Dahn Lab Begins 5-year Tesla Partnership 这个google了? On June 16, 2015, Dalhousie University and Tesla Motors announced that the Dahn group will switch industrial partners from 3M Canada to Tesla in June of 2016. The arrangement with Tesla will be exclusive and the substantial 5- year funding package will allow the lab to operate at approximately the same scale as at present. The focus of the partnership will be to help create Li -ion cells with longer lifetime (in decades), lower cost and higher energy density destined for use in Tesla products.
: 看到的只是研究了电池的封装,生产技术。
: 当然还有一个类似的例子是solar City, 吹的震天响,问题是在发电效率,耐压 ,效率
: 衰减这些核心指标上都被人碾压。过个几年开始开吹home energy storage, 没 两年在