为什么LPS会使体温降低?# Biology - 生物学
最近正在换工作, 工作时间够年限了, 想换工作时争取高一级的title, 不过新公司不
太情愿, 说公司有policy不能招人时升职, 不过我觉得是借口, 很多其他公司都是进公
司时容易升, 进去以后就不容易了. 怎么跟新公司说呢?
Hardcore Hardware: We stuffed this PC with 128GB of cutting-edge DDR4 RAM
The 64GB barrier in system memory is now broken by DDR4 RAM in Intel’s
Haswell-E. Watch us tear down that wall.
Gordon Mah UngGordon Mah Ung |
Executive Editor, PCWorld
Jun 23, 2015 3:30 AMe-mailprint
Humans like to celebrate barriers being broken. The speed of sound. The
first 1GHz processor, or 1TB hard drive.
So get ready to pop the California sparkling wine, because we just smashed
right through the 64GB system RAM barrier.
That barrier, if you didn’t know, has vexed consumer computing for years
now. Mainstream desktop PCs have all featured four slots for a maximum of
32GB of DDR3 RAM. At the high-end, prosumer PCs doubled that to eight slots
for a maximum of 64GB DDR3.
With the move last year to DDR4 RAM in Intel’s Haswell-E, we were promised
we’d finally break the 64GB mark. That time has come.
Last month both Corsair and Kingston announced 128GB memory kits using 16GB
DDR4 memory modules. We had to try one out.
corsair128gb 3 GORDON MAH UNG
Here’s what 128GB of DDR4 looks like.
What made this possible
If you’re wondering why we’ve been locked in at 64GB for so long, it’s
mostly due to the technology and process changes. DDR3 modules topped out at
8GB, in what’s typically called an unbuffered DIMM. You could actually get
higher-capacity modules in DDR3, but they were only in registered or
buffered DIMM. These memory modules are meant for servers or workstations,
which typically cost an arm and a leg and run at much slower speeds, because
they sacrifice density for reliability.
The move to DDR4 last year with Intel’s Haswell-E CPU also promised higher-
density chips. While DDR3 maxed out at 8GB, DDR4 now maxes out at 16GB per
corsair128gb 4GORDON MAH UNG
One of the first 128GB DDR4 kits out is Corsair’s Dominator Platinum that’
ll set you back $1,980.
Corsair Dominator Platinum
To break the barrier, we reached out to Corsair for its 128GB kit. The
company actually has three speeds: DDR4/2800, DDR4/2666 and DDR4/2400 at the
Platinum level. The kit we used was the DDR4/2400 and is comprised of eight
16GB modules. It comes in a matched set with two heatsink fans. The module
’s not cheap: The fastest DDR4/2800 set is $2,120, while the two lower-
speed kits are $1,980. In true computer tradition though, prices have
already begun to fall. Corsair has since released its Vengeance LPX line at
the same density and speed for $1,600.
asus x99 deluxe u3.1ASUS
We needed a beta BIOS for the Asus X99 Deluxe U3.1 to get the 128GB of RAM
working in our system
What you need
Not everyone can get to 128GB of RAM. Obviously you need eight memory slots.
You’ll also need a CPU that supports DDR4, but you don’t need a $1,000
Xeon or Core i7-5960X CPU. For this particular test I used Intel’s cheapest
Haswell-E CPU, a Core i7-5820K. The final ingredient that you’ll need is a
motherboard whose BIOS supports 128GB of RAM.
When I first plugged the 128GB of RAM into our Asus X99 Deluxe/U3.1 board
and threw the switch, it wouldn’t boot. Only after obtaining a beta BIOS
from Asus would the board POST. The good news is, I’m told by Asus that it
expects to roll out support across its X99 board lineup as we speak. I
expect other motherboards to support 128GB of RAM, too, as the modules
become more common.
Once I updated the board to the latest BIOS, all went as expected without
any hitches. The OS I used on our PC was Windows 8.1 Enterprise. If you
still don’t believe I got the bottom-feeder Core i7-5820K to work with
128GB of RAM, here’s proof.
Uhh, now what?
I’ll admit, I was giddy firing up a PC with 128GB of RAM in it, but once I
was booted I experienced a “now what” moment of doubt. Few people need
more than 16GB of RAM, and some can even get by with 8. Outside of the 1-
percenters who may need 64GB of RAM for extreme photoshop, virtualization or
multi-tasking, it’s just not needed.
To make use of this glorious amount of hardware, I settled on creating one
massive RAM disk. RAM disks use your system’s RAM to simulate a storage “
disk.” They’ve been around for years but typically are far smaller due to
the constraints of memory. Not everyone needs a RAM disk, but if you need
access to temporary storage that puts even the most powerful SSDs to shame,
a RAM disk is the way to do it.
SSDs: Tremble before the performance of my 100GB RAM disk!
I fired up Softperfect RAM disk and dialed in a 100GB RAM disk. Here’s what
’s so great about the RAM I had: Even with a 100GB RAM disk, I had 28GB or
so of memory left to work with.
To find out just how fast this RAM disk could be, I ran Crystal Disk Mark.
As you can see, the performance puts any SSD to shame. The mighty Intel 750-
series SSD, for example, has a sequential read speed of maybe 2.7GBps. The
RAM disk was hitting 8.7GBps.
RAM disks have one pretty big downside: if there’s a sudden power outage or
serious BSOD, kiss goodbye anything you had in the RAM disk that wasn’t
previously saved. It’s gone baby, gone.
corsair128gb 5 GORDON MAH UNG
128GB of DDR4 RAM isn’t for everyone but believe it or not, one day it’ll
be the norm.
It’s obvious I’m reaching for use cases for this much RAM, but there are
people out there who legitimately need this capacity. It’s just not for 99
percent of us. What this really is about, though, is finally breaking
through the 64GB barrier.
Yes, 128GB of system RAM seems silly, but if you dial back the clock, people
used to say that about 16MB of RAM and 1GB of RAM. One day, I can say with
confidence, we’ll look back and laugh how silly we were to be in awe of
128GB of RAM—when we’re all running 1TB and counting.

