk of improper function. FDA believes that the proper
cleaning and sterilization of breast pumps requires the removal of any fluid
that has entered the pumping mechanism itself. If proper sterilization of
the breast pump can not be achieved, FDA recommends that it not be reused by
different mothers."
If you are considering buying a used breastpump, please determine whether or
not the pump is a "single user" pump before purchasing it.
Here is a list of the pumps I have researched :
The following pumps are labeled as "single user" devices:
These pumps have an "open system" , meaning that the pumps motor is open and
that the moms breast milk can come in contact with the motor if it
accidentally runs back up the tubes and also that a fine spray of milk can
get on the motor at any time and since the pump diaphragm is attached, it is
impossible to be thoroughly cleaned, thus even if you purchase a new set of
tubing, flanges and bottles, your milk can still be contaminated by the
previous users milk.
Avent Isis®
Evenflo Press and Pump®
Evenflo Manual Breast Pump®
Gentle Expressions Mini Electric®
Gerber Precious Care®
Hollister/Ameda® Purely Yours
MagMag Mini Electric®
Medela Mini electric®
Medela Pump In Style® Breastpump
Medela Pump In Style® Traveler
Medela Pump In Style® Companion
Medela DoubleEase® Breast Pump
The following pumps are are designed to be used by multiple users:
These pumps operate on a "closed system", meaning that it is impossible for
milk reach the motor, hence these are safe to be used my multiple mothers.
Hollister Elite® Hollister Lact-e®
Hollister SMB® Breastpump®
Medela Classic® Breastpump
Medela Lactina® Breastpump
Medela Symphony® Breastpump
Bailey Nurture III®
The following pumps are still being researched by me :
If the pump you are planning to purchase is not listed above, please consult
the operating instructions or the box that came with the breast pump when
you purchased it.
From Medela's Website
Many mothers have asked if they can safely sell, purchase, or use a
previously owned breastpump. Medela is concerned about the health and
welfare of breastfeeding mothers and their babies. Breastfeeding is
certainly the best way to feed your baby, and is the gold standard of infant
nutrition. There is some evidence, however, that certain serious viruses*
may be transmittable through breastmilk. For this reason, it is not
advisable to use a previously owned breastpump. Breastpumps are single-user
products, or personal care items, much like a toothbrush, and are registered
with the FDA as single user items.
For safety, breastpumps should never be shared, resold, or lent among
mothers. Medela strongly discourages mothers from re-using or re-selling
previously owned breastpump equipment. The Medela Pump In Style®
Breastpump has an internal diaphragm that cannot be removed, replaced, or
fully sterilized. Therefore, the risk of cross-contamination associated with
re-using a previously owned pump such as the Pump In Style cannot be
totally dismissed. Multiple use of single-user breastpump automatically
voids the warranty of the Medela product. Each mother who wishes to express
milk with a pump should use a clean, uncontaminated breastpump. This is the
safest way to eliminate any risk of cross-contamination.
Rental pumps such as the Classic™ and Lactina® pumps are made to
be safely used by repeated clients who each use their own clean personal
rental kit, therefore avoiding any possible cross-contamination. Rental
pumps, when used according to the Medela instructions, are safe to use by
multiple mothers who have their own personal kits.
We are aware that different mothers have different pumping needs, and
economic situations. For this reason, Medela pumps come in a variety of
styles and prices, to fit the needs of many breastfeeding mothers. There are
also grant programs available for mothers in need. For information on this
and Medela products, ask your local rental station. For product information,
availability and pricing, use our Breastfeeding National Network at 1 800
TELL YOU for your rental/retail station. Customer Service is available at 1
800 435-8316 for product questions. If you have any other breastfeeding
questions, ask Medela's lactation consultant.
We are invested in continuing health and safety of mothers and babies. Many
mothers who wish or need to express milk regularly find that using a high
quality breastpump can help avoid the costly alternative of using artificial
baby milk, which sometimes approaches or exceeds $1000 for the first year
of baby's life. Mothers who pump frequently may find that the cost of a high
quality breastpump, when compared to the price of artificial baby milk is
reasonable, and a wise investment in the present and future health of their
children and themselves.
1. *It is believed by some physicians and researchers that human breastmilk
can possibly contain viruses if the mother is infected. Such viruses may
include CMV (Cytomegalovirus), HIV-Human Immunodeficiency Virus (AIDS), and
HTLV-1 (Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1.)
1. Ruth A. Lawrence, MD, Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession
(St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 1999), pp. 225.
有朋友有2005 vw passat 的维修手册吗,网上看得$100多,很贵呀。感觉这车DIY起来
这个list真好。医生也说只有hospital grade的pump才可以multi-user.

【在 C*****r 的大作中提到】
: 这个list真好。医生也说只有hospital grade的pump才可以multi-user.
可是我个人觉得,机器没有关系吧? 把喇叭和管子什么的都换掉就好了吧。


【在 l****7 的大作中提到】
: 挺重要的:
: http://www.breast-pumps.com/used_breast_pumps.htm
: Used Breast-Pumps: Articles and Links
: Included on this page are links and articles related to the issues of safety
: involved in mothers using used single user breast pumps. Some things a
: breastfeeding mother needs to consider in regards to used single user breast
: pumps includes:
: bullet
: Open Systems vs. Closed Systems
: bullet


【在 x********3 的大作中提到】
: 呵呵,你说的对呀,passat这个车在vw买了audi后显得挺尴尬。
: 我在网上看到几种比较好的手册,也不确定哪种好,以前都是用$10几块的手册,感觉
: 还是稍微简单了些。德国车不是DIY友好型呀。


【在 k*******q 的大作中提到】
: 奥迪1964年就被大众收购了,那时候还没有PASSAT这个系列吧

【在 m******h 的大作中提到】
: 可是我个人觉得,机器没有关系吧? 把喇叭和管子什么的都换掉就好了吧。
: safety
: breast

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