Outback OTD 24224 good deal?# Automobile - 车轮上的传奇
1 楼
Vehicle Price: $28,972.00
Dealer Savings: - $2,372.00
Dealer Price: $26,600.00
Trade-in Value: - $5,000.00
Difference: $21,600.00
Sales Tax (estimate): + $1,717.20
Documentation Fee: + $399.00
Postage: + $2.00
Title Fee: + $4.00
License Fee (estimate): + $8.25
Lieu Tax: + $487.00
Tire Fee: + $5.00
Balance Due (estimate): $24,222.45
MSRP=30707.premium with package 4 and 14.
is this a good deal?
Dealer Savings: - $2,372.00
Dealer Price: $26,600.00
Trade-in Value: - $5,000.00
Difference: $21,600.00
Sales Tax (estimate): + $1,717.20
Documentation Fee: + $399.00
Postage: + $2.00
Title Fee: + $4.00
License Fee (estimate): + $8.25
Lieu Tax: + $487.00
Tire Fee: + $5.00
Balance Due (estimate): $24,222.45
MSRP=30707.premium with package 4 and 14.
is this a good deal?