Cockpit Voice Recorder Legislation Opposed By CAPA# Aviation - 航空航天
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March 10, 2010. The Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations (CAPA) which
represents over 28,000 pilots, strongly opposes legislation introduced by
Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) (S.3048) to allow the use of Cockpit Voice
Recorders (CVR's) as a means of punishing airline pilots found to be
violating sterile cockpit and other established procedures while flying.
Sen. DeMints' language would turn back the clock on every safety improvement
the industry has attained in the last fifteen years of volunt
represents over 28,000 pilots, strongly opposes legislation introduced by
Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) (S.3048) to allow the use of Cockpit Voice
Recorders (CVR's) as a means of punishing airline pilots found to be
violating sterile cockpit and other established procedures while flying.
Sen. DeMints' language would turn back the clock on every safety improvement
the industry has attained in the last fifteen years of volunt