我看不少也问个过我同样的问题。 我更新一下,希望对大家有帮助。 我又咨询了SUBARU的客服。 客服要了DEALER的信息。 客服打电话给DEALER确认了. 下 面是回复: hank you for your email response. I reached out to XXXXX Subaru and spoke with Randy, Service Advisor. They do recommend one time per year on a vehicle that is not driven often. We recommend every 6,000 miles or 6 months. There is no right or wrong, rather the retailers will sometimes have different suggestions. Ultimately, you can service as frequently as you want. I asked Randy if they would service your vehicle every 6,000 miles or 6 months. He advd that they would do so. Again, thank you for your contact. Sincerely, Lana Downs Subaru of America, Inc. Customer/Retailer Services Department 1-800-SUBARU3 (1-800-782-2783)