【在 s****l 的大作中提到】
: 最近正在换工作, 工作时间够年限了, 想换工作时争取高一级的title, 不过新公司不
: 太情愿, 说公司有policy不能招人时升职, 不过我觉得是借口, 很多其他公司都是进公
: 司时容易升, 进去以后就不容易了. 怎么跟新公司说呢?

Toxins may affect the brain temperature regulation function.

【在 s****l 的大作中提到】
: 最近正在换工作, 工作时间够年限了, 想换工作时争取高一级的title, 不过新公司不
: 太情愿, 说公司有policy不能招人时升职, 不过我觉得是借口, 很多其他公司都是进公
: 司时容易升, 进去以后就不容易了. 怎么跟新公司说呢?

Theoretically, LPS should induce cytokine storm, including TNF-a and IL-6,
through direct stimulation of PRRs. TFNa, IL-6 and other innate cytokines
lead to increased body temperature by directly stimulating hypothalamus temp
control system.
It seems to me that a septic shock happened in your model. It is pretty much
what happened to human during severe bacteria infection, especially
High dose of LPS leads to septic shock, which lowers blood pressure and
blood temperature (can be very low), followed by multiple organ dysfunction
syndrome. You can take it as one of the death-approaching signs.
All my guess.
I think it is the $$ that matters not the title. If you start with a lower title
with high $$, you have a good argument SOON to your boss if you would have a good
performance - ask for a promotion ("low title") by then and you could possible get
another promotion on both title and - higher $$$.
Staying on at lower title may not necessarilly a bad thing - depending on
you care more for $ or title.

【在 s****l 的大作中提到】
: 最近正在换工作, 工作时间够年限了, 想换工作时争取高一级的title, 不过新公司不
: 太情愿, 说公司有policy不能招人时升职, 不过我觉得是借口, 很多其他公司都是进公
: 司时容易升, 进去以后就不容易了. 怎么跟新公司说呢?

Raryyang is correct... Typical septic shock will lead to thermopenia...

a good
possible get

【在 Y***o 的大作中提到】
: I think it is the $$ that matters not the title. If you start with a lower title
: with high $$, you have a good argument SOON to your boss if you would have a good
: performance - ask for a promotion ("low title") by then and you could possible get
: another promotion on both title and - higher $$$.
: Staying on at lower title may not necessarilly a bad thing - depending on
: you care more for $ or title.

in recent Maters aring paper.
RIP3 KO can prevent LPS induced low body temperature.


【在 r******g 的大作中提到】
: Theoretically, LPS should induce cytokine storm, including TNF-a and IL-6,
: through direct stimulation of PRRs. TFNa, IL-6 and other innate cytokines
: lead to increased body temperature by directly stimulating hypothalamus temp
: control system.
: It seems to me that a septic shock happened in your model. It is pretty much
: what happened to human during severe bacteria infection, especially
: bacteremia.
: High dose of LPS leads to septic shock, which lowers blood pressure and
: blood temperature (can be very low), followed by multiple organ dysfunction
: syndrome. You can take it as one of the death-approaching signs.


【在 s****l 的大作中提到】
: 钱上不容易定量,因为除了基本工资还有奖金,变动大;title搞定了对将来影响大,
: 一等就是一年呀
: title
: a good
: possible get

I think the position is a fixed title, not "不能招人时升职". if he wants to
give you a higher title, he needs to apply a new quota or new job position

【在 s****l 的大作中提到】
: 最近正在换工作, 工作时间够年限了, 想换工作时争取高一级的title, 不过新公司不
: 太情愿, 说公司有policy不能招人时升职, 不过我觉得是借口, 很多其他公司都是进公
: 司时容易升, 进去以后就不容易了. 怎么跟新公司说呢?
