贡献一个 2019 Tiguan SEL 4motion# Automobile - 车轮上的传奇
1 楼
MSRP: $35,464
Price after discount and rebates: $30,687
Tax (PA 8%): $2,455
title Doc fee: $399
OTD: $33,541
Tired of price games, so end up the search in 2 weeks and price talk in 2
days. yet get my favorite trim and favorite color w 3rd-row seats-- only one
in 16 dealers.
Price after discount and rebates: $30,687
Tax (PA 8%): $2,455
title Doc fee: $399
OTD: $33,541
Tired of price games, so end up the search in 2 weeks and price talk in 2
days. yet get my favorite trim and favorite color w 3rd-row seats-- only one
in 16 dealers.