新的保险加了一个条款# Automobile - 车轮上的传奇
In Part 4—Protection Against Loss To The Auto, the following
is added Losses We Do Not Cover Under Coverages DD, HH,
JJ, UU, ZA, and ZZ:
20. Loss to your insured auto (including loss to an attached
trailer) from a collision with another object or by upset of
that auto or trailer if, at the time of the loss, the auto was
being operated by a licensed driver who was not listed on
your Policy Declarations as a driver and who was either:
a) a resident; or
b) a guest temporarily staying in your home.
We will not apply this exclusion under the following
a) The driver operating the auto became a resident, a
guest temporarily staying in your home, or a licensed
driver no more than 90 days prior to the loss;
b) At the time of the loss, the driver was listed as an
insured or licensed operator under another
automobile insurance policy; or
c) At the time of the loss, the driver was operating the
i) for the purpose of obtaining emergency medical
treatment for a passenger in the auto; or
ii) because of the intoxicated condition of all other
licensed drivers in the auto, and the driver was
not legally intoxicated. Coverage will not apply
unless a police accident report is obtained at the
scene of the accident or, if a police accident
report is not available at the scene of the accident,
as soon as possible thereafter.
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