Why Claim Insurance?# Automobile - 车轮上的传奇
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We buy insurance so if accident happens, we can walk away with minimal finanic
al burden.
Say if an accident causes $1000 damage. Now let's also say, if we let insuranc
e pay for it, and our insurance rate goes up by $300 next year.
Most insurance companies only checks driving record upto 3 years anyway, so st
arting from the 4th year, we are as good as having no accident on record.
So, pay $1000 now? or pay $300/year for 3 years? Needless to see, the 2nd opti
on is better.
Another thing to cons
al burden.
Say if an accident causes $1000 damage. Now let's also say, if we let insuranc
e pay for it, and our insurance rate goes up by $300 next year.
Most insurance companies only checks driving record upto 3 years anyway, so st
arting from the 4th year, we are as good as having no accident on record.
So, pay $1000 now? or pay $300/year for 3 years? Needless to see, the 2nd opti
on is better.
Another thing to cons